So these girls really are so much fun to watch - Emily is my favourite - she's the Sex therapist and has her own Sex Expert Radio show in San Francisco - she's so normal and down to earth, really funny, the kind of girl who would make a great friend - I hope things work out for Emily and Mr. Chicago, but that would mean a move from San Francisco, and sometimes you can love your city so much, it's impossible to leave (of your own volition - I was forced to leave LA, and the US - booo! Self-deportation sucks, despite what Mitt Romney might think! lol! It's horrible, setting up your whole life, then it's quickly swept out from under you with one little check mark, and your Work Visa isn't renewed - is horrible. But that's me, not sweet little Emily! And Emily is so nice and honest - I loove that! I canny stand when people whitewash over the crazy things that happen to them, especially on dates and in relationships - is soo much more fun to hear the truth, and I particularly like it when the truth is slightly embellished - now that's my kind o' story!! hahaha!
Julia is the one in LA, I think she's down near Venice... sort of looks like the apartment buildings down there. I find myself really looking at the screen to see where they are! lol! But Julia breaks me up, what with the crazy Prom theme date - man, I thought I lived in the past - this girl is still living in High School - and who on earth wants to go back to their high school days?? (Okay, I'll give you that - tons!! lol!) And I looove that she is soo pushy with the guys she goes on dates with - they're all drunk, she leans in for a kiss, and they turn their cheek! hahahaha! Is hilarious! Highly entertaining. But she's just a girl looking for love, and it's getting harder and harder to find it, it seems. I hope Julia finds a good guy who loves her quirky little self : )
Oh, and if you've seen Miss Advised, you'll know the bit where Emily goes on the blind date, and he's really looking for a third?? So crazy, those guys! But when Emily says it's better to say yes and go on those dates, and it's never a waste of time... uuuhm... I can't be bothered wasting my time. I've been on some pretty crazy dates, and they did provide me and my hilarious friends with a lot of great jokes over the years, they were painful at the time, and now I canny be bothered with anything like that, any more... someone has to really catch my eye and make me laugh, then it's fun time, not wasted time! lol!
The one I think is really funny (to watch - doesn't look like a great sense of humour goin' on, right there!) is the one in New York, Amy, the Matchmaker. Hiiilarious, all those rules for everyone else, no rules for herself (which is a good thing - what kind of fun have you ever had seriously following the rules?? hahaha!), in such a state about the 28 year old guy not texting her soon enough after their first date, then getting really mad about it on their second date, then it's game over on the third date - but why the third date? So he could give her a row, make her uncomfortable after she made him uncomfortable? What a waste of good hamburgers! That looked like a terrible, uncomfortable, meal... you gots to enjoy your food, not share it with some yic, male or female... same thing for a marriage! hahahaha! Ah, that just makes me laugh! Don't waste too much time in a crap marriage! I remember more than one occasion, where you're sitting across from your spouse, thinking, wow, if I were on a date with this guy, would I be desperate to go home, right now? To my OWN home?? lol! Ah, married people dream little dreams like that (dreams of being single! lol!), every so often - is normal, I think! But good to keep your sense of humour about all of that, of course : )
Oh, Miss Advised, I'm glad you're on the air!! Something fun for me to watch, keep me going! Hope it goes on forever - I canny wait to see who they date, next week! lol! : )
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