Thursday, July 16, 2015

#BB17 - Jeff's out, and Jackie seems totally okay with that - No Problemo! #BigBrother #HOH

#BB17 - Jeff's out, and Jackie seems totally okay with that - No Problemo! #BigBrother, #HOH
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Wow, so Jeff was evicted from the Big Brother House, tonight - was soo hard to see which one was a'gonna be evicted, tonight, since James and Jeff were good friends in the Big Brother house, and James did that weird thing with Steve, who did vote to evict James, when James was showing Steve techniques to take someone down... like, military techniques, and when I was watching that, on Big Brother After Dark, I thought, well, that seems pretty threatening, to me, since, James could've just explained the technique, and he insisted, against Steve's will, on demonstrating on Steve, and clearly Steve was afraid of the outcome... anyway, I would imagine that's when Steve decided to evict James... But James does seem to be playing a pretty good social game - I would love it if James was more like Steve, and another master player - I would'a loove that! lol!

Is it okay to fall in love in the Big Brother House?? lol! 

Austin was livid with Jeff, for getting into bed, and under the covers (the under the covers thing infuriated Austin), with Liz, sooo, Jeff sealed his fate with Austin, for sure... like it wasn't already sealed with Austin.. they were pretty catty with one another, this last week - was sorta funny... and now Austin is saying that he would give up his chance in the Big Brother game, for the love of Liz... but does Liz feel the same way?  Maaay-be... Liz is here to win $500,000., and she's using her feminine wiles to help her get there...

And speaking of 'feminine wiles', you can hardly tell that Jackie has had some fancy surgical enhancement - gimme the natural look, says Jackie to the Plastic Surgeon - bah'hahahahaaha!

So, Jackie seemed a teensy tiny bit upset after Jeff, her real life 'partner', is evicted from the Big Brother house, and then she's right back on track - will be very interesting to see how Jackie plays the game, now that she's on her own... will we see whether Jackie has a personality?  I loved, on big Brother After Dark, when Jackie was talking with Shelli and Clay, that when she speaks, she really has something important to say - hahahahaha!  It reminded me of this article I read in Cosmopolitan magazine, years ago (and I mean, yeeears!), where they said, "Still waters don't run deep, they don't run at all."  

At the time, I was dating a guy who was silent, a lot, and I used to really be into the whole Zen thing, so I thought, oh, he's so Zen, but then I read that one little line, and it dawned on me, 'still waters don't run deep, they don't run at all' - bah'hahahaha!  Anyway, that was the end of that... nice guy, very nice guy, but me moved onto someone else... lol! 

Oooh, will be soo interesting to see what happens now that Liz is in the HOH room - will she have such a tight relationship with Austin and Vanessa, now that she has all her own choices?

I do loove it when Julie Chen unveils the #TwinTwist, whenever someone is evicted from the Big Brother house... Jeff's reaction was good, but he was so sure about the #TwinTwist, already... I was glad that Jeff didn't publicly expose the #TwinTwist, on his way out the door...

The 90's HOH Competition was pretty funny - I was sure that Jackie would win that, since she is a dancer.... So Shelli wins the HOH, again, second time in the HOH room for Shelli, and Liz wins her first HOH comp of the season... good for them - I love to see what treats they've asked for - that always interests me - lol! 

  I wonder if they're allowed to have musical instruments in the Big Brother House?  I know the production crew is always telling the #BBhouseguests to stop singing - I'd have a tough time with that, since I sing all the time.. but wouldn't public domain music be okay?  I'd love to see a guitar in the Big Brother house - would give them all something fun to do : ) Jamstik SmartGuitar - Free Shipping on all Domestic Orders!  Remember on Bugs Bunny, when they used all the Classical Music, because it was free, since it was Public Domain?  And all the kids who loved Saturday Morning Cartoons, all know their Classical Music?? hahaha!  That's funny - The BBhouseguests could totally hum a little Beethoven (Oh, one of my favourite Simpsons lines, when Lenny and Carl are at the Orchestra, and Carl says, "Oh, I thought this was the MOVIE Beethoven..." Hahahahaha! Dat make'a me laugh!)

So that was pretty funny that Julie Chen asked John what he missed the most, in the Big Brother House, and John says, "My guitar." - I knew it!  I was sure there were more musicians in the BB house!  I loves me a musician!

My main instrument is the flute - and that almost became a full career choice for me, but when I went to University, back then, I was told I had to choose whether I wanted to study Music or Education, and I desperately wanted to be a teacher, so I chose Education... when I think about it, now, seems like an odd thing to make me choose between those things, but I think, really, it was because I was already taking two Degrees, in the Concurrent Program at Queen's University, in Kingston, Ontario, Canada, and maybe they thought I shouldn't add anything else to my plate, at the same time? Hmmm... Well, I hope they let Johnny Mac have his guitar - would be soo much more fun, and a lot more interesting, in the Big Brother House... add a little excitement, maybe wake some folks up - for real - is a real schnooze-fest for some of the BB houseguests - lol!

Okay, hope you have lots of delicious snacks of your very own!  'Til Next Biig Brother! Ailsa : )

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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

#BB17 - Oooh, So Many Exciting Gronk Parties - and Meg Won a Cruise, Johnny Mac Won the Veto - yahoo! #POV

Oooh, so exciting!  A Pool Party at the Big Brother House, you say?  They'll all be there - or face some slop - is that the way you make sure everyone shows for a party??  Ask #Gronk, that's his technique, and so far, so good! lol! 

Look how happy all the BBHouseguests are! Hahaha!  Is like a 1972 photo op, right? Yep.  Here we are. Oh, smile?  Mmmm, well... what time is it? Mmmmm... we'll smile, tomorrow, and not on cue... hahaha! How did they get them to all look soo awkward? lol!  

Princess's biggest offer ever! FREE All-Inclusive drink package, FREE Specialty Dining and more! Offer valid through 8/18.

Meg won the Cruise with Gronk - that was VERY cool - I hope Big Brother has more Reward Competitions, because I love those.. really, I just love when anyone gets something great! 

 In case you're going to do a little winning of your own, in Las Vegas, Baby! lol!

I like Meg - she seems pretty cheery, takes things much better, this week... as long as Meg continues to play a friendly little quiet game, she should at least make it to the Big Brother Jury House... I don't see her doing a lot of game play, really... and she's not like a total floater, but, well... maybe Meg is a bit of a floater.. but sometimes Floaters win, soo, you never know... but I would rather see Meg win as a floater, than Jackie... it's like Jackie is the new Victoria...

(They had me at "All-Inclusive Beverage Package" - hahahaha!)

CheapAir Now booking flights to Cuba  (This is soo cool that Americans can go to Cuba, now - yahoo!  My parents have been to Cuba, many times, and they loove it!) With CheapAir's exclusive Price Drop Payback book with confidence. If fares drop after buying, we'll credit you the difference
(Wow, that's a great deal - then you can book you' flight to GET to the Cruise - lol!)

So, Vanessa spent most of her time in the HOH room, talking to most of the #BBhouseguests... is interesting how many people choose not to go up to the HOH room - that hardly ever works out - you've gotta suck it up, and go talk to the HOH, you've got a half a million dollars on the line, at the very least, and the longer you can stay in the Big Brother House, the more money you're gonna make, in general, since it does seem like the #BBhouseguests each get paid $1,000 a week, for each week they're in the Big Brother House, that's good money, right there, plus all that exposure on TV - and I see quite a few of the girls might have had a little 'enhancement' before they got into the Big Brother House... or maybe that's how they got in there? Hmmm... 

Haha, you know what I was just thinking?  The #BBhouseguests who REALLY want to win the $500,000., should start saying a version of this hilarious affirmation I read on FaceBook, the other day, and it totally made me laugh, and now I'm saying it all the time, because, well, it WOULD be fantastic fun for it to come true... for all of us!  The affirmation on FB was "I'm in the mood to receive a check for $600,000."  Isn't that a great affirmation??  Why not, right?  Would be totally fabulous!  I'd run right out and buy some land, build another house - lol! I know just the spot, overlooking the oceans with a great mountain view - poifect for me! lol! 

So the Big Brother Houseguests should say this affirmation, every day, all the time, keep themselves focused - "I'm in the mood to receive a check for $500,000."  Or, as Louise Hay would say, "I AM ecstatic to receive this check for $500,000.  Thank You, Life!" 

Vanessa talking game with Shelli.  Soo offensive when Jeff, who is on the lock, now, as the replacement Nominee after John won the POV... anyway, when Jeff goes around saying that Vanessa (or any other girl... or Austin, for that matter, too), has no clue how to play the game, because she's playing her own game, not his - idiot.  I liked Jeff at first, but now I really can't stand how Jeff treats Jackie...

Yahoo, Johnny Mac wins yet another Power of Veto!  lol!  Oh, no, Johnny Mac is getting soo fed up with being put up on the Block as a pawn, and now he really just wants to save himself... is so tough to see Johnny Mac's game, other than being friendly, agreeable, amiable...annoyed? Good for him, though - will be VERY interesting to see who John would target, when he eventually wins the HOH,right?

 Johnny Mac - proves that it pays to be smart - lol!

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Now the Golden Power of Veto has a voice all of it's own, and Johnny Mac is having little chats with it - lol!

 Jeff and Jackie have become known as a real life couple in the Big Brother House - so funny when Austin says that to Vanessa, like it's a big surprise, so they must've been pretty convincing, on a day-to-day basis, to get everyone to think they were just friends... but even if they were 'just friends', they would be together....

I can't stand how flirtatious Jeff is with so many of the other girls - that's gotta be tough on Jackie, but that little empty face, is hard to tell if she just lets it all slide, for the money - yick.  And then, on Big Brother After Dark, Jackie says she wants to take a break after all this hard work in the Big Brother house (me joke - those are my words... lol!), but Jackie says she wants to get on another show - is it that easy to get on a Reality TV show?  I hope we don't see her on anything else - she hardly says a word... and they've already been on the Amazing Race - but Jackie said she makes so much money at the Clubs in Vegas... that's cool!  Good for her... I want her to do well, too, like I want everyone in the world to do well, but I would like her to play her own game - unless she's playing Jeff, too, and maybe that's why she's okay with Jeff flirting with all those other women? Hmmm...there's gotta be more to this story... but that would make me laugh, since Jeff thinks he's running circles around Jackie...

  I wonder if they're allowed to have musical instruments in the Big Brother House?  I know the production crew is always telling the #BBhouseguests to stop singing - I'd have a tough time with that, since I sing all the time.. but wouldn't public domain music be okay?  I'd love to see a guitar in the Big Brother house - would give them all something fun to do : ) Jamstik SmartGuitar - Free Shipping on all Domestic Orders!  Remember on Bugs Bunny, when they used all the Classical Music, because it was free, since it was Public Domain?  And all the kids who loved Saturday Morning Cartoons, all know their Classical Music?? hahaha!  That's funny - The BBhouseguests could totally hum a little Beethoven (Oh, one of my favourite Simpsons lines, when Lenny and Carl are at the Orchestra, and Carl says, "Oh, I thought this was the MOVIE Beethoven..." Hahahahaha! Dat make'a me laugh!)

Jeff is trying to blow up the #TwinTwist, and that's not going over well with Austin, who has is smitten with Liz (unless Liz leaves, and then Austin has a big plan to go for Jackie... and there's another reason for Austin to get Jeff out the way, and out the Big Brother House, and not in the Big Brother Jury House, either... is sort of funny... ooh, the drama continues... ; )

Oooh, and I juuust thought, what if Jeff is blowing up the Liz #TwinTwist, to cover his own #TwinTwist, since there's so much talk of the #TwinTwist in the BB house, these days... from Liz and Julia, to Jeff and his twin, to Clay and his twin.. oooh, how Twisted will it be, up in da BB house?? lol!

James is starting to get pretty anxious about the eviction, now... I think he thought he was pretty safe, especially when James thought it was Audrey who was going up on the Block, but once Jeff went on the Block, and Jeff and James are friends in the house... the thing to remember, on these shows, is that you juust met these people, and as friendly as they might be, you're there for one purpose, and it must be soo hard to remember that, once you're in the game, right?  And now James doesn't know whether to actively campaign against Jeff, but Jeff is all over the campaigning, because Jeff is playing a game - with everyone, including Jackie. Well, I guess that makes Jeff a really good game player, huh? lol! You never know in he Big Brother House! lol! 

 Jason is playing a relatively quiet game, but Jason is clearly a master of Big Brother - I'm surprised that's not discussed more, but maybe they're all masters of the Big Brother game - haha!  Maybe that's another Big Brother Twist, in their Twisted summer - lol!

Audrey's a'hangin' in there, talking game as much as she can, but being much more careful about how often she's talking game, these days... but, good for her, lesson learned.  I liked that Vanessa made it very clear that she wants to keep Audrey, that she is fully supportive of Audrey, at the very least, on a personal basis, so that's very good.  


Omg, I'm watching Extant while me a'writin' this, and holy schmokes, they just did a drone strike on Molly and JD, and Molly has to pull a 'mom' move, "Stop it, stop it right now", when she realizes it's her son... in adult form...  Ooooh, is so good - if you haven't seen Extant, yet, you gots'ta check it out, fo' sures! 

Pretty cool, right?  Julie Chen and Halle Berry?  So pretty and smart! Smart and pretty! : ) 

Molly and JD -ooh, soo good looking, together! Great chemistry : )

Hahaha - man, I love Extant!  Is soo good!  So smart!  I love Halle Berry - she's so great - gorgeous, and super smart - love her : )  And I really like the new couple on Extant, Molly and JD - so great!

Okay, it's time for a wee treat - hope you're gonna have a nice little treat, too!  'Til Next Time!  Ailsa : )

For my little Canadian Friends... I just saw on the News that the Canadian Loan Rate just went down, again - good news for borrowing money : )