Get the Best Price on the Flowers, Chocolates and/or Gifts you want, for #ValentinesDay! : ) #affiliate : ) Thank you for shopping through me - I get a wee something from the company, but it doesn't affect your price, at all - no worries!
Make Your Own Chocolates! It's fun to buy delicious chocolates, of course, and sometimes it's fabulous to know how to make your very own chocolates, too! #DIY, Baby!

Does "Love Shopping!" mean Shopping for Love? I think maybe it do! lol! ; )
Make Someone's Day Great, or get a wee treat for yourself !
#TreatYourself! lol! : )
Yum, Purdy's! For all my lovely Canadian Chocolate Lovers!
Yum, Ghirardelli Chocolates! My favorite!! So good! : )
Save 20% on orders $100 or more at Ghirardelli.com with code SAVE20.
Super easy little Chocolate Nests - Perfect for Easter!
Lol! Looks like I was so excited about our new way to make cookies - now I make the cookies soo teensy tiny, the size of a quarter...anyway, scroll down a little, you'll find the easy directions to make these cute little Chocolate Nests! Yum!!
Yum! We looove Ghirardelli Chocolates - so delicious! Chocolate Bunnies! And Chocolate CARAMEL Bunnies - ah', Yes, Please!! : ) Shop Spring at Ghirardelli.com!
Save 10% on Bulk Candy purchases at Ghirardelli.com with code BULK10.
#Chocolate Treats What to Do With All Your Leftover Chocolate! lol! Or ANY chocolate, melted - #ChocolateChips! : )
Okay, we juuust took some deeelishush Chocolate Chip Cookies out the oven, so I'm jus' gonna add them to this page, since it's yet another thing to do with Chocolate Chips, and maybe you'll want to try this, the next time you make chocolate chip cookies, or any kind of cookie, really - it's a simple little trick, the kids will love it, and so will you! Yum!
One, I always just use a knife to mix the dough, now - wish I'd thought of THAT, years ago - soo much faster and easier than the wooden spoon - who knew? Now we both do - lol!
So, (two? haha!), I just rolled the cookie dough, that I had to knead very quickly and easily into a ball, anyway, otherwise, I was jus' gonna 'pour' the cookie dough right onto the parchment paper, cook it in one giant piece, like a cake, sort of, right? Then score it into 1" squares, but then the dough didn't look like what I thought it was gonna look like, when I started out....
It's always good to be adaptable, in the kitchen - and then in the rest of your life, too - who knows what amazing new thing you'll think up next! (Me know you iz very smart!: )
So, I already make little rolls - snakes, like plasticine snakes you made as a child - with my Shortbread Cookies, but I've never done that with Chocolate Chip Cookies, but now I'm thrilled that I did, and very excited at how super-cute they turned out - so little - just right!
However you would normally make a 'snake' for your cookie dough, make it waaay thinner - maybe an inch, around... you're gonna love it, and it's gonna make soo many more cookies - we ended up with 5 rounds, 3 are in the fridge for another day, and that plate of cookies (minus the ones we've already eaten, right away - haha!), that's on a giant plate, not a little plate - that's just 2 of the rounds - that's ah'mazing, right? Yay! Tons o' teensy tiny cookies!
And, of course, smaller cookie, less calories... but, really, I don't count calories, I would rather Count Sips of Water... and I hope you try that, to - I'm all full o' good ideas! And Good Cookies! haha!
Okay, on with the show... What else to do with your Chocolate Chips - which I buy when they're on sale : )

So, melt a package of Chocolate Chips in the microwave, about 2 minutes outta do it...
It'll stir up so prettily - looks lovely, already!
You can use this melted chocolate as a frosting, if you like, or to drizzle over, cake, say... or over a Cheesecake... or Cheesecake Mousse - yum!
But I love to just stir some cereal into the melted Chocolate Chips - fast, easy, stretches out your chocolate, gives you a lovely treat with some health features (the cereal - lol!)

And if there's any chance you haven't tried cooking, say, Butterflied Shrimp, the one that's prepared and frozen, on the Parchment Paper, you're in for a treat - is just as if you'd deep-fried it, but you've really cooked it in the oven - soo much healthier for you, and super-delicious!
I'm all about the Healthy and Delicious! It doesn't have to be one or the other, it can and should be both, right? We gots'ta enjoy our healthy choices!
Make sure you stir the Harvest Crunch Granola Cereal in first, make sure it's cool enough before you add the mini-marshmallows, or they'll melt (or whatever is your own favorite - I happen to looove the Harvest Crunch, I add a handful of Oatmeal, mix that with mah' fingees, is one of my favorite meals with milk - yum! Fills you up, keeps you going, and you KNOW how much I love Oatmeal! Little Miracle food that it is! : )

Anyway, you make that into a log, wrap the whole thing up, make a bunch of them, pop the chocolate logs into the fridge, slice down - when you slice them, they'll look like little stained glass 'church windows' - so cute! and super-yummy!
So, here's the next plan of action - We're thinking (this 'we' is me an' mah' wonderful, hilarious son - he likes to be involved in the creative and eating processes - haha! But I do think it's fantastic to teach your children how to cook healthy food, for themselves, when they are older, and for their families-to-be - and friends, and whatnot!)
We're thinking, crush the Harvest Crunch Granola, mix in the melted chocolate chips - press into the pan - with parchment paper, for super easy cutting and cleaning...
Full layer of marshmallows, then my addition is to cut up some caramels (literally, just use your kitchen scissors - or, you, know, if you feel like using a knife - lol!), toss the caramels on top of the marshmallows...
Bake a little bit - maybe 10 - 15 minutes, let set, but pour chocolate chips on top, sprinkle them on the top, they'll melt very quickly, then spread the melted chocolate chips with a knife...
Let that cool and then score into 1" squares - now, doesn't that sound amazing? We gotta try it! That'll be our next batch - will post pics when we try it, but isf you try it, send me your pics, we'll get them all posted on here, for us all to see!
Does Food, Glorious food, come to mind? lol! Yum!
Okay, now that Easter has passed, I just make this lovely and super-easy Chocolate and Cereal Treat, any time I feel like I really DO want some chocolate,but I also want it to be pretty healthy... soo, that's how I justify it in mah' own mind! hahaha! Use any justification you want, as long as it leads you right back to some delicious chocolate! lol!
Took about 3 minutes to melt the chocolate chips in the microwave - chocolate bars - like the Giant Dairy Milk Chocolate Bar I used after Christmas - yum! That was delish!
Anyway, seems to take the chocolate chips a bit longer to melt in the microwave,and this time, I tossed in a little butter - just a little, but you can put in as much as you like - it's fun to experiment in the kitchen, find new treats lovely new things for yourself and your lovely family : )
Just use a soup spoon, seems to be the easiest to mix the cereal into the chocolate, with... fast and easy - they should be mah' middle names! haha! (That's an old joke, too, but me sure you iz already thinkin' of it! hahaha!)
And, as you have prolly guessed, I looove Raisin Bran - is healthy, is delicious with chocolate (or just milk - haha!), but you can use any cereal you like, or happen to have around the house, and you can fancy it up with nuts - walnuts or pecans, whatever you happen to have on hand...
And I put the whole thing onto parchment paper - soo easy!
It'll break in your hands when you pick it up - or keep it as one giant piece, use it as a cake - lo! ah would make me laugh!
I just slide my hand under it, crack it into bits and pieces - is so deelish! You'll love it! : )
AND, you could use this melted chocolate to spread on a cheesecake, that's always lovely, especially an Orange cheesecake, that's delicious, a very nice flavor combination... or Add Icing Sugar, Some Cream or Milk, Butter, whip that up, will be a gorgeous Chocolate Icing : )
See, I'm all full o' da ideas! lol! Enjoy!! Just in General, Enjoy Your Life!! : )
I just tossed in a whole bag of Chocolate Chips - I usually just grab the Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips, but I think I'll try the Milk chocolate Chocolate Chips, the next time we make this - and it takes about, oooh, 5 minutes to make, including the microwave time to melt the chocolate - haha! My point is, couldn't possibly be any easier, you'll love it, the kids will love it - the kids can MAKE it! So easy!
Look how cute! Me yuv! Little Individual Birds Nests with Pastel Chocolate 'Eggs'!

You can melt chocolate on the stove, too, in a double burner, but hardly anyone goes to that much work, any more, do they? But you can, if you want to - lol!
Then just add as much cereal as you can - you just stir in a bit at a time, keep stirring until you've got a nice mix, all the cereal is covered in chocolate - yum!
Place about a spoon of the chocolate cereal into each Cupcake Holder, then put the M'nM Pastel Easter 'Eggs' - I tried to find the Cadbury Eggs, but they were all sold out - but any pastel colored 'eggs' will be cute - or jelly beans, anything at all : ) #SoCute!
Raisin Bran Chocolate Treats #Yum!

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So here's all you need - whatever chocolate you have around the house - chocolate chips, chocolates from a lovely box of chocolates - you can melt all that stuff, is super-easy, just pop it in the microwave for about a minute, or so, until you can easily stir it so it's smooth...
Anyway, you can see we had a massive amount of DairyMilk chocolate - we got 2 of those giant chocolate bars - soo much fun to get - yahoo!! Until we got to the point where I thought, okay, how can we health this up a little? lol! That was a LOT o' da chocolateh! haha!
So there's the chocolate, all melted - maybe 60 seconds in the microwave - they used to say you had to melt chocolate on the stove, in a double-boiler, but that's so old-fashioned, and unnecessary - I just like things that are straight-forward and normal, and accept that times they have a'changed, and we all need to move forward with the march of time... you know the deal, I hate when people refuse to change something to make it easier or better... me no gots time for dat! haha!
So, put whatever chocolate you have, in a microwavable bowl, just stand there and keep an eye on it - if it's been in the fridge, you'll have to put it in a bit longer, but you know the drill, just add 30 seconds, check it when you feel like you should have a wee look, see how melty your chocolate is, see if you can stir it easily...
And I used a metal soup spoon - that is easier to work with, the chocolate doesn't stick to the spoon, like it would with a wooden spoon...plus, chances are super-high that you have a soup spoon - lol!

Oh, and I used about 6 cups of Raisin Bran, but you pour it in a bit at a time, so I would go with about 2 or 3 cups of cereal, mix it, add more cereal, as you like it, so it's all evenly coated with chocolate - and it depends on how much chocolate you have - you'll know... : )
And for this batch, I used 2 bars of 8 squares, but I first figured out the recipe when I had 4 squares left over from when I was having my Dairy Milk with a banana - hahaha! I didn't want to waste the last 4 wee squares - lol!
So you can make a small batch of the chocolate covered cereal, no bother - just melt whatever chocolate you have, pour in some cereal, mix it up really nicely, Bah'Dow! Now you've got a much bigger treat, and it's healthier, too! : )
Then it's just a matter of pouring in the cereal - I love the chocolate with the Raisin Bran, because chocolate covered raisins are deeelish, but you can use any cereal - in fact, if you happen to have the darker chocolate, the 72% Cacao bars, sometimes they're just too bitter to have fun eating (I wasted mine, last year, and wish I'd thought of doing this, way back then, darn it! lol!) (AND, they were all the large Godiva Chocolate Bars, waaaah! What me thinking? How did I forget all about the GODIVA chocolate bars?? haha!)
So, then (how long is this story?? haha!), just gently mix in the cereal to the melted chocolate, so it's very lightly coated with chocolate, and then add some more cereal, so you've got a nice big bowl of chocolate covered cereal - yum!

So you've basically taken a chocolate bar, or 2 (ish), and made it into a giant 9" X13" pan of chocolate treats - what a great idea, right? Is brilliant! And soo Yum!