Monday, December 31, 2012

#NewYearsHoroscope #Horoscope #Astrology #AstrologicalReading

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Free Monthly Horoscope ... scroll down to read the Full astrological forecast for the New Year, 2013, from Rose Marcus 


Quick aside from me, Ailsa, the Author of this blog,, and my main website, .
I had a Reading over the phone with Rose Marcus a while back, and it was amazing. Frankly, I'd rather put my money into a great psychic reading than a whole lot of Therapy (unless it's really good therapy, but more on that later...). Anyway, it was a great Reading, and put a lot of things into perspective for me. Very clarifying! If you want to give that a try, just use Rose's email address to set up an appointment, if you like. Oh, and then let me know how it goes! : ) 

And now for your Monthly Horoscope from Rose Marcus...!

Please note: Rose is available for private consultations. EVOLUTIONARY ASTROLOGER, TAROT READER, CLAIRVOYANT





School of Evolutionary Astrology, Canada

Readings and Classes: (604) 988-1299

Happy New Year! May your desires and needs be delightfully surpassed in 2013 ~With love, Rose 2013 

(Scroll down for the 2013 Astrological Overview)

Annual Sign Overview: 

ARIES (March 21- April 19) 2013 delivers more recognition, results, and reward. The first full year of Saturn in Scorpio plunges you even deeper into your career, material, and personal transformation. Saturn is a constructive influence, but it’s not an overnight process. Rather it’s slow and fermenting, and often laborious. Along with Pluto’s hammer and nails, Saturn’s job is to accomplish the necessary reforms and to deliver on your time has come moment. Your mandate for 2013: to conquer your world. The stars put the priority on will & estate matters, career goals, business or family planning, parenting, parental relationships, debt management, investments, and home renovations. Parenting roles and relationships with authority or authority figures, intimate or business partnerships are also slated for constructive turnarounds too. Uranus in Aries aims to shatter through the ceiling once and for all. Those born Mar 25 to April 1 will get the fullest jolt from Uranus in 2013, but of course each of us will feel the intensity of this awakening, revolutionizing, and liberating influence. Change, perhaps extreme change, can occur in the blink of an eye. In January, Mars in Aquarius offers a good stimulation, but look to mid March through mid April for a fuller blast off time, thanks to Mars and Venus joining the sun in Aries. Financially or relationship wise, the Aries lunar eclipse on Oct 18 is particularly catapulting for those born around April 12, 14 – 16. As of the end of January when Jupiter ends its four month retrograde tour, you’ll find you can make better connections and inroads, and that you can get your message across better too. Paperwork, plans, negotiations, writing projects, studies, marketing, communication and transportation upgrades, and your social life/network will see a more natural move along. A key relationship (sibling, friend, agent, colleague) is slated for positive growth too. Starting late June, Jupiter in Cancer shifts the spotlight to private life, home and family matters. July to mid August is an ideal time to reconnect with family or dear ones from your past, to vacation, to invest in real estate or a home renovation, or to hunt for new digs.

TAURUS (April 20 -May 20) When the going gets tough, it’s an opportunity to prove something, to yourself and to the world. Saturn in Scorpio can tighten the squeeze where it will get your attention best. It can find you facing a formidable opposition in the guise of a partner or an authority figure. Of course, you may be your own toughest opponent too. Saturn can reduce your options, place added restrictions on your resources, opportunities, or support, and hold you more accountable. Progressively, this streamlining will serve to chisel you and your life to a rock solid state where you can’t falter or fall, no matter what challenges arise. Saturn signals a time of karmic and actual contract endings, or of partnership and professional solidification. The defining Scorpio lunar eclipse on April 25 sets the long term into play. By choice or by force, your social life will continue to downsize, just as it has over the year past. You can do no better than to prioritize the material, health, and relationship tasks set before you. Make the commitment, do the work, get the results. It’s the formula that works. Don’t delay on the necessary undertakings, and forge ahead now. Through June, Jupiter in Gemini keeps you sorting it out on a variety of levels. Positively, Jupiter’s transit helps you to be especially resourceful, even quick witted when you need to be. Mid March through May, it’s firing on all cylinders time. The spring eclipses are particularly catapulting, especially so for birthday folk. By the time Jupiter advances into Cancer, you should feel better situated emotionally, socially, and materially. Life and love can hum along quite nicely by July. The end of July/beginning of August is ideal time to travel, relocate or to take some other big step forward. Mid Oct to Dec's start is another productive growth period.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21) Through the end of June, Jupiter in Gemini keeps you busy with one thing after another. The growth and increase planet finishes its four month retrograde tour on January 30, so use the month to scope things out and to build the momentum, and aim for the full steam ahead in the first week of February. Of course, there’s no necessity to bide time. Through January, Mars in Aquarius stimulates fresh opportunity and offers you a good jump start. You can make better connections and inroads from mid January onward, especially so once Aquarius month kicks in on Jan 19. Note the start of the year window is short. By February 18, the good momentum can disintegrate thanks to both Saturn and Mercury starting retrograde. Pause or coast until March 20 when Aries month begins and you’ll quickly regain what was lost – and then some. Setting actual or karmic contracts into play, the May 24 lunar eclipse is particularly stage setting birthday folk, and also for those born June 8, 9. Of course, we will all feel its intensity to some degree. Whether a new arrival or someone who is already familiar to you, watch for a key person to set your future in motion. While Jupiter in Gemini keeps you on the move, once Jupiter advances into Cancer at the end of June, it will be time to settle down, settle in, and grow it from here. Saturn in Scorpio will prompt change to your work and your day to day routines and habits. A new job, study track, or new health regime will fit the bill quiet nicely. The grand trine in water makes you more emotionally and materially satisfied. July places you at a good plateau. By the time you get to the end of the year, you are likely to look back and say you are glad you made the changes and took the risks you did.

CANCER (June 22-July 22) As we have seen demonstrated for both Canada and the USA, Uranus square Pluto holds especially high impact for Cancers born Jan 1 - 4. The acceleration trend continues in 2013, with peak activity and opportunity periods occurring mid March through April, and June through August, and also through both eclipse seasons, April/May and Oct/November. The eclipse on Nov 3 can deliver a critical crossroads for those born on or around July 17. The first half of February is also opportune. Scout, broaden, travel, broadcast, or scoop it up. If you couldn’t get yourself moving during this short window you will soon enough. Chosen or forced upon you, April is sure to offer you a dynamic boost. One thing you can be absolutely sure of is that a new personal life or career direction awaits you. Most likely you’ll feel/say the change is long overdue. Through June, Jupiter in Gemini keeps life motoring along a double track. Even though it can be hard to see the outline of what’s possible and what’s next, you’ll have to trust that the universe is conspiring on your behalf no matter what hand you are dealt. Jupiter in Gemini is a staging or incubating influence. While Pluto in Capricorn aims to deliver the final blow to relationships and circumstances that no longer offer the goods, you’ll benefit from Saturn in Scorpio, a strengthening and time-is-ripe influence that is well aligned with your sign. If it’s worthy and fecund for you, it will prove itself. Starting in July, Jupiter in Cancer puts you on the plus side of life. July and August are especially opportune. So much more can come together for you, and easily too. Jupiter in Cancer begins a new twelve year growth and learning curve. The fall is ideal for upgrades of all kinds including health regiments, studies, creative projects, employment, and your social life. It’s also an ideal time to develop a speciality or a niche market. 

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) 153 Home, family, personal or actual renovations, real estate, finances, business, the aging process and unrequited needs have likely been more burdensome on you as of the past several months thanks to Saturn’s advance into Scorpio. While there are components of your life that are simply beyond your control, the bi-product of your present challenges prompts you to core and fundamental inner change. Have you noticed a distance growing between you and another, or between you and the lifestyle you have set up for yourself? Consider it a natural progression. Progressively, you’ll break free of your crystallized and outworn patterns. Your main task is to learn how to live with yourself in a new way. Help to the rescue, Neptune and Pluto in favour to Saturn through the better portion off the year loan you the patience to work through what you need to. In fact, once you get started, you are likely to see that your inner and outer life reconstruction is much easier than you anticipated. Starting the year off with a fresh energy charge, Mars in Aquarius through January finds you ready to dive in full tilt. You’ll pick up even better speed once Aquarius month kicks in on Jan 19. You’ll keep on the good roll for the first half of February but take note that the tides will shift in the second half of February as both Saturn (Feb 18) and Mercury (Feb 23) begin retrogrades cycle. Use this time to pause for reflection and to replenish yourself. The second half of March through April will push the reboot button for you. Use it as your window of opportunity. A new home address, marital, or career status can be in the works. The spring eclipses (April 25, May 9, May 24) can thrust you into a whole new reality base. Lost your spark or mojo? Look to Aries month to light a bonfire. July forward, you should find you’ve reached a good plateau. As of late August, Mars in Leo launches you on a new initiative and a new two year self-development cycle. September/October takes you through another breakthrough, streamlining, and refinement cycle.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) 151 Last year, this year, and next, Jupiter signals an ideal time to make a major career and lifestyle switch. Pursue formal education or train on the job. What you learn now is only a stepping stone to so much more. Saturn in Scorpio, a two and half year transit, can reduce your circle of friends, but the streamlining is appropriate for now. Time is a precious commodity best used on the friends, relationships and activities that deliver best. Supportive influences and one on one relationship bonds will grow once Jupiter advances into Cancer at the end of June. Your best clients and customers will stand by you too. Mars in Aquarius starts the year with something new or unexpected, but you should find you adjust fast and that you can integrate the changes to your benefit. As the month finishes out and February begins, you should find yourself submerged and going strong, but, be forewarned that February 23 to March 18, Mercury retrograde can make you question yourself, another, and/or lose your way temporarily. There can be financial or health setbacks during this time too. Mid March through June can deliver fresh financial or relationship opportunity. A relationship or circumstance that is not meant to be is likely to end at this time. A new relationship can have the markings of a “keeper” right off the bat. Both the solar eclipse on May 9 and lunar eclipse on May 24 mark a peak time for significant transitions and undertakings. By the second half of July and into August you should feel like you have brought yourself up to good speed and that you are ready to more fully embrace your new day dawn. Jupiter in Cancer in harmony to Saturn, Neptune and Chiron create more fluidity and ease you along your growth curve. You’ll find your ability to connect, convey, or cozy up is greatly enhanced. In general, life offers you a sense of right place, right time feel. October through the beginning of December, you’ll find yourself fired up and going strong on a new initiative. Ambitious Mars in Virgo prompts you to get yourself someplace even better. Know it’s a healthy attitude to adopt and a productive starting place for your next two year agenda.

LIBRA (Sept 22-Oct 22) 155 By the time Jupiter ends retrograde on January 30, you should find yourself past a good percentage of the roadblocks. In fact, as early as mid month, you should see that things are shaping up readily and well. The first half of February keeps you completely immersed in work, personal, and health upgrades. You’ll find yourself in a good flow, but mid February to mid March, Mercury retrograde can cause a temporary backtrack. Avoid major decisions and don’t push what isn’t coming naturally during this time. Your best choices and options will become much clearer after the retrograde cycle completes. In fact, Aries delivers a “rapid transit”, full steam-ahead month. Through late June, Jupiter in Gemini offers an ideal time to concentrate on pleasure, adventure, and travel. What makes you happy? What keeps you stimulated, interested and fresh? It’s an ideal time to broaden your knowledge base or your social network, to upgrade your website and expand your marketing, to make a name for yourself, to scout for better professional opportunities, a new relationship, or to relocate for better career or educational opportunities. Jupiter in Gemini also favours legal matters, immigration, publishing, broadcasting, teaching, or performing arts. July and August is an ideal time to start a new life or a new business venture. By then, you should feel you have reached a good destination point. Jupiter’s one year tour through Cancer brings a time drop anchor and to make it grow from there. The lunar eclipse on Oct 18 can produce a sharp corner turn regarding relationships, professional goals or contracts, dealings with authorities, parents, or financiers. This will be especially so for those born on this date, otherwise the eclipse is likely to be experienced like any other full moon.

SCORPIO (Oct 23~Nov 22) You have no choice but to keep going. Your ambition, will power, and tenacity have been put to the supreme test in recent years but look how far you’ve come. The experience has gifted you with even greater self knowledge and it has transformed you into a wiser, sharper, and more confident and chiselled you. Saturn in Scorpio will continue to season and steel you even more for the next two years, but let’s talk about this year. 2013 is synchronized to your time-is-ripe moment. You are ready now, more so than ever. Aim to take the bull by the horns, to blaze a new trail, make name for yourself, and/or nail it down once and for all. By your own design or by destiny’s pen, your personal and professional agenda is well laid out. January gets the ball rolling, perhaps faster than you have planned. It’s an ideal time for fresh starts, new initiatives, a new address or base of operations. You should find yourself in a good flow from the end of January through the middle of March, but take note of Mercury retrograde and recalibrate as necessary from February 23 to March 17. The cycle is bested for creative development, personal replenishment, spiritual retreats, or vacation getaways. Mid March through April can keep you especially busy, involved, and racing faster. More can come at you all at once. It’s likely that you’ll have more irons on the fire than are obvious or visible. The lunar eclipse on April 24 can bring a significant ending or fruition point, especially so for those born Oct 30 to Nov 2. Whether it’s a matter of one door closing another opening, or something long in the works and now brought to fruition, the solar eclipse on May 9 sets you onto a lucrative new platform. A key someone is likely to set the course for you. Starting at the end of June, Jupiter’s advance into Cancer increases your stellar favour and your public or social popularity. Good things can just fall into your lap. Options and opportunities are enhanced; your creativity, sense of well being and satisfaction does too. You should find life fits together like a glove. Don’t get too comfortable though, there’s still more for you to experience, to accomplish and to rework. Mid September through the start of October, Venus in Scorpio brings more attention your way. Relationships or circumstance can switch up in the fall. Due to a retrograde cycle, (Oct 21 to Nov 10) Mercury will tenant Scorpio from the end of September through the beginning of December. This can be another starting over or reinvent the wheel time. 

SAGITTARIIUS (Nov 22~Dec21) For the past several months, you have been at a major professional, personal or social crossroad. As January rolls along, you’ll come to recognize that you are so much further along than you were only a short time ago. February and March is a time to stay out of sight, and/or keep what you are work on under close wraps. Home, health, and your private life keeps you especially occupied. Jan 31 to Feb 18, and March 20 through April are fortuitous for a new endeavour, relationship, or a new address. Aries month fuels you with ample passion and creativity. A hot new love can appear. Late May through June can put you on the move too, this regarding your public profile, relocation, a legal matter, or the money chase. A key someone can make an entrance or a departure on the May 24 lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on May 24. This can also be a definitive turning point for a contract negotiation, a legal matter, or a ripe time for a location move. Those born on or around Nov 26 are directly influenced by this thrust-forward eclipse. During the first half of the year, Jupiter in Gemini puts the concentration on the people in your life and how they sway you directly or indirectly. Jupiter in Gemini is also a time to plan/think ahead and to explore more avenues professionally or socially. This is an apt influence for expanding your marketing or upgrading your website, knowledge or skill sets. In the second half of the year, Jupiter in Cancer shifts the focus to close knit relationships, and to increasing your financial or emotional support base. You should find that family and intimate relationships grow more warm and comforting. You could find yourself in more need, or be the one to dish out more financial and emotional support. July through the middle of August can be a good time for family togetherness or for cozying up for love. September and October, both Venus and Mars fire you up and keep you going strong.

CAPRICORN (Dec 22~Jan 19) In the coming year, Uranus square Pluto will affect you strongest if your birthday falls at the end of December or beginning of January, but of course, the wake-up/shake-up is hitting all of us. You have been outgrowing your life circumstances and/or a previously cherished ambition for some time now. Saturn’s tour through Scorpio aims to underscore how absolute and final that statement is. Even if it is bittersweet, you’d be the first to admit that you are ready cut your losses and to embrace the new day’s dawn. You’ll gain added stellar support from Pluto and Neptune for the better portion of the year. The combination helps you to transition with grace; to relinquish, transcend, and rebuild from a position of strength and security. The time is right and there’s no reason to drag the past forward any longer. Through January, Mars in Aquarius keeps you busy and driven. Get back to the bargaining table. Try a new angle, avenue, or approach, it will prove productive. You’ll start to see more tangible results mid month forward. Legal and financial matters can gain better traction, especially so once Aquarius month begins on Jan 19, and even more so once Jupiter retrograde ends on Jan 30. You’ll continue to negotiate your way through a transition corridor through the first half of the year. Through the end of June, you’ll continue to clean up loose ends. Jupiter in Gemini is also an ideal transit for study, research, and paperwork; for communication, equipment or transportation upgrades; for testing new skills, ideas, or strategies. February through mid March, you’ll have an easier time going with the flow. Still, don’t give up on the things that are important to you. Once Mercury turns retrograde, you could be talked into relinquishing more than you should. Regarding emotions, finances, career profile, physical wellbeing, and dealings with authorities or the law, know you are more vulnerable and susceptible from Feb 18 to Mar 17. Mid March through April lights a fire under you. On the difficult side, it can be a time of heightened family conflict. There can be outbursts, explosions, and separations. On the positive end, Mars, Venus, and the sun in Aries offer you for a vibrant and fast-track fresh start. It’s the right time to start a brand new life. Whether you sell, purchase, or rent, a new address is well timed. It’s also an ideal time to launch a new career direction. July onward, you’ll find yourself on the road to more peace, comfort, and contentment. Jupiter in Cancer can put more supportive people and more lucrative avenues in your path. It’s an ideal time to increase your marketing or to broaden your search for your next bests. Get your word out to a larger audience, they’ll respond to you well. Your social network or client base can increase quite readily and naturally. You’ll find you can communicate and connect with greater ease. By fall you’ll feel the urge to add/do more; to refine, expand, or upgrade again. You’ll become more aware of how much more there is out there waiting for you. To grow is good, after all it is the soul’s main agenda.

AQUARIUS (Jan 20~Feb 18) Through January, Mars in Aquarius keeps you freshly refuelled and ready for action. Get cracking on a new health regime, update your website or facebook profile, or scope out a new agent. The hunt for love or for better financial prospects gains good traction through the first half of February. Feb 2 to 25, your popularity and social life increases. Venus in Aquarius keeps you looking good and presenting well. The transit bestows added attention and favour your way. Your creativity and opportunity spurt continues through the spring and early summer, especially so mid March to mid April; mid May through mid August. Through June, Jupiter in Gemini guides you toward the best pathways and inroads. Your ability to convey, negotiate, demonstrate, create, synchronize, link-up, learn, teach, and sell is at peak. The lunar eclipse in Scorpio on April 25 can signal an eventful transition or culmination time regarding your career, real estate, family, or home life. This is especially so for those born around Jan 26. The solar eclipse on May 9 signals an especially lucrative launch time for those born around Jan 20 or Feb 8. Out of necessity or desire, as of late June Jupiter in Cancer switches your focus onto health matters and onto personal, family, and professional life upgrades. A particular project, training program, investment or expenditure can eat up a majority of your time or resources, but it is something you seem to be willing to take on, that you know is going to get you someplace good. September through November delivers a hit it hard or transition time. 

PISCES (Feb 19~March 20) Since Jupiter turned retrograde last October, you have been navigating your way through a major home and family transition. The result is helping you to evolve into a new way of live with yourself and simultaneously, you are meeting and greeting the world out there in a new way too. By February’s start, you should feel you’ve gained a good handle on it all. Feb 23 to Mar 17, Mercury travels retrograde in Pisces. This cycle can help you to regain lost time or ground. It can offer you an extended fresh start or trial run period. It is an ideal transit for creative development, a spiritual retreat, a vacation, or a personal check in and/or regroup. Of course the typical retrograde warnings should be heeded. Put added attention toward safeguards, especially regarding your health and wealth. Saturn began Scorpio last fall and will continue for the next two years. This confidence builder placement provides you with the courage and security of knowing that you’ve become older and wiser at just the right time. The year ahead can deliver the “it” moment you have been waiting for. Starting in July, Jupiter in Cancer launches an optimum creative and romantic cycle. It's fortuitous for your loved ones too. Look to the dynamic configuration of planets at the end of July to bring all the right elements together for you. Mid October through early December, Mars in Virgo delivers another growth spurt cycle. You’ll find yourself especially busy with people, projects, the money chase, personal or professional ambitions. A personal priority or new relationship development can necessitate that you cut back on your social life and reduce time or money wasters. Use Mars in Virgo to better your best, to modify, upgrade, refine, specialize, fix, improve, or heal.

2013 Overview: 

The USA may head off the fiscal cliff temporarily, but the world will keep spinning as it has. The first days of the New Year are likely to require that extra push. We’ll pick up better speed after the new moon on Jan 11 and even more so once the sun treks into Aquarius on Jan 19. Jupiter’s four month retrograde cycle is the reason the NHL hockey playing season and other initiatives have stalled out. With Mars in Aquarius to re-stimulate talks and opportunity, there’s more possibility for creative solutions to be found. January 4 can be a day of announcements. Jan 6 to 8, 12, 14, 16 and 17 are all productive move-it-forward dates. By Jan 30, Jupiter will complete the retrograde cycle it began in October. The first two weeks of February is an opportune full thrust time, but the window is short. The fast-track can get easily side-tracked once Mercury in Pisces turns retrograde, Feb 23 to March17. Beating Mercury to the punch by just a few days, Saturn begins retrograde on Feb 18. That particular week is likely to require added patience and safeguarding. Progress could be diminished or lost temporarily; the unforeseen can be particularly challenging or costly. There can be difficult weather, flu epidemics, or more confusion and uncertainty to cope with. You’ll make the best use of the Mercury retrograde cycle if you’ll take a reflective pause and switch yourself from drive to coast or response mode. It is an ideal time to replenish and repair, to seek sanctuary or healing. The other two Mercury retrograde cycles of the year occur June 26 to July 20 in Cancer, and Oct 21 to November 10 in Scorpio. If you miss your opportunity at the start of February, don’t fret. Mid March through August, the stars offer the peak of the year for an address change, career advance, and relationship development. Continuing through June 25, Jupiter in Gemini is a mobilizing, connect-the-dots, information gathering, and trend-setting influence. If you haven’t been able to move the dialogue along and/or to get your message out there well enough, you’ll find better opportunity now. To June, Jupiter in Gemini offers an appropriate time to increase in your knowledge base through formal studies or hands-on experience. Use the transit to explore, diversify, multiple, sell, transport, or broadcast. The end of January through the start of March, and the second half of April, Jupiter re-stimulates the sensitive karmic degrees of last year’s momentous Venus transit. Be it a key relationship or circumstance, Jupiter will animate that which is ready for its next chapter. Of course we are already deep into the script. The spring delivers 3 eclipses, April 25 (Lunar), May 10 (Solar) and May 25 (Lunar.) In closest proximity to the last eclipse but intensifying all three, the first of two Uranus square Pluto alignments occurs on May 20. To refresh you on the Uranus/Pluto transit: Pluto’s influence is one of core and fundamental evolution. Its process is one of demolition and reconstruction – or to use karmic terms, death and rebirth. To remind you how formidable Pluto is, note that it began a new cycle in the sign of Capricorn just as Obama won his first term in office in 2008. This was also the time of the Wall Street and Auto Industry collapse. Uranus is an awakening, radical, revolutionizing, and liberating influence. Its process is also one of shock and trauma, a social climate we have witnessed far too frequently in 2012. Uranus makes a double statement while it tenants the sign of Aries. New, improved, set free, unleashed, or unhinged is what we can expect from this hotwired influence. Roughly every forty years, Uranus and Pluto align. When they do, we experience a few rapid fire years when reality is reinvented and collective evolution takes a seismic leap. Uranus/Pluto continues on the clock through 2016. While this alignment continues, know that things cannot and must not stay the same. Applied to such social norms as that of American gun laws and we’ll have to admit that never has the statement rung more true. The transforming Scorpio lunar eclipse on April 25 involves Mars in Taurus in opposition to Saturn in Scorpio. The eclipse sun will have just surpassed Mars (an initiating or launching influence), while the eclipse moon approaches Saturn (a culminating or ending influence). We will feel this eclipse building about a week in advance. Watch this time for action to do with finance and economics, survival strategies, oil production, political strategies, corporate mergers and the like. Something of importance will be solidified or brought to an end. Too, someone of prominence may either step down or exit the planet. This eclipse is stage-setting for British Columbia’s provincial election on May 14. The two featured opponents have their sun’s in exact opposition to one another. Christy Clark is a Scorpio and Adrian Dix is a Taurus. The materializing Taurus solar eclipse on May 10 involves Mercury and Mars in Taurus. A key person factors strongly into the new equation. Juno’s influence suggests a karmic recall or replay. This can be a time when significant contracts, actual and karmic, are re-written. The Sagittarius lunar eclipse of May 24 involves Venus and Mercury in Gemini in a new dialogue. This is a mobilizing time; of growing beyond and of manifesting a new vision and a new future. There’s added emphasis on key people, key communications. There can be more conflict between native peoples and the federal government, students and teachers, or regarding philosophies, religions, beliefs, perspectives, etc. A Sagittarius eclipse can increase movements, migrations, and protest numbers; it also advances matters to do with broadcasting, publishing, education, exports, speculative markets, travel and Gaia. We are now at the start of our first full year of Saturn in Scorpio. The transit began in October of 2012 and will continue into 2015. Saturn’s influence is serious, sobering, recessionary, and task oriented. While this transit continues we will come to realize that resources are limited and dwindling, that we must make the best use of them we can. Positively, Saturn in Scorpio is one of seeing hidden advantages and of astute management. It can be a strengthening, regulating, and refortifying influence. In exerting its authority, this Saturn placement is also ambitious and agenda based, even dictatorial. It will employ whatever tough measures and added pressure is necessary in order to get the job done. Saturn has begun its trek through Scorpio in good relationship (trine) to Neptune and Chiron in Pisces. This facilitating aspect offers plus and minus. It makes the system vulnerable. It weakens authority and authorities rule. It allows for loss beyond what we can fully see or understand in the immediacy of the here and now. One way or another, the alignment will teach us to relinquish and surrender. Of course, when the lesson comes by force, it is often a painful loss. To the positive, the trio provide an opening where previous there stood a seeming impenetrable blockage. When Saturn, Chiron, and Neptune align, so much more can be transcended. It suggests that potentials are especially ripe if/when we can surrender our fears and our propensity to recreate our limited past. The transit delivers best when we can synchronize with flow of the in-coming tides. With this combination we must acknowledge the flaws in the system, in our reasoning and justifications. The combination is best used when we implement strategies that take the whole and the greater good into consideration, rather than continue with short sightedness of ends justifies the means implementation. We must see reality as is and the potential it offers. We must not confuse the potential with the projection of an ideal or an expectation. Saturn in Scorpio and Pluto in Capricorn tenant each other signs, a condition known as mutual reception. When two planets are in this team-work alignment, they acquire full access to each other’s attributes. For most of the year ahead, Saturn maintains an optimum alignment (sextile) with Pluto. Watch for necessity’s dictates to establish the momentum. A wealth of opportunity exists for the master strategist. Saturn/Pluto in a creative alignment bodes well for putting realism, resourcefulness, and self-determination to productive work. In this time has come moment, we have no choice. We are now pitted against the pressure cooker of our population explosion and the extravagant exploitation of natural resources to feed and service it. Also against the ravages of humanity’s insanity and the system that continues to allow it, and the time bomb of global warming that so far has kept big business betting the future on end-justifies-means. Saturn in Scorpio aligned with Pluto and Neptune also correlates to the business of oil and tar sands production. The Saturn in Scorpio years (to 2015) will greatly accelerate all matters to do with this industry. The consequences of our myopia are also included on the short list. Advancing into Cancer on June 25, Jupiter will increase the emphasis on matters to do with, family, nurturance, nesting, real estate, home, safety, and security. We can expect food prices and sea levels to rise even more, and for both drought and flooding to wreak havoc on growing seasons. On the positive, Jupiter in Cancer suggests more emotional responsiveness, and a greater potential to heal, build, secure, and preserve. Since Canada’s birthday fell on an eclipse a few years back, our nation is gaining a more prominent status. Jupiter in Cancer continues this trend. Through July and the better portion of August, Jupiter fills in the third angle of a grand trine with Saturn and Neptune/Chiron. Jupiter enlarges the scope where-ever it goes. For one and for all, it will increase the attention given to protection and preservation needs. It will also stimulate greater awareness of the fragility and preciousness of life on the planet. Also, Jupiter in Cancer increases both the desire and the need to replenish ourselves and our resources. Hopefully it will get the trends moving in a positive and pro-active direction. We must protect our water, our food, our loved ones, and all living things. Another opportunity peak arrives in the last two weeks of July and first week of August as Mars in Cancer conjoins with Jupiter and stimulates the grand trine involving Saturn, Neptune, and Chiron. As stated in previous columns, eclipses are acceleration catalysts and they mark the intensification periods for the year. The last two eclipses of the year occur Oct 18 (lunar) and Nov 3 (solar). The second Uranus/Pluto alignment on Nov 1 pumps dynamic extra fuel to both of the fall eclipses. Solar eclipses tend to produce notable outer world events and passages. Both solar and lunar eclipses will be of greater potency and impact if/when they fall on your birthday or make a direct contact to your natal chart. Both Mercury retrograde and planet Saturn influence the Scorpio solar eclipse on Nov 3. Likely this time will bring added concerns regarding economics, oil production, political agendas, weather extremes, or the environment. Mid October to the beginning of December, Mars in Virgo calls for more correction, adjustment, repair, work, and healing. Overall, the stars of 2013 offer a productive backdrop. Our leaders have faced enough to know that they can’t afford to coast, to cheat, to sweep it under the carpet, or to fall asleep at the wheel. We must recognize this also. Jupiter in Cancer can bring more caring, togetherness, and emotional fulfillment if we are courageous enough to risk opening our hearts and minds to better day’s dawn.   

January’s Transits: Jan 11: New Moon: 21:46 Capricorn (11:44 am) Jan 26: Full Moon: 7:24 Leo (8:38 p,) Jan 8: Venus into Capricorn (8:11pm) Jan 10: Pallas into Aries (9:06 am) Jan 18: Mercury into Aquarius (11:25 pm) Jan 20: Sun into Aquarius (1:52 pm) Jan 30: Jupiter ends retrograde (3:37 am) **Please note, all times listed are PST Dates to watch: Jan 3, 6, 7, 8, 10 – 12, 14, 16, 22, 24-28, 30, 31

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