Oh, man, this is by far my favorite new product - I love a good tool! (Insert joke here) (That was for you - haha! There's only a teensy tiny handful o' da peoples out there, not making the same joke, right now, sooo... me pretty sure you're in the group who is makin' da same li'l joke! lol!)
Fix Your Christmas Lights, so you don't have to replace them every year - yahoo!
Anyway, it's called the Light Keeper Pro, or Light Pro... looks like this fun little tool has a number of names, so I got some different examples for you - my favorite one is the package of two Light Keeper Pros... so, one for each hand? One for you, one for the other person in the room, so you can go through your million strands of old Christmas Lights, the ones you check every year, 'just in case' they're magically working, this year? lol!
I literally have bags and bags of strands of Christmas Lights... some of them work 100%, some, oddly enough, maybe work 50 % to 60% (now, why would THAT happen?) But you know those light strands, you plug them in, they work, you put them on the Christmas Tree, they stop working, or part of the strand doesn't light up - why would it do that? Makes no sense, but now you don't have to think about that little quandary, here's the fancy new Light Keeper Pro to solve all your Lighting Issues, make putting up the Christmas Tree and decorating your house for the holidays that much easier, and far less expensive - yahooo!!!
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Fix Your Christmas Lights, so you don't have to replace them every year - yahoo!
My favourite new product is the Christmas Light 'fixer' - let me see if I can get that link for you - I love it - you know when you go to put up your Christmas Tree, and some of your strands of lights aren't working? This little gun-like tool will check your lights so you can easily fix the strand of lights, will save you a ton o' da monies! Yay!
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Okay, here it is! Use this link to have a wee look at the Christmas Light-Saver, if you will (sounds like StarWars, right? lol!)... I loove it - it's almost that time of year, again, when we get out out Christmas Lights, and you go to plug them in, and they're not working, and now that Christmas Lights are soo expensive, like, crazy-expensive, this little device is a huge money-saver, and will make decorating your home for Christmas all that much easier, faster, and far less expensive - you're welcome! (Me helps you save some monies! lol!)
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It's 'freezing' to us, now that we're all spoiled with the many years in California, so when we go for a walk at the Butchart Gardens to see the Christmas Light Display, we bundle up like crazy - is sorta funny, since I'm always sweltering by the end of the walk, but in no way do I ever want to take a chance on being a bit chilly - lol! Better to be bundled (like a package deal! lol!).
Hahaha! Can you see my lovely and hilarious daughter, Cara, hiding behind the giant Poinsettia? hahaha! So funny!
My son, Aidan, walking along the path at Butchart Gardens at Christmas - their Christmas Light display is incredible - beautiful and funny - you'll ooh and aaawww your way through the gardens, and laugh at all their hilarious little jokes!
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