The God Diet
If God Made It, You Can Eat It! lol! : ) THE Friendliest, Happiest Diet, Evah'!
Okay, so I've thought of this for years and years, but sometimes I'm really struck by how incredible our Universe is, how amazingly intricate and phenomenal our world is, the sheer beauty and symmetry of nature....
Take these apples (please! haha! Jus' reminds me of that old 'Take my wife....please! lol!)
Anyway, when I slice the apples in half - or, in thirds, today, even easier! lol! But when I slice an apple in half, I am blown away by the design - a Grand Design,if you will... it's gorgeous, and I am soo blown away by seeds, and seed dispersal... (make me think of a man who really gets around - bah'hahahaha! Or seeds on a tree - whatevs... we're all just seeds, sprouted out! I looove that!
You, Me and an Apple Seed!
You, Me, and an Apple Tree!
We All Come From a Seed - You, Me, an Apple and a Tree!
Anyway, I've been singing that all morning - lol! Life in my head - haha!
I just took the Apple Crumble out the oven - smells amazing in here - yum! If I could just get everyone to give this little Apple Crumble a try, think how much happier and healthier our whole world would be!
So here's what makes me call it The God Diet - I really believe that if it grows naturally, it's good for you. It was designed for you to eat - and be healthy, soooo, why not work with what comes naturally, whenever and wherever you can, right?
Oatmeal is one of my favorite things - add it where you can, see if that will make you feel good - if you have any reaction, skip that, try something else, but generally speaking, Oatmeal and Grains are very good for you - there are really only a handful of people who can't manage grains, that seems like more of a media thing, right now - but if it works for you, Oatmeal is very Heart Healthy, great for 'cleaning out your system' - err... you know what I mean! lol! But Oatmeal will act like a little broom, sweeping out your system, cleaning it all up - is amazing! Thanks, God! I love it!
Yum, Thanks, God, for all the great veggies! This is my favorite #MacaroniSalad
You get soo excited, when you get a bite with a little macaroni, and a whole lot o' da Veggies!
Yum! Taco Spaghetti! Try it, you'll love it!
My son heated up some already cooked and frozen Taco Meat, and he added a li'l Salsa to that - this is the amount of meat I had...
And how much for the boy - lol! And hardly any chips left, by the time I got over to his place - hahaha! That's a VERY good sign of something delicious! lol!
See how some of them cook faster than the others? Just take them off the cookie sheet as they're ready... and flip them before you pop them back in - yum!
I just lightly covered the 'chips' with a little Oil - I used Olive Oil, but you could use any oil, or no oil - up to you, baby!
Grapes are from God, right? lol! ; )
Yum, Thanks, God, for all the great veggies! This is my favorite #MacaroniSalad
You get soo excited, when you get a bite with a little macaroni, and a whole lot o' da Veggies!
Well, have a ton o' delicious and easy to make recipes on my blog - and on my site, but I can't seem to access my website - so frustrating - it's live and online, over 1.7 million visits, but there's something that is blocking me from getting onto my site from this computer, for me to work on it, so, my blog is my focus, right now.... sooo.... hm, have to figure that out, fo' sho'!
Anyhoooo, you can scroll through all the pics on my Blog, find whatever delicious recipe you're looking for... you'll love them all, I love anything that's delicious and pretty easy and fast to make, AND, super-healthy! : )
Bottom line, try to minimize artificial ingredients, where you can (not to be nutty about it, some artificial ingredients are deeelicious! haha!), and try to add lots of yummy fruits and veggies, wherever you can - Yum! Thanks, God! Good Job!! : )
Yum, look what I just thought of having - was soo good!
Cucumbers and Taco Meat - Simple and Delicious!
So here's how I happened to think of this new flavor combo - years ago, at a Queen's Alumni Party in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, they had these most delicious little hors d'oeuvres (hor-derves, if you will - I have another li'l joke, but it just goes downhill fro here, sooo.... hopefully, you're already making that joke, in yer own head - haha!) (Did you know the literal French meaning of hors d'oeuvres is 'outside the work' - or, and this is all me, now - not the main course - or maybe it is?? haha! Whatevs, just say, Something Delicious, a lovely little bite of something good!
Anyway, they had a slice of Cucumber, a few drops of Hot Sauce, and a lovely fresh Shrimp - yum!
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Taco Meat - yum! |
It was soo good, so, tonight I happened to think of a new way I can freeze the extra Taco Meat, that I make all at once, I get the giant package of Ground Meat (mince, if you're British - lol!), cook it all in the big pot, with a ton of Taco Seasoning - 8 tablespoons, maybe? I dunno, I pour it in... spicy is yummy! lol!
So I was standing in the kitchen, my son had already added some Taco Meat to the left over Lasagna - which was delicious - I did that,last night - yum!
So my son had already eaten, and normally I would just make a batch of Taco Spaghetti, or regular Tacos, but we were all out of cheddar cheese, lettuce, salsa, tomatoes (I'm still waiting for them to grow, sooo, they'll be ready in just a few short months, and I'll have to eat something else between now and then - haha!)
Anyway, I'm standing in the kitchen, trying to think of something to have with the Taco Meat, and thought of this - and it was sooo good - yum! Light, delicious, did I already say light? haha! So good!
I just heated up the Taco Meat, put that in the center of the plate, then sliced the cucumber to put around the meat - all very lovely, then used the cucumber slices like little nacho chips - which would also have been delicious, just not as super-healthy! lol! Cucumber - it's Nacho usual chip - haha! I know, I'm sorry! haha! But it is good! Deelish!
Now I think I'm gonna add everything to little cucumber slices! lol! And perfect for a KETO or Paleo Diet, in case you're trying that out... : )
Well, here's something funny - this is the biggest plate of the Real Baked Potato Chips that I could get - the second they were ready, they were gone - dat make'a me happy!
And they all cooked at different times - I flipped them a bunch of times, to make them really crisp - yum!
So, they're just very thinly sliced potatoes - this was three potatoes - left over from our Thanksgiving Dinner - we don't eat potatoes very often, so, usually they grow their own legs, then I plant them out on the balcony - you can just pop potatoes in any soil, you'll have beautiful vines in no time, plus, new potatoes! Yay!
I'm gonna look up all the Health Benefits of Potatoes, since, really, it's all the frying and additives that you would want to avoid, for potato chips, not the actual potato - with a li'l Olive Oil and Salt : )
Here you go! But, you already knew there were lots of Health Benefits of Potatoes, right? That's what makes them soo delicious!
"... food ranking system qualified potatoes as a very good source of vitamin B6 and a good source of potassium, copper, vitamin C, manganese, phosphorus, niacin, dietary fiber, and pantothenic acid. Potatoes also contain a variety of phytonutrients that have antioxidant activity."

See how they're translucent? I tried to let them sit for a second, make them even crispier, but they were sooo delicious, as soon as I took each batch out the oven, they were gone - lol! Yum!
I gave them a little bit of Salt on them when they came out the oven, too - soooo good! : )

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