So, can you be too pretty for other girls, sooo pretty that they want to vote you out of whatever social game you're playing? Is that what happened to poor, pretty (and she really was a beautiful girl) Cassi? Because she's outta da Big Brother house, tonight... Cassi got da boot! Peas scoot, yer oot. ("You're out", in Scottish! lol!) I liked Cassi, but Cara, my lovely daughter, watched a lot more of the Big Brother After Dark on Showtime than I did, and she said Cassi was pretty bitchy, so not exactly the same kind of pretty I thought she was... but girls really can get pretty mean with each other, when certain jealosies arise. I don't really get that, since personalities become so readily apparent,and I would much rather remove some I didn't like over anyone I thought was pretty... it's fun to look at pretty people! lol! But this season, almost everyone is pretty nice... not a whole lot of drama going on, except with Rachel.
Oh, hey, has anyone else noticed how Rachel is really 'dressing down', this year? What happened to Vegas Rachel?? Where did she go?? Where are all of Vegas Rachel's cute little sparkly outfits? Is Brendon making her dress down? Ugh, hope not. I hate that kind of stuff, when a guy meets a girl who likes to dress provacatively, starts a relationship with her, then wants her to dress like a school marm (okay, you got me, yeeees, that has happened to me... but I needs to wear me mini skirts! hahahaha! My legs get too hot! I canny help it.... so those guys get kicked to da curb... I'll wear whatever I want... lol!) I hope Rachel stands up for herself, too. She used to -- that was what was so great about her in Big Brother 12... she was loud, and funny, and outspoken, and falling madly for Brendon... now that was fun to watch. Where's the Showmance of the season?? That's what I'm tuning in for, for Goodness Sake. I'm just that shallow... and I'll happily take a showmance break-up, too.... anything to liven up the Big Brother house, this summer.... Okay, I've gotta go read the rest of my Bob Dole book I happened to find in the library at our condo complex, the other day... it's really funny. I always liked Bob Dole, and now I'm enjoying reading his book, Great Political Wit... all sorts of wee stories from American politicians through the years.... and I am a real fan of Lincoln, and there are a surprising number of stories about Lincoln, so I really like that! Okay, I gotsta bounce :) Love and Luck, Ailsa xox
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Friday, July 22, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
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Big Brother 13: Week 2...uh, when is the party gonna start?? Maybe they need more Tequilla! lol!
Hey, what's going on with Big Brother?? First, Evil Dick disappears, fairly early on, but I couldn't write about it, because we saw it on Showtime's Big Brother After Dark, and Big Brother 13 didn't even mention it the other night...they merely alluded that someone might have left the Big Brother house... ugh. Annoying. And tonight they had a very pleasant message from Evil Dick, where he looked very calm and relaxed for someone who has just heard about a major personal situation so serious that it removed him from the game.... and then his daughter, Danielle, who really can't stand the guy, was pressured into saying how much she loved her dad (really, why did Julie Chan push the whole 'don't you love your dad' crap, when, clearly, there's no love lost between those two.... and for the record, there are lots of crap dads out there....).
I'm watching Big Brother 13, of course, because I want to see what kind of drama unfolds, but I don't like the whole 'couple up' thing. The couples are annoying. I like every man for himself... makes for better TV. And what is the deal with Rachel and Brendon? Rachel keeps wearing that 'I Love My Hubby' shirt, so are Rachel and Brendon already married? I hope not. He doesn't treat her well, all upset about being called 'bookie'. Bookie. Short for someone who loves to read books?? hahahaha! Stupi would be a better nickname, but, this season, I really don't like Brendon. Not yet, anyway.
What I WOULD like to see on Big Brother 13 'coupledom' is a giant switch-up. I'd like to know whether Jeff and Jordan are really a couple, since I think Rachel would be better off with Jeff, but it kinda looks like Jeff is checkin' Cassi out when no one else is looking -- except for the ever-watchful Big Brother cameras! lol! Ah, what can I say, I'm a little troublemaker, tonight. Canny help meself. I'm trying to make the Big Brother house a whoooole lot more interesting.
Dominic seems like a humorless little sod, so I canny be bothered with him, at all (and sexless, unless he figures out which sex he is most attracted to during the course of the Big Brother tapings.... ), Shelly and Adam are both nice enough, and have studied the Big Brother game, and I figure, if you're gonna devote a chunk of your time to making some money, say, $500,000, you should do a little studying in advance, right? Seems like a wise idea... and Porsche's stories are hilarious, in that she seems to pour her heart out, and no one appears to take any note... and she doesn't appear to notice that, sooooo, another stupi??
Well, that's Keith out, tonight. See ya', Keith. He was nice to look at, but you can't be a player in the Big Brother house... that is not okay. I'm sure we've all known these guys, who flirt with every single girl in the workplace, until everyone's onto them.... ugh. The Big Brother house is just like a workplace... you go in to make some money, might end up with a few good friends, maybe a new spouse... one never knows! lol! But you've always gotta be mindful of your social game...
So now Porsche and Danielle both have a Golden Key... hmmm. I dunno, that seems like a pretty easy ride for Danielle... wonder why that happened? Good that Jordan won the HOH for the week.... Jeff and Jordan, really. I happen to love miniature golf, so I wouldda loooved that challenge :) I think I'd like to own my own mini-golf place.... maybe with a little cafe, so I could serve people all sorts of wee cakes and pies, and whatnot.... just a wee dream of mine (yep, I have a lot of dreams, and one day, hopefully, at least a few of those dreams will come true! )
I like Lewon a lot. He seems like a cheery guy. Kalia looks like she's moved over to the Veteran's side, along with Shelly and Porsche. Adam likes the Veterans, but is still playing with the Newbies..... it's funny when you watch Showtime's Big Brother After Dark, because you wait to see what exactly they're gonna air in the regular Big Brother show.... wonder if we will see any break in the current 'couples', make Big Brother a full-on Summer Drama! hahaha! I would looove that! Okay, go on and have fun with your own summer drama -- I hope it's a good one! lol! Ailsa xox (My main site :)
I'm watching Big Brother 13, of course, because I want to see what kind of drama unfolds, but I don't like the whole 'couple up' thing. The couples are annoying. I like every man for himself... makes for better TV. And what is the deal with Rachel and Brendon? Rachel keeps wearing that 'I Love My Hubby' shirt, so are Rachel and Brendon already married? I hope not. He doesn't treat her well, all upset about being called 'bookie'. Bookie. Short for someone who loves to read books?? hahahaha! Stupi would be a better nickname, but, this season, I really don't like Brendon. Not yet, anyway.
What I WOULD like to see on Big Brother 13 'coupledom' is a giant switch-up. I'd like to know whether Jeff and Jordan are really a couple, since I think Rachel would be better off with Jeff, but it kinda looks like Jeff is checkin' Cassi out when no one else is looking -- except for the ever-watchful Big Brother cameras! lol! Ah, what can I say, I'm a little troublemaker, tonight. Canny help meself. I'm trying to make the Big Brother house a whoooole lot more interesting.
Dominic seems like a humorless little sod, so I canny be bothered with him, at all (and sexless, unless he figures out which sex he is most attracted to during the course of the Big Brother tapings.... ), Shelly and Adam are both nice enough, and have studied the Big Brother game, and I figure, if you're gonna devote a chunk of your time to making some money, say, $500,000, you should do a little studying in advance, right? Seems like a wise idea... and Porsche's stories are hilarious, in that she seems to pour her heart out, and no one appears to take any note... and she doesn't appear to notice that, sooooo, another stupi??
Well, that's Keith out, tonight. See ya', Keith. He was nice to look at, but you can't be a player in the Big Brother house... that is not okay. I'm sure we've all known these guys, who flirt with every single girl in the workplace, until everyone's onto them.... ugh. The Big Brother house is just like a workplace... you go in to make some money, might end up with a few good friends, maybe a new spouse... one never knows! lol! But you've always gotta be mindful of your social game...
So now Porsche and Danielle both have a Golden Key... hmmm. I dunno, that seems like a pretty easy ride for Danielle... wonder why that happened? Good that Jordan won the HOH for the week.... Jeff and Jordan, really. I happen to love miniature golf, so I wouldda loooved that challenge :) I think I'd like to own my own mini-golf place.... maybe with a little cafe, so I could serve people all sorts of wee cakes and pies, and whatnot.... just a wee dream of mine (yep, I have a lot of dreams, and one day, hopefully, at least a few of those dreams will come true! )
I like Lewon a lot. He seems like a cheery guy. Kalia looks like she's moved over to the Veteran's side, along with Shelly and Porsche. Adam likes the Veterans, but is still playing with the Newbies..... it's funny when you watch Showtime's Big Brother After Dark, because you wait to see what exactly they're gonna air in the regular Big Brother show.... wonder if we will see any break in the current 'couples', make Big Brother a full-on Summer Drama! hahaha! I would looove that! Okay, go on and have fun with your own summer drama -- I hope it's a good one! lol! Ailsa xox (My main site :)
Saturday, July 9, 2011
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Aah, money. It's a wonderful thing. Money can make your life easy, and the lack of money can make your life incredibly difficult, so it's essential that we all find the money we want to live our lives. Are you with me?? haha! Of course you are! Who wouldn't be?? (Socialists, maybe, but I used to be a little Socialist, and look at me, I've changed... and for the better! Now I'm a little Capitalist, but a really nice!)
You know, sometimes it's just good to be able to talk to somebody who really understands, and who can help you to sort it all out, get you on the path to where you really want to be, right?
Don't worry that you'll get soo much money that you'll change. You won't change your basic personality, you'll just have a much easier time paying the bills, whatever they may be. And you can choose any lifestyle that suits you, too. If you love champagne (uh, clearly I do, since I've put that picture up of me doing a Champagne Cheers with you -- that's a Cheers to Your Success! Do you love it?? The champagne, I mean? Also, your future success?? haha!) But you would be surprised at how many people fear money, and there's no reason for this, at all. Hoping for, and working toward, a higher salary, better wages, higher profits from your own business.... these are wonderful things, and they're very good for you. And very good for your family, too.
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It's very comforting to always have a little nest egg to fall back on. When I first left my marriage (okay, second marriage! lol!), I thought of that 'nest egg' money as my 'F U account'. Yep. I said it. An F U account. So if things went terribly wrong, or I'd had it with the new job, or the new people, or anything at all that made me want to quit or change my location, move away from it all, there as the money, safely tucked away in my FU account. I don't think they call it an FU account at the bank... I think they prefer the term 'Money Market Account'! They used to call it a CD Account, but God Knows, CD Accounts have made next to nothing in Interest, these past couple of years (boooo! I used to looove making money on the money in the bank... those days are long gone, or at least, they will be until the economy turns around, so I just keep my nest egg safe in a Money Market Account, since it's easy to remove the money without a penalty, when I am finally able to move, when my house sells...)

Which brings me to Real Estate. I love Real Estate, and firmly believe in buying property whenever you can.
We need a much better system to allow a lot more people to actually buy their own home - right now, it's next to impossible, especially if there is a requirement by the banks to put 20% Down, AND have an income where only 30% of your income goes to your housing expenses - for the vast majority of people, now, your rent or mortgage (and ludicrously high HOA Fees), that percentage is easily 50% or higher - too often, your housing prices take up most of your budget - that's just the truth, right now, and has been, for at least the last 10 to 15 years...
#AndrewYang, in America, has an excellent plan to help every single household - $1,000 Dollars a month, unconditional money, it's called UBI, Universal Basic Income, and it would lift that horrible financial burden off so many people.
@AndrewYang If you're on Twitter, and I hope you are, since Twitter is one of the very few Social Media platforms with a level of freedom, still...
And Follow me, too, on Twitter - lol! @AilsaForshaw : )
But with the extra $1,000 Dollars a Month, for each adult over 18 (citizen, of course)(not sure if this includes legal immigrants, but it should...), that's often $2,000 Dollars a month, extra, to pay your rent, pay your mortgage, qualify for a mortgage - see where I'm going with this?
This one simple idea could pull everyone up, so we can all live easier, happier, healthier, lives! Amazing!
And that is why I love Andrew Yang, baby!
For you, though, if you are a renter, and thinking about buying a house, this is an incredible time to buy. It's a terrible time for Sellers, but that's what makes it a great time for Buyers. And it's not just because of the Foreclosures, either. The cold hard reality of the housing market with all these Foreclosures, is that the people who are selling their homes for the regular reasons (move for work, like it better in another city, whatever the case may be.... ), they are now in the same housing market as the Foreclosures. The Foreclosure properties have prices that are far, far below the normal price of the homes in the area, so that drags ALL of the housing prices down. So the bottom line is, if you are thinking about purchasing a property, now it the time to do it. and if you are thinking about selling your property, but you don't absolutely have to, hold on for a little while longer. These Foreclosure properties will eventually sell off, and prices will stabilize (I think...), but it might be a while, yet, before that happens. And Mortgage Rates are pretty low, right now, so this is the time to get in on the action of the housing market.

Speaking of Mortgages, and how low the Mortgage Rates can be, these days, it's a good time to mention your Credit Rating, or your Credit Score. When I moved down to California from Canada, I had an excellent Credit Rating in Canada. Little did I know that when you cross the border (probably any border!), you lose your entire Credit Rating. So when I first arrived in America, I had a Credit Score of 0. That's right. ZERO. So that wasn't very good! lol! I was very fortunate to have a really, really good Bank Manager, and she set me up with an American Credit Card, from my Credit Union, and she told me how to build my Credit Score, so I could develop an excellent Credit Score in the US, too.
The first thing she told me to do was to use the credit card (which I was not in the habit of doing... I prefer to use my debit card, or cash - or, I used to - now I only use credit cards, because my Points are fantastic, and actually work - yahoo!), but in America, it's all about your Credit Card. No wonder there's a national debt crisis, when having and regularly using a credit card is a major source of information for you to develop a higher Credit Score (or FICO Score). Anyway, the first thing she told me to do was to use my new American Credit Card every month, and then pay it off at the end of every month. Easy to do. I set up the account on Autopay, so I would never forget a payment, and started to use the credit card for small payments. Since I got the card with a 1% Cash Back deal, I began to use this credit card for basic monthly payments, like the Cable Bill and my Phone Bill... all worked out very nicely, and I get a nice refund every June, so it's all good!
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Next, I was advised to open a Department Store Credit Card. I opened a Kohl's Card, because I really like Kohl's. They're nice in there. And I could pay online, which is easy, and there is no charge for paying your bill. I was very surprised (and pretty annoyed), when I first discovered that some companies actually charge you to pay over the phone, and many won't allow you to pay in person. Those are terrible company policies, and I hope the consumer helps to put a stop to this....
Definitely take advantage of Points Deals - they're great, and you can earn points very quickly, so it's for sures worth using : )

The next biggest thing is to make sure you pay all your regular monthly bills on time. You know, the water, the electricity, Cable, phone.. whatever you use, be sure to pay each month, on time. If you can, set as many of your regular bills up on auto-pay through your bank, that way, you'll never 'forget' a payment.
Switching up your phone can really help with lowering your monthly bills...
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Is there any chance you're not using your cell phone as much as you used to, or you have cut back on it, enough, to go with a GoPhone? Did you know that in the States, you can easily get your phone unlocked by your phone company - I would imagine, when you contract is up, and you're already going month-to-month. You can set it up to have a monthly payment, so no worries about it cutting out... (Not so in Canada, with their stooopido laws, where the gov't is happy to support unscrupoulous business practices... but more on that, later - lol!) Save with a GoPhone SIM card No annual contract. Easy activation. 4G LTE speeds.
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Okay, those are some good choices for you to consider, if it's time for that - is hard to make the switch to a new cell phone, but it could, literally, save you over a thousand dollars a year - shocking, how much we all spend on cell phones, now, without even thinking about it.
Organize your Paperwork... all your bills, any important papers related to money, anything you might need for your taxes.... (oh, and there is some current advice to take extra deductions on your taxes, so you can have a higher paycheck throughout the year, instead of getting a tax refund check back at the end of the fiscal year... no, no, no. Don't do it. It's more fun to get a big check at the end of the year -- really, this is mostly in America... I don't ever remember getting a Tax Rebate in Canada! hahaha! All the Canadians will be laughing, or sobbing! hahaha!).
Get one of those accordian-looking folders -- you can find them in the Stationary Department of most stores, like Target, or Walmart, and you will definitely find them at Staples or Office Depot. VERY handy to have, and just file the paperwork according to the month, as the paperwork comes in. You never know when you might want to check on something, and then it'll be much easier if the paperwork is right at your fingertips. For real! This one little tip really changed my life. You wouldn't think it would be such a big deal, but it is, and you should be able to use the same accordian file folder for years... just empty out the previous year, and save it at the very back of the file folder. Voila! Now you're organized!! Yippee! Let the money roll in!
My Bank Manager had also suggested that I get a car loan, and make sure to pay that off each month, too, but I owned my car outright, because I would never, ever, buy a brand new car, straight off the Lot.... I like to buy a car that's at least a year old, low mileage, great condition... I really like to buy the vehicles that someone has traded in, a person who feels a real need to have a brand new car every year... yippee for them, because they always have great taste, and you'll score a great deal on a beautiful car! Anyway, so I skipped this step. But there are great deals out there at Car Dealerships, right now, many with a 0% Down, and very low interest rates... it pays to shop around, but some of these deals would even make someone like me think twice about buying new off a car lot... the bottom line in buying a car, is buy what you like, make sure you can afford the monthly payments, and make sure you shop around for Car Insurance, too, since those rates can really vary, too. And then find a good gas station with low prices! lol!

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Sometimes you need to keep your money relatively 'liquid', to have your money available when you might need it, so that's when a short term CD or GIC (If you're in Canada) is a good idea... usually, the longer you put your money in a CD for, the more money you'll make on it, so it's just a matter of, what are you comfortable with - not the Banker - this is entirely your decision - don't feel any pressure from anyone else, when you are making your own financial decisions (and, hopefully, any other decisions in your life - lol!) (Be Free, my lovely little friend, Be Free!!)(And Happy!!) : )
Okay, well, that was a long way for a short cut! lol! The whole reason you need an excellent Credit Score, is because the higher your Credit Score, the lower your Interest will be for everything. so if you have a low credit score, your Mortgage Rate can be right up there, at 6% and much higher, but right now, they have some excellent mortgage rates in the 3.5% if you have a high credit score. So it pays to pay on time! haha! That's the irony... when you have enough money to pay all your bills on time, month after month, year after year, your credit score will go up, so of course you need to make sure you find a way to make enough money to cover all your bills, every single month. Easier said than done?? lol!
The biggest keys to managing your money carefully, is to always make sure you Live Within Your Means. This isn't a bad thing -- far from it. You might think you'll be sooo happy in a giant dee-luxe apartment, in the sky, but, if it makes you feel broke every month, you'll hate it. Much better to live in a nice apartment, closer to the street, or in a different neighborhood, pay a reasonable amount you can easily and readily afford every month, and you're much happier. You can get the fancy place when you've made your giant pile o' money that's out there waiting for you, with your name right on it.
Now, what do I do to bring more money into my life? Well, you might laugh, but I'm very superstitious, so I firmly believe in luck and all sorts of lucky charms. No kidding. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one! lol! Today I not only 'rubbed the Money Frog twice (because every time I rub the Money Frog, a check comes my way, so who cares if there's any scientific proof behind rubbing the Money Frog, I just want to keep getting checks, and the more the merrier... also, the bigger, the better! haha!). Also, I wear my 'lucky jewelry'.... a four leaf clover necklace, sometimes a jade necklace... whatever item I feel brings me more luck! I can't help it... these little things really do make me feel lucky, and then more money comes into my life. It might just be a matter of 'think and it's yours', or 'believe you're rich and you will be showered in money'.... these are great thoughts, so why not try them?
I also pray a lot. And I mean, a lot! These days, I have been praying to St. Joseph, because they say that St. Joseph can help you with the sale of your home. (Fingers Crossed!) But did you know that St. Joseph can help you with your finances, too? Yep. Pray to St. Joseph for your spiritual and temporal welfare. He will come through for you, and you will feel better instantly, knowing you have St. Joseph on your side. Really, it doesn't matter to me what anyone might think of these things... I say, if they work for you, go ahead and do them. Wear your lucky medallion, carry your four-leaf clovers, light a candle to St. Joseph, and say your prayers, share your thoughts with the Universe. Do whatever it takes to have a positive attitude toward money, and think of money flowing into your life.
Always respect your money. Take care of it. Keep it neatly in your wallet, in the correct order. Respect your money, take care of it, watch it grow.
Getting a great job is always a good way to make money, but going to College or University isn't the only path to success. Of course, a good education is always wonderful, but it's not for everyone. I have a serious pet peeve with the school system in America, these days, where they say, 'every child has to go to college'. Well, no they don't. What an elitist thing to say.
Not everyone has the MONEY to go to college. To me, this new 'platform', where all children have to go to college, reeks of in inside position, where the colleges need the students, because they make a ton of money for the colleges. (Shoutout to #BernieSanders - Affordable or Free Post-Secondary Education is a fantastic idea! I hope it happens!)
Education is Big Business, make no mistake about it. But whatever happened to having Industrial Arts Classes for any student who wanted to learn the Trades? I am a House Builder, as well as a Teacher, and it infuriates me that this new elitist group says all jobs must be 'professional', or they're not worthy enough. What a load of BS. Students used to leave high school with enough of a background in a chosen Trade (machine shop, wood shop, welding, cooking, beauty classes, etc., etc.), so they could actually graduate from high school and go straight into the working world. That should be an option for everyone. I think this new focus on Algebra, as if that's going to change the future, magically, has taken over for some true, practical education. And Math can be practical, too.
I'd love to see a study of what math classes were offered, and what math was actually covered in the curriculum, throughout the decades, and see how much it has changed over the years. Why do we have so many students in Middle School and High School, particularly here in Los Angeles, with phenomenally low math scores? How is that possible? How much has the math curriculum changed, I'd love to know. And not a study by the school districts, either... God Knows they can't be trusted.... they'll put whatever spin on it they want to, to further their own purposes... but I digress.... the important thing is that Basic Money Management, and How to Make Money, should be classes offered in every High School. That would go much further in the education of our children, in terms of helping them with their real lives when they leave school. To know How to Get a Job, How to Keep a Job, How to Get Another Job, How to Manage Your Money, and How to Not Go Into Debt.... these are the critical things kids need to know.
Is there a way for you to earn extra money at your current job? Maybe pick up extra hours, or do special projects? Can you take any classes that would increase your income? Ask around at work, especially people who have been in your workplace for a long time... they often have an inside track, and that can be very helpful to you. Plus, you can learn a lot from people who know their way around your company. :) If you cannot think of a way where you can make more money at your current job, it's time to start looking further afield. Sometimes, look in another city, State, or even another country. Be an immigrant like me!! haha! The only downside is being booted out the country, just when you're really starting to put down rooots (but, really, that's more my story!! lol! sob, sob!) Make sure you have the qualifications for whatever job it is that your heart desires, or whatever job it is that you would like to have, for whatever fancy reasons you have for wanting that job! Did you know Backhoe Operators make a fortune? Well, they do, so look at ALL the jobs, see what might look good to you :)
Oh, and let's not forget how having a successful relationship can seriously add to your income, and I mean that in a GOOD way! lol! If you meet someone special, and they happen to have a good income, too, and then you either move in together or get married (getting married is the only way to really share your money... I would be pretty reluctant to share my money with a man who didn't want to marry me, but that's just me, I'm a marrying-girl! I looove being married (except for when the marriage is hoooorible, then I looove being Single! But that's another story... stories...! lol!). I always think to myself: Get Married, Double Your Income! Get a 100% raise.... depends on who you marry!! hahaha!) But even if you're living together, you're sharing the living expenses, and that's a good thing, too, right?
So, to start bringing more money into your life, watch what goes out.... start really keeping an eye on what you spend your money on. Is it coffee? Soda? Cigarettes? Lottery Tickets? Gambling? (Okay, well, that's a little bit, me, but only when I go to Vegas! lol!) Food? Shoes? Clothing? Jewelry? (Hmmm... I think I'm guilty of all of those things, except for the smoking! lol!) Think of ways you can cut back, little things you can change to keep more of your money for yourself, less going out the door.... it's often the little things that add up. (Except for me, right now, when I'm losing a giant amount on this property, but I believe I will make that money up when I start me New Life... in Canada!).
Starting your own business is a great way to make money. Can you sell something people want to buy? Think of all the things you buy on a regular basis, and stuff you buy for yourself or for the people you love, every so often.... could you sell anything that people regularly buy? Think about this a lot. Always keep your mind moving with ideas of how you could make money, and I guarantee you, the ideas will come into your mind. The key is to make good on your ideas. Think about it. Write it down. Visualize it. Figure out a way to start small. No need to race ahead into anything, in a big hurry. Just plant a seed, watch it'll be wealthy in no time! Good Luck!! Let's All Share the Wealth! Get a little slice of that Internet Pie! Go find that pile o' cash that's out there waiting for you, and lay your claim to it! Then do something good for someone to Pay It Forward... that's always a nice thing to do! Get your rake out, start rakin' in all that dough!! To More Money in Your Life! Cheers! Ailsa xox
In case YOU want to Rub the Money Frog every day, too!! Sometimes twice a day! lol! Ailsa xox
And, Great Deals Every Day - I find them for you, and post them, Baby!
Save You' Money! : )

Thursday, July 7, 2011
Big Brother 13 -- Rachel and Brendon Are Back!
Big Brother is Back! Yahooo!! We love the drama that is Big Brother! Soo, who are the people playing the Big Brother 13 game, this summer?? Rachel and Brendon are back, part of the new 'Dynamic Duo' deal, for one of the fancy twists in the Big Brother 13 Game.... Rachel was our favourite, last year, in Big Brother 12, but I've gotta say, I did not expect their relationship to last (if indeed it has... oh, TV, how you can play little games with us... lol!). Did you think that was a real engagement ring? Wouldn't the tabloids, or someone, have reported their engagement over this past year? They're celebrity Big Brother people, yo. Will be fun to see, since they let the whole world see everything they're thinking, feeling, doing, saying.... and I loves me an open book! haha!
So the other Big Brother 'couples' from the past are Jeff and Jordan, and the father/daughter duo, Dick and Danielle. Or should I say, Evil Dick?? haha! (Hard for me not to put another wee joke in there, but I'm sure you're thinking it, to, soooo..... what's the point in us both being in the gutter?? hahaha!). And why was Dick (Evil Dick... okay, you got me, I just like saying that...!) the only one to go upstairs? Hmmm.
The rest of the players are a bit of a disappointment, for the single girls in the audience... what, no hotties auditioned? Yick. No one to really attach yourself to, if you know what I mean.... I did get a big kick out of Shelly's unbelieveably low-pitched voice... does she have the manliest voice in the whole Big Brother 13 house? lol! Ruh-roh. And Kalia seems pretty annoyed by Rachel's big breasts, which is a teensy bit hilarious, given that her 'puppies', as Keith so lovingly called them, were just holdin' on by a thread in her own top.... funny what irks one girl against another, so-to-speak ;) And I laughed when Keith took careful note of Kalia's 'puppies', to the camera, then immediately chose Porsche, who already had told us she's had plastic surgery..... so that's how you get on TV! Who knew?? lol!
I love the 25 year old virgin... didn't they make a movie about him?? That's too funny, and Dominic lives with his mom. Who can see these things coming?? haha! Cassi is a very pretty girl, but I can't see what other kind of romantic hookups we're gonna see, this summer, other than the obvious ones... not a lot of choices in the Big Brother house... booo! We loev a budding romance! Or a break-up... whatever... they both make for great Reality TV! So then Lewon... well, I like his personality, and he's from just up the road from where I live... he's from Inglewood, California, and I've spent a lot of time at some great dance clubs in Inglewood... at least he looks like he has a good sense of humor, and some personality.... perhaps a little more personality than Porsche, who hopes to keep her real identity as a VIP Cocktail Waitress a secret, since she doesn't want people to think she is already living the life of Reilly.... no. Wait. She won't know who Reilly is... the easy life. Yup, that's better... oh, Porsche, maybe she's hiding her intelligence, too, and we'll get a better look at her brain, can't show people all your assets all at once, just wear something lowcut, start with the obvious talents, go from there... haha!
That leaves us Adam (hmmm... nice guy, loves Apple Martinis, so that means he's good at talking to women....but looks very manly, soooo, might be around for a while...). Rachel won the very first HOH competition, hanging onto that Big Brother Banana in the sky for dear life... , so that's good that Rachel won the HOH right off the bat. I cannot stand when a player intentionally throws a game.... you know when Shelly almost immediately drops off the banana, says she didn't want to win the first HOH.... ugh. Try and win every time. If only for the treat basket!! hahaha! (I looove Treat Baskets!!)(Or better, yet, a Wine Basket
....! lol!)
It'll be interesting to see who Rachel nominates, since the person who wins will get the Big Brother Golden Key, and that will keep them safe from eviction for the first 4 weeks of the competition... that's huuuge. Okay, I've gotta (yes, I've gotta!) go watch Big Brother After Dark.... I wanna see who really likes who else... we're on the look-out for new hookups! hahaha!
So the other Big Brother 'couples' from the past are Jeff and Jordan, and the father/daughter duo, Dick and Danielle. Or should I say, Evil Dick?? haha! (Hard for me not to put another wee joke in there, but I'm sure you're thinking it, to, soooo..... what's the point in us both being in the gutter?? hahaha!). And why was Dick (Evil Dick... okay, you got me, I just like saying that...!) the only one to go upstairs? Hmmm.
The rest of the players are a bit of a disappointment, for the single girls in the audience... what, no hotties auditioned? Yick. No one to really attach yourself to, if you know what I mean.... I did get a big kick out of Shelly's unbelieveably low-pitched voice... does she have the manliest voice in the whole Big Brother 13 house? lol! Ruh-roh. And Kalia seems pretty annoyed by Rachel's big breasts, which is a teensy bit hilarious, given that her 'puppies', as Keith so lovingly called them, were just holdin' on by a thread in her own top.... funny what irks one girl against another, so-to-speak ;) And I laughed when Keith took careful note of Kalia's 'puppies', to the camera, then immediately chose Porsche, who already had told us she's had plastic surgery..... so that's how you get on TV! Who knew?? lol!
I love the 25 year old virgin... didn't they make a movie about him?? That's too funny, and Dominic lives with his mom. Who can see these things coming?? haha! Cassi is a very pretty girl, but I can't see what other kind of romantic hookups we're gonna see, this summer, other than the obvious ones... not a lot of choices in the Big Brother house... booo! We loev a budding romance! Or a break-up... whatever... they both make for great Reality TV! So then Lewon... well, I like his personality, and he's from just up the road from where I live... he's from Inglewood, California, and I've spent a lot of time at some great dance clubs in Inglewood... at least he looks like he has a good sense of humor, and some personality.... perhaps a little more personality than Porsche, who hopes to keep her real identity as a VIP Cocktail Waitress a secret, since she doesn't want people to think she is already living the life of Reilly.... no. Wait. She won't know who Reilly is... the easy life. Yup, that's better... oh, Porsche, maybe she's hiding her intelligence, too, and we'll get a better look at her brain, can't show people all your assets all at once, just wear something lowcut, start with the obvious talents, go from there... haha!
That leaves us Adam (hmmm... nice guy, loves Apple Martinis, so that means he's good at talking to women....but looks very manly, soooo, might be around for a while...). Rachel won the very first HOH competition, hanging onto that Big Brother Banana in the sky for dear life... , so that's good that Rachel won the HOH right off the bat. I cannot stand when a player intentionally throws a game.... you know when Shelly almost immediately drops off the banana, says she didn't want to win the first HOH.... ugh. Try and win every time. If only for the treat basket!! hahaha! (I looove Treat Baskets!!)(Or better, yet, a Wine Basket
It'll be interesting to see who Rachel nominates, since the person who wins will get the Big Brother Golden Key, and that will keep them safe from eviction for the first 4 weeks of the competition... that's huuuge. Okay, I've gotta (yes, I've gotta!) go watch Big Brother After Dark.... I wanna see who really likes who else... we're on the look-out for new hookups! hahaha!
#Fertility #PrinceHarry and #MeghanMarkle #Honeymoon Plans! William and Kate Spend the Night Under the Dancing Lights of the #AuroraBorealis, well known to #IncreaseFertility for couples hoping to have a baby! #Infertility

Oooh, now Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are going to Honeymoon in Jasper, Alberta, Canada - so you know what that means - they want to have a little twinkle in their eyes!
#AuroraBorealis! #Fertility, Baby!
William and Kate Spend the Night Under the Dancing Lights of the Aurora Borealis, well known for increasing fertility for couples hoping to have a baby! A future King or Queen, perhaps??
William and Kate spent the night in Northern Canada, in the Northwest Territories, in a lovely remote area near Yellowknife.... but do you know what my little theory is about why they chose to spend the night in the Northwest Territories of Northern Canada? Because then they would be under the brilliant night skies in Northern Canada, and that means... the Aurora Borealis
The Aurora Borealis in that region is known by many around the world as a very mystical place where conceiving a child is very, very likely. Couples come from all around the world, in hopes of conceiving a child under the beautiful dancing lights of the Northern Skies. And didn't Kate just mention to the press that she is ready to start a family... we'll have to pull out our calendars, see if that was 'conception day', if we find out in a few weeks if Kate is pregnant..... would be soo wonderful! The new baby would be a tiny bit Canadian!! If the baby were a girl,
she could be called 'Aurora'. What a lovely name for a princess! lol!
And now look who they have! So sweet!
Prince George and Princess Charlotte
Oh, hey, I have this ring!! That's hilarious! And a much better price than what I paid for it, a couple of years ago! But this ring sparkles just like the Aurora Borealis... it's gorgeous! Now I want those earrings, too! lol!
Make your way North, Baby! We used to have beautiful views of the Aurora Borealis from the Mountains near Calgary, Alberta, and from our house in Calgary, when we lived out in the country - was soo gorgeous! And I DID have a baby there, sooo...
I Hope and Wish all the Very Best for You! Ailsa : )

And then my regular Travel Deals page! lol!
Target has really good prices on Conception Kits, Fertility Checks, Pregnancy Tests, Ovulation Tests, everything you might want to get, and then, relax as much as you can, be as happy as you can be, and it will all work out for you : ) I love you! Make sure you are being kind and loving to yourself and your partner, too - you will both be okay, and soon you'll have a new life! : )
Infertility is very hard to deal with, but I am not a big fan of that particular word - always stay hopeful, try it all, and love your life - you are the most wonderful person! : )
And at the risk of being too riske, if you will.. here's a little technique that all the girls in the office used to say, and, frankly, worked for me, so it might work for you, too - and I hope it does! I know you'll be a great parent! But, did you ever do that 'cycling in the air' thing, you lay down, hold your waist up, I guess - not sure I'm 'splainin' this very well, me trying to be veeery discreet... and then you cycle your legs? Are you following along? Did I already lose you? haha! Sorry! But, you know, you'll do whatever you can to get pregnant, and this is a good, old-fashioned 'technique'... maybe your mother used to do this, in front of the TV, a little Jack Valance-style exercising? haha! and I know you know 'when', sooo, you know... go try it, a bunch of times, and I really, really hope it works for you! : ) Throw on a little Marvin Gaye, too - whatever it takes, right? lol!
Good Luck! xoxo! : )

So, here's what I would do - I was open to trying anything, and I didn't care one bit, about what anyone else had to say about it, or whatever - who cares... if you THINK or BELIEVE something might work, go ahead and try it, it's your life, your decisions... maybe blocking out any naysayers will help, too - or, at the very least, just make your life a whole lot nicer - lol! You know dat make'a me laughs! lol!
But, anyway, I would totally buy a very large print, the canvas art prints, with whatever favorite picture, or pictures (okay, you got me - I'm more likely to cover the place in anything I think will be lucky, or will help, or, you know, whatever... lol!)... so I would choose the pictures of the Aurora Borealis that spoke to me the most, and hang them in the bedroom. they're gorgeous, you can tell people, or not tell people, depending on how ludicrously judgmental they are - bah'hahahaha!
You know what? I might just go ahead and get a bunch of thee gorgeous Canvas Art pieces, because then I can have my favorite pictures, all over the house, right? That'll be sooo nice! Yay! Talk about personal Decorating, eh? haha! Good Luck! You know me rootin' for you! Much Love! Ailsa! : )

I love these putting your favorite pictures on a giant canvas - how cool is that? Perfect for a Wedding Present, a Mother's Day Present, Father's Day Gift, Birthday Present - or a li'l something for you, baby! lol!
I think I'm gonna do this with my favorite pictures I've taken over the years - if you find a picture on my blog or site, that you love, love, love, feel free to use it for a giant canvas, too - nothing like a gorgeous picture to hang up on your wall! : )

Oh, this is so cool - all the toys you used to love, still love, have great memories of - great for yourself or your mom, and great for kids (can we all be the kids? hahaha!)
Site Wide Free Shipping on $25+ at! See website for details

VERY cool for your Wedding Tables, Wedding Gifts, Gifts for your Bridal Party, and yourself! : )
Who doesn't like to find a ring in a Candle!
Diamond Candles - Discover a Ring in a Candle. Reveal a chance to win a ring worth up to $5000.
How gorgeous are these Wedding Cakes? I had a gooorgeous Wedding Cake on my First Marriage, and no wedding cake for my second, and, frankly, I never really forgave my second husband for not letting me get a wedding cake - key words ''not letting me get' - seriously, I should've just said, this is what we're getting, and maybe that marriage would've been much better, where one person doesn't assume they always have the upper hand - that hardly ever works out, so, best to start on a really good, equal relationship, right? You'll both be happy! : )
I am, of course, very partial to these Diamond and Jewelry Candles - how exciting is that? lol! I loove them! : )
So, have you noticed I just keep adding great deals to this page? lol! There are sooo many Great Deals, though - it's hard for me to resist putting them on here for you (and me! lol!)

I love these putting your favorite pictures on a giant canvas - how cool is that? Perfect for a Wedding Present!
I think I'm gonna do this with my favorite pictures I've taken over the years - if you find a picture on my blog or site, that you love, love, love, feel free to use it for a giant canvas, too - nothing like a gorgeous picture to hang up on your wall! : )

Oh, this is so cool - all the toys you used to love, still love, have great memories of - great for yourself or your mom, and great for kids (can we all be the kids? hahaha!)
Ooh, these Diamond Candles and Jewelry Candles would be soo much fun at your Wedding! Or a nice wedding gift!

Diamond Candles - Discover a Ring in a Candle. Reveal a chance to win a ring worth up to $5000.
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