It's meee, in Vegas! I think I'm 46 in this pic : ) Age Schmage! lol!
Oh, and here's a really easy way to just drop some unwanted pounds, drop a few sizes, if you want to - cut your portions in half - for real - just try it for a little while, see if this might work for you, instead of trying to follow some crazy new diet that's such a pain to do, you feel all deprived, then you're mad, then you blame that stooopido scale - which I normally don't believe in, since usually getting on a scale just makes you crazy and mad, or sad and upset, or addicted to the scale, however, I DID get on the scale at my lovely daughter's house, you know, just to see, and, well, errr, guess how I came up with the 'Cut it in Half, Walk Away Diet'? lol! Dat me, o' course! lol! Makes me mad, because I have such a healthy lifestyle, I THINK I eat all healthy - anyway, me was a'shocked at da number - holy schmoly, Batman, so, I just started eating half of what I would have normally had, you literally get up from wherever you're eating, either don't put it on your plate, at all, add to it later, if you need or want to - all the choices are yours to make, as always - happiness first, frankly....
But see how you feel if you DO walk away, or have half your normal portions, do you feel okay? Sometimes, if you take a few minutes to let your meal digest, you might be super-surprised to see that you are satisfied, and that maybe your 'old' portion size was based more on habit, than on what you actually need, you know? You can always put it in the fridge for later, or have it another day, freeze all sorts of things... worth a try, right? And then add fruits and veggies, oatmeal where you can - lol! : )
Oh, and here's what else I'm doing, these days... I'm trying to do the #Paleo Diet, #Keto Diet, but is super-hard for me to do - I find that I need to have some carbs to round out the diet, you know? (And maybe that's how I got all 'rounded out'? hahaha! Me make'a mah'self laughs - lol!) I get shaky when I don't eat enough, so now I'm just kind of balancing the ideas of the Paleo/Keto Diet with my own reality - plus, I really love Oatmeal, and I do believe that Oatmeal is a great way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight - plus all the other great health benefits of oatmeal...
Anyway, do what's right for you, follow your common sense, find a good balance that works for you, and most importantly, love yourself, be happy, be good to yourself : )
One of my favorite new health snacks - yum! You should love everything you eat, and then you'll be enjoying your life, right? Right!
I love a Kiwi quartered, (my son eats the skin of the #Kiwi, but I skip that part - lol!), and a nice crisp Granny Smith Apple - yum! Soo deelish!
***** |
Aaargh, I just read a stupi article online, this morning, in between applying for jobs I may or may not get (Thank God for my million back-up plans!! lol!), and, man, are there ever some idiotic, mean-spirited, weight loss plans out there... they're sooo mean!! The ones I read this morning were on Yahoo, I think... bunch of yahoos that wrote that article, that's fer sures! lol!!
They said you should eat with no distractions -- just you, all alone, sitting there, all lonely 'n all, with nothing to think about but that last 2500 pounds you want to get rid of... how sad is that??? They said 'no watching TV' while you're eating -- that's all we do!! hahahaha!
We have the DVR all set to have our favorite shows all lined up, just FOR dinner time!! Oh, and for breakfast, lunch, snacks... aaah, errrrr, I guess we really love da TV!! But who doesn't, and with the magical wonderment that is the DVR, we can watch whatever we like, whenever we want -- is a little miracle in a box!
And we are NOT getting all fat because of the TV watching -- no, it's probably the chocolates that are doing that... hahahahaha! Idiots. I canny stand mowons, and meannie mowons... noooo! I say, NOOO! I say, be kind to peoples who iz a'tryin' to lose weight... isn't that a nicer approach? It's like when you go to the gym, and some crazy-assss trainer thinks you need to be motivated by being yelled at -- ah, nooooo. Just place good looking people around for me to look at - and, frankly, I looove mirrors to look at meself at da gym!! hahahaha! Whatever, it's fun to watch your own muscles move about!! hahaha! Silly!! I'm laughing, myself, now... it kills me when those muscle gym boys just can't tear themselves away from the mirror... I had a boyfriend like that, once -- okay, you got me, a lot more than once, but that's just because I really, really like da gym boys!! hahaha!)... anyway, this guy, Ron, I'll call him, because I'm pretty sure that was his name (is that a good or a bad sign that you can't quite recall the names of da peoples you've dated??? hahahaha! I feel pretty good about remembering the ones I married... then divorced... and my favorites in-between!! Truth be told, I think I liked the 'in-between' guy da bestest, but that's a secret, and I'm pretty sure that secret is safe enough on the worldwide web... not THAT many people read it, for God's Sake...
So anyway, and I'm sorry I digressed, that is
NOT like me, at all, but these crazies are advocating counting calories over going to the gym -- what kind of BS is that??
Just because your JOB is a 'dietitian', doesn't mean you advocate for the thing you do, and diss all the rest of the stuff... they said that people (I think they talkin' about da fatties, here, and I resent being called a fatty by those unattractive skinny wee things...
I'll only take advice from someone I want to look like... it's like going to the hair dresser, and everyone of the hairdressers has a mullet... and guess what you're gonna have when you leave??? Yep, your very own mullet, and won't you be cryin' in the car, then, hmmmm?
So take a look at the person who's giving all the friendly (and too often, not-so-friendly,
down-right-mean weight loss advice... do you want to look like them, all gaunt, or do you want to look sleek and sexy? Guant, you say?? Well, no TV for you then!! hahahaha!
I'll take sleek and sexy, any day, so you
DO want to go to the gym, and they say, just because you went to the gym, now you're an idiot, and you'll go home and eat everything in sight,
because you went to the gym... nooooo. You might
NEED to eat a reasonable amount if you're really doing a serious work out at the gym, and you
WILL trim down when you go to the gym.
I think they're trying to maintain their business, right?? haha!
Give terrible advice so they'll always have clients?? That's terrible! People need to know, go to the gym (or do it at home), but
Work Out those Big Muscles, your legs, especially, and your arms, your core will automatically get a good workout when you hold in your tummy when you're lifting any of the weights.... then your body will need to food you're eating to feed your new muscles....
let your muscles do all the weight loss for you, while you're watching your fave shows on TV... you do NOT have to sit all alone 'to focus on your food'... that's hilarious!
Oh, and they said you should get up and go for a 15 minute walk in the middle of your meal -- yes, that's very practical. The kids are gonna love that... okay, kids, stop eating, we HAVE to go for a 15 minute walk, and it's not
THAT rainy outside... and we can finish our dinner,
if we still want it, later, when we get back and it's all cold and congealed... yum!! Sounds great! Talk about practical!
Oh, and one more wee thing I've heard, recently... apparently from a doctor... that women's
knees aren't made to go to the gym, work out... what total BS these people are spouting. Omg, makes me soo mad. For a long time, I wanted to open a gym, myself, to teach women, in particular, because
sooo much misinformation is put out there for us, how to really shape or re-shape their bodies.
Get nice sleek legs with no cellulite... is sooo easy! And no creams, neither! lol! Just one easy exercise, one that you can do at home, or do at the gym... I'll link it for you... think I have it on here, but it's on
my regular website, too... I just don't like when people waste a lot of time and money on stuff that doesn't work, or doesn't work as quickly, and lasts forever... that's the sort of thing I like...
So you can see I'm all riled up, this morning! That should be a few calories, right there, right?? hahaha! Nooo, I don't count calories. I'm mildly aware of them, but
it's more important to be aware of your intake of Fat Grams (
around 37 grams of fat per day for women, I think it's around 65 grams of Fat per day for men -- I was gonna say, 65 grams of fat per day for
MEEE, just for a wee laugh!! hahaha!, but noooo, just 37 grams of fat per day for most women... I think I'm usually
waaay under that number, and
you don't want to be obsessive about it, just make yourself aware of the fat grams in whatever it is you like to eat, then you can moderate it, yourself... and then watch the numbers on your Carbohydrates... is on the labels of most food, and you would want to stay around the 24 mark, there... the lower, the better (12 is a great number for carbs, but 24 is okay, and if you're a granola fan, 43 isn't great, but it's not the end of the world, if you love it and maybe it's paired with some fruit...
This is, for real, mah' favourite food, at the moment.... me canny get enough o' da
Bananas and Jersey Milk Chocolate Bars - yum! One half a square of Jersey milk, broken in two in you' mouth, then a bit o' da Banana.. omg, heaven! and then with the Apple - I looove
a lovely crisp Apple, with couple of the Apple Oatmeal Chewy Bars - me know me should just have the fruit on it's own, like
in the Olden Days (a few weeks ago, before I discovered these phenomenal taste treats - hahaha!), but now it's too late, I've discovered delicious tasty combos, and it might be a while before I go back to my old ways... haha! Yum!
(And I totally legitimize my Food Choices, by easily telling myself, wow, good for you, look at you, eating a piece of fruit!!) See how easy?
And speaking of Fruits and Vegetables... I canny stand it when anyone suggests you should limit the amount of fruit and veggies... aaargh!! Nooo, don't even suggest that!
Eat all the fruit and veggies you want! Go ahead, it won't stay, and you'll be
waaay healthier in the long run, too. If it's natural, it's probably okay... they had a thing on
Mike and Molly the other night (see, now we're back to the TV, again... it all comes full-circle!! lol!), where Molly is very, very upset that bananas might have gotten into her food, secretly (not sure how you would sneak a
banana into someone's food...!)... now, we love Mike and Molly, it's one of the funniest shows on TV, these days, but I thought, that's a terrible message... noooo!
Bananas Good, as Neanderthal Ned would say, had he survived the Ice Age...
Oh, and for a tasty and super-fast meal, try dipping a banana straight into your favorite cereal - I like a banana dipped into my fave Granola - Harvest Crunch, at the moment... yum! Fast and easy - and really a good optioon if you're all out of milk, or dairy-free : )
One of my favorite little 'secrets' to help me stay on track, have something crunchy and tasty - I love these little Cherry Tomatoes - and they're easy to grow in containers, too, if that appeals to you : ) Yum! delicious! See my little trick of holding the Cherry tomatoes up against the picture of Yosemite for a better picture?? lol!
Otay, me rant is over for the day! Go have something healthy to eat, and watch a show while you're at it... and go for a walk when you feel like it, maybe after the blizzard abates a little!! lol! Oh, let me go get those exercise links for you... there are soo many easy
schmeasy ways to lose weight that hardly cost a thing... and if you're lucky enough to live anywhere near a
Sprouts, they have incredible prices on fruits and vegetables, and
Smart and Final has the best price in the States for a giant
bag o' salad... and my new fave thing for snacks is a box of Cherry Tomatoes (unless you can grow them, yourself, lucky dog!!).. just keep them washed and in the fridge, pop a few in your mouth (one at a time ... I dinny want to get in trouble with a choking issue!! hahaha!) whenever you find yourself grazing at the fridge... they're tasty, crunchy... yumm!! Good luck with your
EASY dieting!! No need to make your life hard while you're getting yourself all lovely and healthy, right?? Be kind to yourself. It'll be easier to be nice to others, that way!! lol!
I just saw a Pinterest picture for Weight Loss, and it was close to 150 pounds, with the woman all worried and upset about that number - We need to know the weights that are okay for our bodies, for our heights... one size does
not fit all, far from it -
Be Healthy, Be Happy, don't tie your happiness to a number on a scale. (please : )
Okay, me gots'ta go, but I hope you are having THE Best Day, eat yummy things that are good for you (Mars Bars are good for you, right? Yeah? Good, good.. glad I checked with you, first - bah'hahahahaah!) But go on and Enjoy your Life, Enjoy your Food, Love Yourself, and the rest will follow : ) Be Kind to you'self! : ) Ailsa : )
Remember when Suze Orman used to say your weight was connected to your money? I think there is some truth to that, since it does all seem to come down to balance (like, wait for it... the Balance in your Savings Account?? Buh'dum-bum!)... anyway, something to think about... Wouldn't it be soo great, if it were the more weight you had, the more money you had?
We'd be RICH, baby! (More Chocolate, all around! Hahaha!)

High Yield Savings Accounts 
(A great idea! Make Money on your Money, right? right!)
Discover Bank CDs 6-month CDs
I like to keep my money more liquid, just in case me wants to build another house, or I happen to see something I really want o buy... real estate-wise - lol! We all know how me feels about Real Estate - me loooves it! lol! But you'll want to check the Interest Rate, get the Best Interest Rate you can get for the Time Frame you're comfortable with... longer if you know you're fine with locking your money in, or shorter terms, if you need more flexibility in your Money : ) Happy Savings!!
You know a great way to
Have More Money? Spend Less of it - for real - lol! See where you can shave some money off your regular expenses, and don't forget about your insurance... Renter's Insurance is so important, too - too many people could prevent major loss in their lives, if they knew how inexpensive and easily accessible Renter's Insurance is... Better to be covered, and know you're in good hands, right?
Protect your stuff with Allstate Renters for as low as $4/mo.
I switched my Auto and Home Insurance, this year, and saved at least $300 - that adds up! Wherever you can, look closely at your bills, see where you can trim them down, or make better purchases : )
For every six months of accident-free driving you can earn a check from Allstate Auto! Quote Now!

A Very Good Idea! : ) Look how comfy and happy - that could be You! lol! : )
Best Banana Bread, ever... eat those bananas!! lol!
My Scottish Diet.. super-easy and very effective: http://buildyourownhousebodylife.blogspot.ca/2010/10/scottish-diet-it-really-works.html
My favorite Scottish Porridge... a tasty way to eat yer oatmeal, lose all kinds of weight!!

This is so cool - let's say you've now been binge watching your fave shows, and you
STILL have 4 more seasons left of your brand new-to-you show,
soo you don't want to get up off the couch, but, also, you know you should probably get you' some groceries?
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and
see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't
feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )

I think this is such an amazing new service for your groceries - and anything you ever need from the grocery store - if you've ever had a time when you had a tiny baby, or you're super-busy (same thing - hahaha! All the New Moms will be laughing, now - lol!)..but if you're busy at work, or busy at home, or traffic, or you're busy binge-watching your favorite shows - hahahahaha! This might be the new wave of the future, right? Ordering your groceries online?
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!

Shop Gifts Under $10 from See's Candies!
Create your own Custom Chocolate Mix at See's Candies!
Okay, this is
MY kind o' Luxury Reward -
me always 'reward' mah'self wit' da delicious chocolates! hahaha! I loove
Sees Candies - soo deeelish!
The Walnut Squares (#43 - is it bad for me to know the number?? hahahahaha!) (I've got your number..oooh, is it #43?? I hope so! lol!) Ooh, and I see that Sees has a sale, right now,
Take $4 off of $20? Yahoo! Sale Chocolate - yes, please! haha! Yum! Don't mind if ah' do...lol! : )
There you go - there's yer Chocolate Fix! lol!