Tuesday, August 27, 2013

This Tiny Cookie Has 16 Grams of Fat - but it's soo little! And only a little bit tasty! lol!

Look at this cookie. Tempting, right? Looks tasty. Looks sooo innocent. But is it? No. It's neither tasty nor innocent, but do I love them, accidentally? Yes. They are addictive little things, but I canny buy these, any more! hahahaha!  I gots to stop, and here's why - I bought these a while back - I had been eyeing them up in the bakery aisle at Safeway for a few weeks - it's the icing sugar, they remind me of these delicious cookies the mother of one of my friends used to make at Christmas Time, but these are NOT the same cookies. These little addictive cookies are called Pistachio Mamoul. You had me at Pistachio! hahahaha!  A cookie with pistachios in it, AND it's covered in icing sugar, AND it looks like it's shortbread??  I'm in.

So I'm casually, and slowly, Thank God, making my way through these lovely little virtually tasteless cookies (it's a very light flavour, and clearly I have developed a taste for! lol!), when, the other night, I thought, My God, it's entirely possible these little cookies have 5, count em', FIVE grams of fat in them... then I quickly dismissed my thought as ridiculous, went about my tiny task of making a nice cup of tea to go with my little Pistachio Mamoul cookie....

So jump to the NEXT night, I'm in the kitchen, still thinking, it's entirely possible these teensy tiny cookies could have a lot of fat in them, and the nutritional information is right on the bottom of the package, so it's not like it's not right there in front of me, I had simply chosen not to look at it, and spoil all my teensy tiny flavour fun! lol!  I wanted to live in the dark. Happy to live without knowledge that this little cookie might be bad for me. No. I didn't want to know. Like a very bad boyfriend, sometimes, you don't want to know the details, you just want to enjoy the boyfriend.... been there? Yeah, me, too! hahahahaha! Boyfriends and cookies, my very slight downfall! hahahaahaha! (Okay, I think that's jus' for me, really makes me laugh, while I'm sitting here, writing... passing the time before I eat another COOKIE!! hahaha!)

So there it is, the guilty culprit, the tiniest, almost most flavourless, cookie on the planet, and I want them very badly. See how tiny it is? I put it on my BUSINESS CARD, just so you could see the actual size.

That teensy tiny cookie has 16 grams of fat. SIXTEEN GRAMS of FAT. What the helll???  I just about bloody dropped. And then you can't take information back out of your head, much as I tried, because I have big plans to finish off the rest of these little cookies.... but I have GOT to never buy them, again ... said the girl with no resistance! hahahaha!

16 grams of fat!!  Omg, that's almost half of my normal 'goal' of 37 grams of fat per day - I am NOT against fat, don't get me wrong, here - I happen to LOVE fat! hahaha!  And I don't like fat-free products, because they just fool your body, which can't be fooled - it's just your mind that can be fooled, not your body... your body always knows what's goin' on....but your mind, well, as I know from personal experience, and a LOT of personal experience, a mind is a very easy thing to waste......no, that's a different campaign... a mind is very easy thing to fool...you can easily pull one over on your very own mind! hahahaah!  Think how many times a day you try to pull the wool over your own mind!  Hilarious! Is so funny! Tryin' to trick ourselves, all the time! Humans - we be crazy! hahahaha!

Okay, I'm gonna go have that cookie!  It's sitting right beside me, patiently waiting for me to enjoy it, a little... seriously, there's virtually no flavour! So funny, and I want it so badly.... oh, and it really is filled with pastachios, that's most likely where the fat comes from (says my mind, who is sooo easily fooled), so is maybe a healthy cookie?? hahahaahah!! Okay, hope you are enjoying your delusional day as much as I'm enjoying MY delusional day! lol!  Happy Cookie Eating! Ailsa xoxo!

And now for some Great Deals for you!! lol! 

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