Looking for something really fun to read, that you can get lost in? Kiera Cass is a really good writer, so funny, very charming... you'll love all her books in The Selection Series!

Omg, so, are you looking to escape your life for a little while? Would loove a book you can just get lost in, can't stop reading?? Happen to loove gorgeous dresses, and maybe even The Bachelor?? lol! Well, you are in for a treat, mah' little friend : ) Kiera Cass is THE most delightful little writer - in my mind, now she's my new BFF - she's sooo cute! Wait 'til the very endie bit of each of her books in The Selection Series, you will fall in love with Kiera Cass, and you will already have fallen in love, or a very good friendship, with America Singer, the main character in this Kiera Cass series.
You can buy The Selection Series in a lovely Box Set, which is how I came to read these delightful, and thoughtful, little books... or you can buy them individualt, starting with The Selection, by Kiera Cass, then The Elite (surprise - by Kiera Cass), and then The One, by, guess who?? Kiera Cass!) And then there's a Bonus Book (yahoo!), The Selection Stories, from the points of view of Prince Maxon and Aspen, America Singer's two love interests in the books...
But, wait, there's more! I see there are some Kiera Cass books on Amazon that I haven't even read, yet - yahoo! Hello, rainy days - rainy days are very exciting for us, because we view rainy days as reading days - without the guilt of the sunny day to make you feel like maybe you SHOULD go for a walk, or something... lol!
Wow, I am blown away by these lovely little books - you really do just get all swept up in America Singer's life, and you want to know more and more about America Singer... and I really liked the way the author, Kiera Cass, wove all sorts of very interesting political and social ideas into the stories... the caste system, with people from all the castes, from caste one through caste eight, and how the caste sytem had affected them all - very, very interesting... a great mix of love stories mixed in with social change, and all in a love triangle, to boot?? lol! You will loove these books by Kiera Cass - and remember to read the wee bit at the end of each book - you'll laugh out loud!
Oh, and if you're looking for a great present to give to someone who loves to get lost in a great book, oh, man, this is a very nice gift set - the book covers, themselves, are very pretty.. and you can pass them around amonst your family and friends, so you can all ask, ooh, what's America doing, right now?? Oooh, I love that part!... This is the sort of conversation we have, around here, because I got this Kiera Cass Selection Series, the Box Set, from my own beautiful and charming daughter, Cara - me loves her soo much!! Otay, happy reading!! : )
Happy Reading, my lovely little reading friends! Ailsa : )

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Wow, talk about Romantic Candles!! Can you imagine how much more romantic it would be if there's a GIFT inside the candles for you?? haha! I looove it! Brilliant!
Otay, how amazing is this?? lol! Hilariously enough, I feel like I can smell the Lemon Candle, right now! haha! The Power of Suggestion, Baby! How exciting is that, to get a surprise gift in every candle?? What a great gift (for me?? lol!) So much fun! : )

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