Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Coral Calcium - Is this the new (ish) Miracle Cure?? I need to know more! lol!

So what is the deal with Coral Calcium??  I've never heard of it, before, I'm up really late, tonight, because my little man, Aidan, is away, visiting his Dad, and I can't sleep when he's away... I'll sleep when he gets home, safe and sound! Aidan is 12, now, but, still, I worry about him, my fave little man!! (Well, Aidan's 21, now - has been a minute since I've been in this page - lol!)

Anyway, so I was just about to turn the television off, tonight, on comes this infomercial, which I hardly ever watch (kay, you go me, I was watching a bit more of the new Aire Bra infomercial, tonight, too -- I watched a lot more of the Aire Bra infomercial than is humanly necessary, but only because there is only one good reason for me to wear a bra (and I have to have at least one good reason! hahaha!  And I'll only wear it 'because it's pretty' under certain circumstances, which, frankly, haven't arisen in quite some time, although, some cute guy was following me around the grocery store, tonight... might have just been interested in the same groceries as me, needed the good syrup as much as me... but a girl can interpret things any way she wants, am I right?? hahaha!). Okay, so I digress, yet again.... oh, and I never did see whether that Aire Bra would sufficiently hide, you know, any stick-outie bits, a critical feature in a good bra! lol! It does look comfy, though... must watch that Aire Bra infomercial, again! lol!

So, back to the Coral Calcium.  Have you heard of it? Do you know anyone who takes it, or who has taken it?  Are there risks involved? I did find a good 'watch-dog' site on Coral Calcium (I'll find the link for you, save you a minute looking it up! lol!).  Was interesting, but didn't have all the information I wanted to know - like, what exactly does Coral Calcium do for you?  Does it actually cure anything?  Does it make your bones stronger?  I'm already a weight-lifter (nooooo, not the Olga-type, the pretty type, the 'oh, she has nice arms', or 'wow, look at those legs'-type... nothing weird! Just the type of 'modern', if you will, weight lifting, with lovely, fancy weight machines and some free weights, the kind to make your body fabulous.... clearly an important thing for me! lol!

So I'm going to start researching the Coral Calcium, but if you've heard anything about it, good or bad, let me know, I'd love to get more info, and not just from infomercials, neither! hahahaha!  Surey there are some real, legit, medical studies, right?  There must be, even if they're not particularly popular.... I've long felt like there must surely be a cure for cancer and viruses within our grasp - it seems crazy that there wouldn't be, since, usually, if it arrives here, and it's a negative, there must surely be a positive to deal with it, right?  Well, I hope so. I change me name to Polyanna! lol!  I like the whole extended use of aspirin, too, a product I swear by (although, and some o' me friends might attest to this, I do tend to swear a lot.... but only around some people! hahaha!  I very civilized around everybody else!

So if you've heard of Coral Calcium, or you're curious about it, too, let me know, and if you happen to have a good link for info about Coral Calcium, please share that with us, we'll all have a wee read, see what we can find out.  I know there are all these issues surrounding the pharmaceudical (crap, I'll have to Google how to spell pharmaceudical, since I'm getting a little red line underneath it, every time I attempt to spell it! Will be fixed in a minute, and is too late to fix it with me own brain! Maybe the Coral Calcium helps with that??? hahaha!)  Okay, I'm off to bed, but let me know if you have any ideas or any info, or if you or someone you know, or you've heard about, has tried the Coral Calcium, especially if something great happened to them after they took it - I needs to know! lol!  Oh, didn't finish my thought about the Aspirin deal and big pharmacies... it's cheap (yippee, because I looove Aspirin, especially the little orange Aspirin, which I still call 'Baby' aspirin, since that's what we called them when we were kids, and I thought they were delicious - still do! -, but my own children won't get any aspirin until they're over 23, at least, just in case... is a risk for Reye's Syndrome in people under 21, so that's critical to know....), so maybe it's not taken seriously as a real cure for many things (wasn't there a connection with cancer, too?  Do they keep these studies quiet, or sweep them under the rug, make more money with other products?).  Okay, that's it, now I'm off to bed!  Night night! Ailsa : )

Well, that's annoying as hell... I DID spell pharmaceutical right! Grrrr... stooopid little squiggly red line kept telling me I'm wrong.... I'm not too tired to spell, after all! lol!

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  1. Hi Alisa, I love your post! Very entertaining.

    I have personal knowledge of coral calcium, thought you should know.

    We have used it for over 12 years now and will not be with out.

    I have done the research and read the nobel prize winning information from Dr. Otto Warburg that supports why Coral Calcium supports your health. Its very informative. Just google Otto Warburg and you will read about alkalinity and the need for minerals in the diet.

    Our bodies are designed to be just slightly alkaline, our modern foods do not support that and make us acid over time. Some of us faster than others. Once we become acidic, we are a breeding ground for disease and sickness.

    Some coral calcium (Bob Barefoots authentic is the best) provides the minerals your body needs to create and maintain the proper pH balance. You see coral calcium is an amazing natural source of bio available minerals in the correct form and concentration that your body will use to support your natural balance.

    The quack watch site is a joke and not to be believed or listed to. He is controled by big pharma drug money. Ive met Bob Barefoot and he truely does desire to change the path of sickness and disease that seems to be growing with out control in our society.

    Use Bobs Best Coral Calcium 2000. Its the best. You can find it at or

  2. Oooh, thank you, Brad! Yeah, I thought he seemed like a good man, too, right? Thank you for your lovely comments, too! I'd love to know how many people know about Coral Calcium ... that's part of the reason I wrote this wee bit about it, because maybe it can help get the word out. I'll definitely Google Dr. Otto Warburg - great tip for me! How did you first find out about the Coral Calcium? That's wild that you got to meet Bob Barefoot - what an interesting guy! Ailsa : >
