Oh, man, I looove this new Twitter service - I happened upon it, yesterday, right after I had just spent, literally, hours and hours, just going into each email to follow back all the people who are following me on Twitter, which is soo fantastic! I had no idea it would take off so quickly! I just started my Twitter account @AilsaForshaw a few days ago, and I'm getting new followers every few minutes, so that's soooo many emails for me to take care of, which I also enjoyed, but I was just saying to Cara, my lovely daughter, man, I feel like I might need an assistant so I can make sure everyone who follows me gets a follow-back..... http://www.twitterautofollowback.com?r=351
And then, lo and behold, what do I find?? A perfect service, that is FREE -- except I got a couple of nice upgrades, but is such a great deal, and will save me hours and hours... so I got the upgrade to have anyone who follows me on Twitter followed back, and it's updated 4 times a day! Suuhweeet!!
Anyway, I chose Level 3, so that's the level that updates and follows-back on your Twitter Followers 4X a day, and that was only $5. Fer real! $5 and you're all set up - no more worries about doing a follow-back! Is fantastic!
Mike, the owner of http://www.twitterautofollowback.com?r=351, he is such a great guy, and I had written to ask if I could get a special message to send back to my Followers on Twitter, and he said, sure, no problem, so I went in and paid another $5 for that service, and now I'm all set up! Yahoo!! $10, and I'm all set up so I can be sure everyone who follows me gets a follow back, so that's fantastic, AND, they get a nice wee message from me, which redirects them back over here, or to my main website, www.buildyourownhouse.ca. How great is that?? I'm thrilled with it, so I wrote to Mike and told him I hope he makes a ton of money with his program, and then maybe I can build him his dream home! lol! See the full circle, there?? hahaha!
So Level 1 is totally FREE - yippee! Check that out, for sure, and then if you want to upgrade and get your new followers followed back more often, just go up a Level or two! Yahoo! I love anything that makes my life way easier for hardly anything, and I just used my PayPal account, which, frankly, feels like play money to me, for whatever reason! lol! I only keep a little bit of 'play money' in my PayPal account, so is super-easy to use for quick payments online : ) You can pay through a variety of payment methods, no worries! So if you have a Twitter account, check it out, for sure, and come by and follow me, too, and for sure I'll follow you back!! lol! See you on Twitter!! Ailsa : )
Oooh, now Mike has it set up so you can make some money on http://www.twitterautofollowback.com?r=351, too! How fantastic is that?? Just go into http://www.twitterautofollowback.com?r=351, sign in with Twitter (you'll need a Twitter account, but they're easy schmeasy to set up), then you click on the button that automatically signs you in through Twitter, choose whatever level you want, then scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you'll see the Affiliate Link. Mike will set it up for you, then you're all set to start making money with your own Followers, and anywhere else you want to market this fantastic Auto Follow-Back Program. You'll love it, and you'll love make some extra money -- maybe even a full income?? How many Followers do you have? Just think of all the people who Follow you, and all the people you know on Twitter who have all their own Followers... see how this can get really big, really fast?? Yahoo!! Money for everyone!! Especially you, Baby!! http://www.twitterautofollowback.com?r=351
Good news! Now Mike has released am upgrade of the Twitter Auto Follow Back website and it comes with plenty of new features!
1. Now when you manually follow back your new followers from the website, you will be shown some information on which users you followed!
2. You can also check to see up to 500 of your most recent follow backs (manual or automatic)!
3. For Level 3 users and above, check to see if your followed back Twitter users are still following you!
4. Featured Users! Follow any of the featured users on your dashboard and you will automatically be given 3 new followers as a reward!
5. Become a Featured User! Sign up to become a featured user and your Twitter handle will be shown on every user's dashboard with encouragement to follow you!
If you have not yet upgraded your account, now is a GREAT time to do so with these new features. With a free account, you can only see up to 25 of your most recent follow backs. With a Level 3 membership, you can check up to 200 of your most recent follow backs AND, more importantly, see if they are still following you!
Alternatively, if you want to promote your Twitter account and get new followers, sign up to become a Featured User today in our Club 500 and get a bonus of 100 EXTRA followers for a total of 600 new followers! This also includes repeated Twitter mentions by yours truly, advanced campaign statistics, and unfollower replacement (if any of the users who follow you decide to un-follow you during your campaign, we'll replace them!).
Check out all these new features at http://www.twitterautofollowback.com?r=351
do you have Mike's email????
ReplyDeleteI signed up and have a question