Saturday, March 29, 2014

#WallyLamb #AmericanWriters We Are Water, by Wally Lamb - Wow, What a read! #GreatBooks #GoodReads #FavoriteAuthors #Books #Novel #Reading

Wow, I am blown away by Wally Lamb's new book, We Are Water. I just finished reading it, and, holy crap, what a ride. You are so caught up in the story, and all the characters, you need to just keep reading, like the floodgates have opened to the story, and you've gotta ride the wave to the end. Amazing. 

(Oh, and I get a wee something when you buy through me, too - so thank you so much - you're the best!)

It's always a little tricky when I want to tell you about an amazing new book you might like to read, too -- although, this is not a book for the lily-livered... is that the right spelling?? hahaha!  Makes me laugh, just thinking about that term, but lets say you know someone who balks when they hear a sweary word Whaaat?? People swear?? Say it ain't so.... okay, those people. You've got someone in your mind, right now, everyone knows at least one prude, and you wonder, how the hell did that happen, after, say, 1921??  Who knows? People who cling to a pristine past that never did exist? Who can tell what made them pretend to be so pure of heart..... generally, these are also some of the meanest people, but secretly hurting people, hiding behind this little wall of bashfulness, or extreme and excessive purity - they annoy me, for the most part, just accept others for who and what they are, and move on.... I'm not big on the ultra-moralistic crap. Gimme a break. And everyone else, too.... people go through stuff, they deal with it, it's very rough, sometimes... anyway, I see I'm on a bit of a rant...not enough sugar for me, today?? hahahaha!  Like sugar is the new enemy. Stooopid. That annoys me, too. Maybe a little fresh cup of tea will help me 'simmer down'?? haha!

Okay, let me put the rest of the Wally Lamb books up here for you, too, in case you're new to Wally Lamb...oh, man, are you ever in for an incredible reading treat!  Again, though, only if you're an adult, and can handle some tough stuff.... and love a great read, and, oh, man, are you gonna looove this! We Are Water is a brilliant book - Wally Lamb is definitely one of my all-time favourite writers. Brilliant. Amazing. What a read!

Wally Lamb is so powerful - especially right now, when we are still dealing with school shootings, and the horrible aftermath of these easily avoidable school shootings (and shooting everywhere else, too), Wally Lamb writes beautifully about Columbine, in The Hour I First Believed... 

Every Wally Lamb book is a treat for your senses, you will fall crazy in love with Wally Lamb, and soon he'll become one of your favorite authors, too! : )

This link will take you right to The Wally Lamb Collection - every book by Wally Lamb is spectacular - yes, they are juuuust that good!  I love a book you just can't put down - yahoo for Reading! lol! : )
Happy Reading!!  Ailsa xox

Oooh, look for Mr. Ed - they're hilarious!  We have the Box Set - so funny!

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