Monday, February 24, 2014

Juan-Is-Not-Enough Pablo - The Bachelor Strikes, Again...

Oh, Juan, you crazy!  Juan-Look-at-me-Pablo. Juan-what-are-you-thinkin'-Pablo.  He really breaks me up, looking for the smartiest women in the group, trying to get them to tell him what they're thinking, but they never say the words... hmmmm.  Tongue tied? Tongues too busy? hahahaha!  Noooo.  What was that, on the preview for the 'Fantasy Suites', which I think are hiiilarious - let me just sleep with these final THREE women, right before I propose marriage to my favourite of the three... gross!!! Bleh!!  That's the WORST Bachelor Party, ever - for the girls...maybe the BEST Bachelor party, ever, for a'Juan-you-girls-are-so-lucky-to-have-me-Pablo...

What was with the gun range date with Andi??  Holy crap, you judge a man by how he handles a gun? What, no pacifists, allowed? Yuck. But what a great role model for his daughter... and perfect for living in Florida, I guess...yuck. I did like that Andi's Dad didn't fall for any of it - that was very smart of him... and for Andi's Dad to point of the very basic fact that she didn't have a one-on-one date until 6 weeks, in?  Holy Crap, Batman, that not good sign.

And Clare's loooney sister - what on earth? I guess there's almost always a crazy in the family - a little like a fairy tale, where the evil step-sisters try to ruin everything for the pretty sister... wonder how much of Clare is real? Difficult to say, but I'm sure she's just looking for love, like everyone else, and doesn't need her sister, literally, standing in the way of it.... bleh!

What was the name of the one voted off, the one from Sarasota? Dang, that's prolly not a great sign that I didn't even pick up her name, I used to always just think, she's not quite as pretty as the other girls, older, clearly the nicest and most sane one, there, obviously the best choice for a mother and a wife, but, dang it, what was her name, poor kid? And why did he go to all that bother to meet her son, Ben, if he wasn't going to choose her? That's a no-go zone, if someone isn't serious. Why would you put a kid through that? She's so cute, what's-her-name, that maybe she'll be the next Bachelorette?? Hmmm... I'm tired of the same faces, over and over, again. Maybe they'll choose somebody brand new... Mostly, I kept thinking about Sarasota, and how, the last time I was there, a loong time ago, they had banned thong bikinis, and, at the time, I felt soo over-dressed in anything, but (so-to-speak! Buh-duh-bum! hahaha!), so I made a little note to self, I could never live in Sarasota. Although, I'd be fine with that, now! hahaha! I'd go anywhere nice and sunny, right on the beach! and I would even abide by their archaic rules... maybe they've changed them, by now, and everyone's free to dress as they please?  One can always hope for freedom, right? lol!

So, it seems pretty clear that Juan likes Niki, the best. You had me at 'Pediatric Nurse', says the thinkin' girls Juan Pablo. And she didn't even lose him at the total non-communication between her and Clare - you'd think that might be a little tip-off for Juanny Boy, but, nope. Think of all the trips to the hospital he won't have to make, what with a Pediatric Nurse, right there in the house!  Yahoo!!  And, admittedly, she sounds very caring, based solely on her profession, and he doesn't see what's going on in the house, and maybe Clare IS a little looney - I'm not big on any type of confrontational girl - yuck. The worst. Especially if there's a man involved, then all sorts o' crazy comes out.... Plus, he's already introduced Niki to his daughter, Camilla (very pretty name), AND his 'baby-mama' - were they actually married??  She's gorgeous, what the hell happened, there? Did he cheat on her? Why can't we ever hear any of the girls ask some real questions??  There typically has to be something really serious going on in a couple, if they break up when there's a very small child... why is that so easily swept under the rug? I can't be the only one - Juan - thinking about that, right?? And how come Nikki met his parents, too, wearing stooopid shorty short jean shorts? Puh-lease, that wasn't very respectful of him to not say, wear something modest, or at least not shorty-shorts, right? At a school event? Yuck. Does he have something to prove?? I didn't like that - too highly questionable...

Well, now that the 'Good Wife' is gone from the group (man, why can't I remember her name??  That's terrible! lol!), and we just have Andi 'you-barely-made-it-here' (what a mean and horrible thing to say... oooh, those previews really know how to hook a girl in, for the next episode! hahaha!), and poor old Clare, I kinda feel sorry for her after that whole reprimand for the 'ocean-acts', that was full-on crazy, and Niki, or Nikki, however many 'k's she has in her name, who just seems young and pretty mean, but, who knows, it's all in the editing, maybe she's secretly nice... it's a Big!  One way or another, I canny wait to see what goes down in the Fantasy Suites... so silly. Oh, hey, did you know it's 2014. Yep. This is Modern Day Love, at its finest...women, dukin' it out for the chance to be married to, what appears to be the case, a very handsome, philandering man... Good Luck, Ladies! ; )

Ailsa xox 

Saturday, January 25, 2014

The Fall of Five - wow, what a great read!! #PittacusLore #TheFallOfFive #SciFi #Aliens! lol!

The Fall of Five, by Pittacus Lore. Wow, what an amazing read!  My tummy is rumbling, I haven't eaten all day - have been so busy reading this incredible book - never, ever, let any kind of age-range idiot thing or title rule what you decide to read - if you haven't started reading the whole Pitticus Lore series of I Am Number Four, and all the rest of the series, man-oh-man, are you in for a serious reading treat! lol!  You will get totally lost in the scenes and the characters - is a fantastic read!!  Okay, I'm off to have some 'well-earned' macaroni and cheese, try to bring myself back down to earth, so-to-speak! lol!  You'll laugh when you've read the books, which I highly recommend. Go get you some Pitticus Lore, read yourself silly!!  With Much Book Love, Ailsa xox!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Should You Go Out on a Second Date? #DatingAdvice : ) #Oooh! #LoveIsInTheAir! #Romance? lol!

Yeah, should you bother going out on a second date, if, say, the first date didn't go well? Hmmm... you'd think that would be a straight-forward, "Uh, d'uh, noooo...", right? Hmm... I guess it would depend on how you ended up going on that 'first date', in the first place. Is this a random date - do people actually do that, any more? Do people still date (says the girl who clearly doesn't see herself as 'dating' anyone! hahahahaha! Okay, that makes me laugh!)?  I don't know, are 'dates' archaic? It seems like it.

If you do meet someone, randomly, which, perhaps, is online, or at a grocery store (?), or somewhere, let's say, not at work, or not somewhere you frequent, like a bar (I'm kidding, you're prolly not out frequenting bars.. let's just say you might go there, regularly...happy, now? Prefer to think of yourself as 'a regular', and not necessarily a 'frequenter'? hahaha! Oh, man, this stuff makes me laugh! To myself, mostly! lol!) (I am a 'frequenter of bars'...yeah, you don't hear that, much... prolly 'cause it's a closely kept secret! hahaha!) (Man, you'd think I've been drinkin' all day, but, no, just eating chocolate... have yet to have a 'healthy' meal... whatever, we're still technically 'on break', and school doesn't go back in 'til Monday, at which time, we will return to our normal, 'healthy' selves, but until then, Hello, KFC! lol!)

So, should you go on a second 'date' with someone you didn't find a connection with on the first date? Is the question, really, how desperate are you for a relationship? Really desperate (for real, there are times in your life when you are truly 'desperate' for a relationship - I'm obviously past that... a great relationship would be a lot of fun, but I am no longer interested in putting up with a whole lot of crap in order to have said relationship -, I use 'whatevs' too much - it has to really matter to me to put in that much effort..and I'll NEVER put up with anything abusive, again. Forget that. I am shocked at what I have tolerated in the past... poor me, makes me feel sad for myself, but that self is in my background, not in my present, and definitely not in my future, and I hope the same is true for you. This is much easier when you are financially independent, soooo, it's not usually a serious possibility for everyone, but I hope it becomes that for you, if it hasn't, already : ) I'm behind you all the way (not literally, no need to have a quick look behind you, right now! haha!)

Sooo, I think, regardless of the current information out there, right now, about keep seeing someone until you finally feel a connection.... mmmm, I don't think so. What a massive waste of your time. And money? Who is doing the paying? Is it that crap 'let's go dutch' thing? Bleh! That's a very bad sign. They'll never share their money, or anything else. Cheapos are the WORST! Worsetestest! Bleh! Noooo... they're jerks. Don't go anywhere you can't afford, that's ridiculous. And if there's no attraction, AND no fun times, no laughing, no great conversation, nuffin' at all, what makes anyone think there will magically be something great the next time you see them.....

However, let's say you do meet someone you regularly come in contact with - they make you smile, every time you see them. They make you laugh out loud, every time they text you, every conversation you have, they're actively fun to be around... you may not have been physically attracted to them, at first (or even better, you were! lol!), now we've got something to work with, here.... and that's definitely worth a shot.

I am endlessly disturbed by this 'renewed' whole 'men are the hunters' approach to finding someone who is just right for you. Ugh!!  Noooo, because that makes women 'prey'. And if a woman is actively 'running away', as prey does, and the man is 'hunting her down' - someone needs therapy, and plenty of it. Bleh!  I wish they would stop spouting off this kind of message - very bad for everyone involved. I say, mutual attraction works the best, and if mutual attraction is not your cup of tea, you're a crazy, and that is not fun, at all -- okay, disclaimer, everyone falls for a 'crazy', at least one time, sometimes they marry a few of them, but, eventually, let's hope everyone moves past the crazy train, and finds someone nice and kind and normal....who is'a schmokin' hot! hahahahaha! So that's what I hope for you - find someone you really, really want to spend time with, someone who makes you feel good, who makes you feel happy, and who you also make feel good and happy (whaaatt??  Equality?? Yep - shoot for equality, if you must use a hunting analogy! haha!).  Okay. I think I totally solved that...or just go on that second date, if it sounds like you can wrangle some fun out of it! lol!

Oh, and about that '90 day rule' - yeah, I don't know about that one, either... I've been engaged and moved in well within the 90 days, in mah' past...hahahahaha! Whatevs! If it's great, the chances are high it'll happen really fast... it's your life, your decisions...oh, just realized, I had mucho jewelry from these love interests right away - is that what makes the difference?? hahaha! Maybe only to me?? hahaha! Okay, go get yourself someone great! Mucho Luckos!! Ailsa xox
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