Thursday, August 6, 2015

#BB17 - Aaawww, Clay Was Evicted from the Big Brother House, tonight - And Shelli Stays, #Clelli, #ClelliNoMore

This pic makes me laugh so hard - Shelli is thrilled to still be in the #BBhouse, for realz - lol! "Yay", says Shelli!!  "That was fun, Clay, see ya'll on the other side!"

#BB17 - Aaawww, Clay as Evicted from the Big Brother House, tonight - And Shelli Stays - #ClelliNoMore

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Here's a little more Clay eye-candy for you, now that Clay has been voted out of the #BBhouse, who do we have left to look at?  Not Austin - yick.  Now we just have to go back to nice guys... Dat okay 
: ) We're cool with Nice Guys - lol!

  Well, it was fun for a while... trading a Showmance for $500,000 - crazy!  And Clay couldn't say that he loved Shelli, but when Meg's name comes up, he immediately says he loves Meg, can't wait to see her in New York City... and didn't it seem like there was more passion, unmitigated passion, between Clay and Meg?? lol!  dat make'a me laugh!

Don't worry, Clay, Meg'll be waiting for you, no worries... lol! 

 I loove the Slip 'n Slide Competition - is soo cool!  Wouldn't this be a great competition for any skater?  Becky will most likely be a skater, since Becky's from Colorado... and I would think the Twins, Liz and Julia, might have taken figure skating when they were little... maybe, since they were raised in Florida... I think I would at least try to skate my way through that comp, right?

Here's something a little funny - whenever I first start skating, and I was a figure skater for years, and i have a theory that's why I love little dresses and skirts, to this very day - lol - but when I first start skating, I have to sing Moon River.  It's the perfect rhythm for skating! Moooon (left foot, hold it) Riverrrr (right foot, hold it) la-lalala-laaaa...and off you go, onto the ice - haha!  And, at some point, I always have to sing Popcorn - remember that little song? hahaha!  They used to play it at the hockey rink in Frankford, Ontario, Canada, where I used to spend soooo much time skating - what a great rink that was! So much fun!

And here's the Slip'nSlide comp from Season 16 -  just love it! 

Sorority Girls for Life, baby! 

Here's what's gonna happen, prolly tonight, in the #BBhouse! lol! 

Aaaw, so great to see Derrick and Cody, again - I was just wondering, the other day, how they're doing... so great to see they're great friends in real life, and love that Derrick is such a good family man, such a great Dad - and I really liked that Derrick and Cody both like James - me, too.. will be fun to see what happens in the BB house, tonight! Can't wait for #BigBrotherAfterDark! lol! 

Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Fun!! Ailsa : )

   Wow, that's a great idea!  Text books are soo expensive! 

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I am soo done with my cable bill - $180/month???  Whatdahell?, as James would say - lol!  That's too high - so unreasonable... I love these new companies that are giving us real options, so you can still watch all your favorite TV shows, and easily save sooo much money... is the best!

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Wednesday, August 5, 2015

#BB17: Clay Can't Wait for Shelli to be Evicted from the BBhouse, #GoodActing, Clay! And #Extant! #BBscandal

#BB17: Clay Can't Wait for Shelli to be Evicted from the BBhouse, #GoodActing, Clay! #BBScandal

Omg, that was, by far, my favourite part of the night on Big Brother - bah'hahahaha!  Oooh, Clay, have you been playing Shelli all along?  Are you way smarter than everyone thought, hiding you' brain behind all those muscles?? hahaha!  Hilarious that Meg has a little wine, goes in for the kill, if you know what ah' mean... lol!

Oh, man, I loooved Johnny Mac's reaction to Clay and Meg, that they just can't manage to keep their carnal desires in check, while Shelli's in the DR - bah'hahahaha!  Trouble in #Clelliland - lol!

Not that I don't feel a little bit sorry for Shelli, I would, if Shelli hadn't shown her true colours, being so mean to Vanessa, and, frankly, I'm so tired of seeing Clay and Shelli in bed, all the time, always just the two of them - come on, play a more social game, see if you get further.

Clay's gonna miss his mom, when she's voted out...

Shelli: "It's ma'am, y'all, not mom"...bah'hahahaha!

  Oooh, Shelli, you ain't seen nuthin', yet...


Oh, man, I'm'a tryin' to write my li'l BB blog, but I'm also sooo engrossed in Extant - is soo good!  Yikes, I can't look away from Extant! Is one twist after another - Extant is the perfect match to Big Brother - we all love the twists and turns - lol! #Extant, #Ooooooh!!  So good!

You know what's really funny?  Extant is the only show I stand in front of the TV to watch - for real, I just stand there, transfixed, hands on mah' hips! hahaha!  Thanks, Extant, for the amazing show!! I loove it! #IloveExtant  

Okay, so here's Shelli and Clay, they should know the Big Brother game well enough not to lose it, completely, when you're nominated , or you're on the Block, you've gotta play it cool, gather yourself together, stay in the game, or it's a guaranteed Eviction out the BB door.... soo, for Shelli and Clay to be such jerks to Vanessa, then immediately turn on everyone in their alliance, claim they never HAD an alliance, it's just the two of them against the world... wow.  that's crazy.

Now Clay is not eye-candy, any more, he's just annoying.  Like a lost puppy who might be using Shelli, who knows if he really thinks that far in advance, but, fo' sho', Meg is into Clay, and it's mutual....sooo... maybe that's another Twist!!

Vanessa and Jackie had to spend 24 hours together, Vanessa as the Squire, and she was really great at that, using a really good Scottish Brogue - I loved that, of course, being a good Scottish Girl - lol!  I thought they might show a little more of that on the regular Big Brother show, so maybe they'll put a little more on, tomorrow night?  Vanessa had to continually buff Jackie's armor -looked painful, but it sounded like the most painful part for Vanessa was spending that much time alone with Jackie - lol!  That made me laugh... I can't get a handle on Jackie... she seems like she is not the shiniest armor in the Knighthood ... but what if she's secretly brilliant - bah'hahaha!  Noo, me pretty sure that's not the case.... who knows.  Maybe Jackie's like the silent creeper, or sum'thin'...

Oh, yeah, and now Jackie and Meg are gunning for Vanessa in the HOH room with James, and Meg is basically begging for everyone to keep Clay, evict Shelli at the Eviction, tomorrow night... holy schmokes, batman, it's cray cray up in the BBhouse! lol!

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James is having a great week, because he's so used to dealing with difficult men at his regular job, Clay's crazy antics don't bother James, at all... why would Clay go off like that?  For Shelli's benefit, no doubt...

Well, even though Jason was evicted from the #BBhouse, he still plays a big role in the BB game - Meg thinks about Jason all the time, they're still out looking for revenge for the 'other side' taking out Jason too soon - and makes me so disgusted when Shelli and Clay are all cry-babies about not even getting to the BB jury, because they need the money - if there are two people in the BB house who really don't seem like they need any money, it's Shelli and Clay, and Jason really did need that money, so now I have no sympathy for either of them - 

   They're all talking about their teeth on #BigBrotherAfterDark... Find a Dentist

Johnny Mac was talking about how much he owes in student loans - over $250,000 in student loans, and he pays $3,000/month in loan payments, just to pay off his student loans.  That's insane.  Post-secondary education should not only be for the mega-rich, or put people who want to go into what used to be a regular profession, before, into debt for a lifetime - when the hell did that happen??  I'm disgusted and outraged by the amount of money that's being made on the backs of students - absolutely, we need to make that a major issue in the Canadian Election and the US Election - we have lots of power, politicians will listen, and take action, if enough people demand a change.  We need affordable Post-Secondary Education, and Interest on Student Loans needs to be lowered to 1%, and as much of that debt as possible, be forgiven, for people who already have all that student debt, then people can actually build a life, without this massive level of debt, just to get a job.  

I wonder when we're gonna see Zingbot?  Soon, I hope!  

So, Austin is all about NOT pushing the button, when it arrives in the BB house.. annoying - I'm done with Austin, too... I really liked Austin, before, but not now... if a Button appears in the Big Brother house, someone has to push it, it's a huge part of Big Brother, and it's a lot of fun, sooo, maybe Austin will be evicted before the Button arrives - I'd be okay with that...unless Austin has a major turn-around, and stops being so creepy... lol!

So glad that James won the Veto, and kept his nominations the same - Shelli and Clay, they gots'ta go! lol!  See ya', #Clelli.... 

Okay, 'til next time!! Go haz you'self Lots of Fun!! Ailsa : )

   Wow, that's a great idea!  Text books are soo expensive! 

#BachelorInParadise - What'd'you mean, you don't want a basketcase, says Ashley I. - Oh, Summer Romance on TV - lol! 

@BachParadise, #AfterParadise, @chrisbharrison ,  & ,

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I am soo done with my cable bill - $180/month???  Whatdahell?, as James would say - lol!  That's too high - so unreasonable... I love these new companies that are giving us real options, so you can still watch all your favorite TV shows, and easily save sooo much money... is the best!

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