Wow, was that the saddest Bachelor, Ever? Was it just me, or did you desperately hope that Kaitlyn would full out slap The Bachelor, Chris? lol! And, here, I am against all aggression, but, holy crap, I really wanted to see Kaitlin slap Chris - I just wanted it to happen, for her to show him how it felt to be slapped in the face, emotionally... they juust slept together, and they make no bones about that, and the girls all know what's going on, that Becca is a virgin, which seems like a good idea for everyone to claim, so they don't get so hurt in this whole 'Bachelor' process... made me so sad for Kaitlin, even if they DO all know what they're getting into, it doesn't change the level of hurt these women feel. Man, that was so painful, for sures.
I can't tell if the Bachelor Chris is really interested in the one with the baby voice - man, her name escapes me - another Ashley, maybe? How many Ashleys can there be?? lol! Is a very popular Bachelor name... maybe a lot of pretty Ashleys out there - lol! Hmm, that's funny, I'm drawing a total blank on her name - oh, Widney... Whitney... something like that - lol! Whitney looks like the most accurate name... haha! Iz because me jus' floored by how Chris treated Kaitlin.. seemed like he probably DID know in advance of the 'Fantasy Suite', sooo, what is that, just take advantage of the situation? Yick. The Fantasy Suite bit of The Bachelor is so gross... so archaic, and they all know what's been going on - how would you deal with that, on an emotional or physical level? Yuuuck!! hahaha! Yick!! That's like my mantra, through this season of The Bachelor - lol! Maybe this seems like a particularly pure little group of women?
Wow, so, it seems like Chris the Bachelor is ready to say good bye to this whole thing, too, and, hopefully, with the right girl (or two - hahaha!). I think he's really interested in Becca, but is not sure that would work out, since there are a lot of red flags, there - and what an odd family visit with Becca's family - didn't they seem a little mean, a little hard on her, about her not being able to open up, before? Maybe she just hadn't met the right person, but she does seem to really like Bachelor Chris.
I liked all the girls... they all seem like very nice girls, so I hope they all find True Love. And I wish True Love for everyone - well, maybe not for the truly horrible people out there - they can be on their own, until, and if, they ever become decent people, but for everyone else, I hope for them to find True Love - hahahaha! Did you like how I still left some o' da baddies out?? hahahaha! Whatevs... don't be bad, and then you'll get what you want.... and until they're good, I hope they get what they deserve - ha! (Me no likee da baddies! lol!)
Otay, I hope you've found my fave Louise Hay book, You Can Heal Your Life, and read it - it's brilliant, change-your-life wonderful.... Okay, go on and have yourself a fabulous week!! 'Til Next Time, Ailsa : )
My favourite books to start with, with Louise Hay - You Can Heal Your Life - brilliant, and it really WILL change your life... and Meditations for Daily Living - think that's the right title - is so lovely, you'll love it - all very heartwarming, very clarifying... and Louise Hay has a tiny little book, I Can Do It - looove it, you'll love it, too... I love all of Louise's books... so lovely and life-changing : )