Quick Tip: Mix in some Sour Gummy Bears with your Gummy Vitamins, deeelish!

CABBAGE LEAF Cure? Maaybe... : )
What about Cabbage Leaves? If you, God Forbid, had any sort of tumor on the outside of your body, wouldn't it be worth a shot to put a cabbage leaf over it, see if it would shrink the tumor, at all? It works for Nursing Mothers - is amazing how quickly and effectively a Cabbage Leaf works to remove a lump, from milk build up - sometimes that happens when you're nursing, and I think it happened to me after I had weaned my second baby... can't really remember the time frame, now, but I do remember the lump, how painful it was, and applying the cabbage leaf, BAM! All gone - like a little miracle cure, right there, and it just occurred to me, just now, what if that Cabbage Leaf Cure were to extend itself to other things, like a tumor? Worth a try, for sure : )
SO, I was just thinking, could Cabbage Leaves draw out any impurities in your body? Maybe?
What about fat cells? Could Cabbage Leaves Shrink Fat Cells? Why not, right, if it works the same way... anyone feel like doing a little experimenting? You KNOW I'm'a gonna try it - and then have a nice salad with the rest of the cabbage and turnip? haha!
And what about Turnips?? lol!

Coleslaw with Walnuts - that's my favourite way to eat cabbage... just a liiitttle bit of mayonnaise, mix it in really well with your coleslaw mix, I use a LOT of pepper, and a little salt to taste, and a lot of Walnuts - yum! Is light and delicious, and super-healthy for your body! Yippee!

You can use butter, margarine (okay, you got me, I only use margarine for baking, butter only for veggies - lol! Or Olive Oil, or a little combo of Olive Oil and Turkey 'juice', turkey drippings, if you will... you know, when the turkey comes out the oven, the 'gravy' that's in the pan - that has an amazing flavor, and is delicious in with the Brussel Sprouts, and then the Turkey Gravy that you really make, at the table, on your Brussel Sprouts - yum!
Fighting cancer from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/284815.php
Since the 1980s, consuming high amounts of cruciferous vegetables like turnips, cauliflower and cabbage have been associated with a lower risk of cancer. More recently, researchers have been able to pinpoint that the sulforaphane compound that gives cruciferous vegetables their bitter bite is also what gives them their cancer-fighting power.
Promising results in studies testing sulforaphane's ability to delay or impede cancer have been seen with multiple types of cancers including melanoma, esophageal, prostate and pancreatic. Sulforaphane-containing foods could potentially be an integral part of cancer treatment in the future.1
Affirmations For Health (and Wealth?? lol!) I loove Louise Hay, and firmly believe in affirmations, and have been doing Louise's affirmations for just over a year, now, and love, love, love them. Louise Hay changed my life, and she can change yours, to. There's tremendous healing power in prayer and affirmations, sending healing thoughts and healing light, through your body, and sending it to others, too. try it all - it's all worth a try, right? : )To Healthy Living!
Look for Louise L. Hays, You Can Heal Your Life - brilliant - you'll love it - and you CAN heal your life! I think you could also look for You Can Heal Your Body - pretty sure that's in there, too - but it's all about healing yourself, mind, body and spirit - a good approach to wellness : )

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So, I've been spending the whole evening (okay, now it's night time - after midnight - I just finished reading a bunch of articles, some on the up and up, some slightly questionable, a couple highly questionable...so, here's what I was checking out - I watched a video earlier, this evening, about DCA, dichloroacetate (crap, I wrote it down, now canny read my own writing - hmmm!! Will go check it, make sure I have the spelling correct...). Anyway, my good friend, Steve, posted the video on Facebook (Facebook is NOT my friend, right now, on account of a horrible thing that happened on it in the fall, and every time I go on it to make sure nothing horrible and disgusting hasn't happened - not really a good reason for going on stupi fb, but I've got sooo many contacts on fb, that it makes it difficult to just delete my fb account... will wait and see, but if that horrendous this - some grooooosss creep in the middle east attached my name to a gross picture - was THE worst thing to deal with...)
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Anyway, I digress... has never happened to me, before... lol! So when I was reading all these articles on DCA, which is a potential drug for curing cancer (or perhaps some sorts of cancers? Didn't get enough information on that...), and is a very cheap drug, and an old drug that can't be patented, from what I gather, so that means, essentially, that big pharmacy would make very little profit on it, if they were to conduct the research and development necessary to bring it to market, expressly as a cure for cancer. The research has been done at the University of Edmonton, in Alberta, Canada (Dr. Evangelos Michelakis), in Florida, and some other universities, but it looks like most, if not all, of the research has taken place in the universities. Soo, a lot of money is required to continue the Research and Development for DCA, so I hope the Canadian government, or the US gov't, or ANY gov't, any very lovely philanthropist, any university or even the big pharmaceutical companies or other companies could open their wallets for more research... is interesting, to be sure.
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Broccoli Soup - Yum! |
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More Broccoli Soup - I love it! |
So here's what I read about - I would be a bit reluctant to try this... hmmm, would have to really think about this, but apparently you can put about a 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in a big glass of water, 12 - 16 oz. That's a lot of water. And I guess you can add Maple Syrup (we're Canadian, so no shortage of Maple Syrup in our fridge, at any time of the year! hahaha!), or Molasses (I'd have to go buy this, since I never did get around to making Gingerbread Cookies for Christmas! lol!), but these products are very inexpensive, would be easy to add into your diet, should you be so inclined. Apparently, the sugar in the molasses or maple syrup (I'm guessing you'd add that to some heated water, too, like a tea, I'm thinking) (or just have waffles or pancakes?? lol!) goes to the cancer, and the baking soda is going to go in and clean the cells??
Oh, and this might help with heartburn, too, or so they suggested... I've never had heartburn, but it sounds like it hurts, so I think I would give this a try, just in case it worked... but, again, research all of this before you take a big swig o' baking soda water!
Hmmm... if you're thinking of trying this, for Goodness Sake research this yourself, I'm just saying that I find this very interesting, and it seems relatively harmless to try, just in case it works on any level... but I wonder if it would work for anything else?? I am endlessly surprised that we haven't found a full cure for a virus - seems crazy, in this day and age. Unless we have, and I don't know about it, yet? Let me know, if you've got secret information - unless everyone knows it, and I'm the last to know! lol! But would this work with a virus?? If it can target the baddie cells, cause them to remove themselves from your system? Any chance this could be effective in weight loss?? Hahaha! I always want to know THAT!! Maybe just drinking all that water would do the trick!! I drink tea all day - wonder if I should try this baking soda and water thing? I'm already having maple syrup in the mornings I can't resist joining my son in his daily waffles with maple syrup! lol! (But, usually, I have me fave Raisin Bran, then have my fave porridge later in the day...pretty healthy : )
Okay, just wanted to put this out there... see what you think, see if you've tried it, if you know of any health risks from ingesting baking soda.... hmmm, will really think about this before I try it. It's supposed to balance out your alkaline level, your ph Balance, I think (makes me think of my shampoo! lol!) - but I'm pretty sure our bodies are really good at self-regulating all our levels of everything that keeps us going... but, still, something to think about, right??
Oh, and remember to breathe deeply, whenever you think of it, not just when you're exercising or meditating - or when you're really mad, trying to calm yourself down! lol! Seems like when you add more oxygen to your system, that's a good thing - well, you know you canny hurt yourself with bigger breaths! (makes me think of a terrible joke, but you're prolly already thinking of it, too! lol!)
So, just as a wee follow-up, I was doing some more research on drinking Baking Soda (a 1/4 tsp. in a very big glass of water - although, a lot of the research suggests it's okay to use a tsp per large glass of water - I would err on the side of caution, though - try it, first, see how your body reacts... but, I did read a pretty good article, that you might like to see, too... http://www.md-health.com/Drinking-Baking-Soda.html. Is definitely worth looking in to, and I see that drinking a glass of water with a little baking soda is a good cure for the common cold, and perhaps the flu, too? I think I would try that... and a good way to improve performance in elite athletes? I've never heard that, before... interesting, right? Hmmm... food, and drink, for thought : )
To Your Good Health! Ailsa : )

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Lots of interesting things to try, or get your favorites, already... and they are a full service pharmacy, so you're good, one way or another : )
Big Internet Hugs for You!! Ailsa : )
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Sooo pretty!! And the dress is nice, too - haha! These dress styles are very flattering on everyone who loves a great dress! : )
And I watch The Wendy Williams Show on KCPQ - I'm in Victoria, BC, Canada, but I think KCPQ is out of Seattle - I'll go check that out! lol! (Yep - just checked it - KCPQ is out of Seattle : )