Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Ready for Love?? MAYbe! #WineSale!

 So, did you watch Ready for Love, last night?  Hmmm.. thought it was going to have all sorts of fun dating advice, since they have the three Matchmakers, but instead it's yet another dating show where there are 5 million women paraded in front of a guy (Rock Star?? hahaha!  Pop Star, maybe...have they drastically changed the meaning of Rock Star, and I didn't hear about it until last night? So silly! )

I liked the guy, don't get me wrong, but I have had it with all this information for women (and men) to be themselves on a date, but NOT to be funny.  Ugh! Nooo.  Be funny!  Funny gets girls, if you're looking for a girl... I've gotten married twice because of a great sense of humor.... gets me every time! lol!  That, and a great body, but I've never married the 'great body' ones! hahaha!  They had virtually no sense of humor, and that's what you need to make your life sooo much nicer, right??  So I didn't like that 'dating advice'.

And that poor girl, Leah, I think, the one who had previously been involved with the 'Rock Star' (now I just like referring to him like that... clearly, I canny remember his name! lol!), intimately, as they tried to make her say on national television... clearly they had had a previous relationship, and she must have thought it meant way more than it did to him, which leads me to believe that this guy might be just a tad shallow, dispite his musical prowess, and didn't she say she met him when he was married??  Maybe another reason his marriage didn't work out?  Hmmmm.... whatevs, everyone deserves love, blah, blah.... and how is it they can have a French girl on there - aren't there immigration issues at hand, there, too??  hahaha!  I know from personal experience! hahaha!

Okay, so I liked the funny girl (big surpise! lol!), the art teacher, and the girl who can play the piano so well (very pretty girl), and the girl who had lost her fiance to skin cancer - sad story... and I can't remember the rest... will watch it, again, of course... really like Guiliana and Bill Rancic, and the format of the show was interesting, but it's not what I thought it would be.  This business of sooo many girls for one guy - that's just a bad idea, as ideas go.  And just because he's good at singing, doesn't mean he should make a girl who wants to be with him also be a musician... is handy for the band, but you shouldn't make those girls all uncomfortable... aaargh, hate that!  Even a seasoned musician would be nervous in a situation like that...

And then the whole choosing section, or, more accurately, the NOT choosing section, where they disappear under the stage... sorta funny, but pretty disturbing! haha!  Poor wee Leah, and look at all the work she had done on her lips, just to try to catch her 'man'... is like fishing, finding the shiniest lure to catch your fish! hahaha!  I felt for that kid, though - so young, that must have been really painful for her.  I always hope that someone will be watching the show, will be attracted to any of these girls, and then they'll find more 'love opportunities'.... oooh, I like that phrase - love opportunities! haha!  That's what I need - more 'love opportunities'! hahahaha!  I hope YOU have lot's of Love Opportunities, too!! Maybe tonight?? I hope so! lol!   See ya', baby!  Ailsa xox!

Bill Rancic's blog about Ready for Love :,,20689944,00.html

Tim Lopez - the 'Bachelor' from Ready for Love! lol!

 Oh, and I just watched Burning Love, on E! Entertainment - so funny!  Mark, the 'Bachelor', he's looking for someone with 'real deepiness'... very funny! lol!  Oh, man, if you are a Bachelor fan, and you find yourself laughing at a fair bit of the craziness, you're gonna looove Burning Love - it's hilarious! I think the Season Finale is on this week - check your local listings, but it's on, tonight, Wednesday, April 10th, at 7:30pm on E!Entertainment, right after The Soup, with Joel McHale, which we also love! lol! That's a lot of laughs in one night! : )

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