Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Escape Club on E! - Are they all horrible, or just the girls? Yuck!

Escape Club on E! - Are they all horrible, or just the girls? Yuck!

Omg, I'm watching that horrible Escape Club, yet again...it's the worst show in the nicest setting...those girls are so shrill, I had to keep turning down the volume, and it's hard to see if any of them are good people. Jesse seems the nicest, and really needs the money, but, man, these are seriously horrible people - ugh, especially Meagan and Elly - these girls - yuck.

Donny seems a reasonable guy, there's the 'male dancer'/"I'm really a lawyer" guy... can't even remember his name... good looking, but man, these are not very good people. Andrew, I think...

This Meagan girl - ugh, man, it's just painful. Her life is a mess, she has no idea why?  Uh, maybe because she's a horrible individual, drinks far too much, says horrendous things to people, has no control over herself, at all?  Hmmm, it's a mystery.

I think the only hope for these yucks is maybe they'll watch the show when they get home, and have a little introspection, see how they can change their own lives.

You know, you'd feel sorry for them if they weren't so awful - particularly the women...what's that all about?  When did women become mean and horrible, even shockingly aggressive?  Yuck.

Man, I wish they'd bring Rake back, or put on all the great shows they've taken off, over the summer... doesn't everyone go home at some point in the evening, even in the summer, turn on the TV? lol!

Oh, I do like Lisa B., she seems like a good person...a massive amount of plastic surgery, but what are you gonna do about that, right?  They're thinking that will advance their lives?  Elly, though, what an entitled monster. How does anyone put up with people like that?

Oh, no, they're doing the vote, right now, and Lisa B. voted for herself to go home - ruh-roh, she of little brain... and now they're at the end of the voting, there are 6 people left, and turns out, there are 7 votes - these mowons! hahahaha!  So either some idiot voted twice (Lisa B votes twice for herself?? lol!)... I'll finish this when they show what happened...

'Til next time... hope you find much better stuff to watch! Me, too - why do I watch this stuff, and so much of it?? hahaha!  lol!  Ailsa : )

Omg, so it's just going from bad to worse... bleh, that Elly is horrible and Meagan, yelling and screaming... holy crap, batman, these are the worst examples of young people... just shows you, sometimes looks mean absolutely nothing - someone can look good on the outside, be a monster on the inside - yuck.

Ugh, that moron Elly votes twice, then she says, okay, so I voted twice, what's the big deal? hahaha!  These idiots. Now they're changing the rules all by themselves - is pretty funny, maybe the producers have given up on the Escape Club being good? lol!  And turns out Lisa B. had a little plan for voting for herself... and it did get the horrid Elly out, sooo, good job, Lisa B.? lol!

Okay, I've gotta go watch something smart - get mah' brain back together! hahaha!  See ya'! : )

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Brother 16: Amber has had enough of being nominated...but will the women finally unite?

Big Brother 16: Amber has had enough of being nominated...but will the women finally unite?

Amber has soo had it with being nominated, yet again, but the good thing is that #TeamAmerica has successfully completed another mission, so that's another $5,000 each for #TeamAmerica's Frankie, Derrick and Donny.... yippee!  I really like Frankie, Derrick and Donny, but something tells me that Donny will soon become a target for the girls...anyone else get that feeling? It's like Derrick's been all 'teflon' so far in the game, doesn't ruffle feathers, doesn't irritate anyone, is a really good guy.... a big threat in the Big Brother house.

And finally the girls in the house are starting to notice that maybe, just maybe, they should form some sort of an alliance.. wow, if they had just listened to Joey at the beginning - how is it they didn't come to realize the power of numbers a little earlier? lol!  Sort of funny!  and the women are still not even close to being united....and, here, it was only women who were nominated... hmmm, what's it gonna take to get these goils united? lol!

Poor old Caleb is still referring to himself as the knight in shining armor for Amber, and she wants nothing to do with Caleb, any more - but Amber is interested in Cody, but maybe Cody is more interested in Zach Efron? lol! I loved the #ManCrush stories - funny...good to see they're all open minded : )

I did love the 'Knightly' game of Chess out in the yard - for real, they didn't know how to play chess, and Donny had offered to teach them how to play chess, and they had declined?  What is that?  And how did they get all the way to adulthood without learning how to play chess, maybe exercise their minds a little... might help them out with thinking things through...ah, well, it's hard to feel sorry for these crazy girls, except for Amber, who is really a great competitor... and what was with the whole story that Victoria was hand-picked for the show?  I thought Big Brother chose their house guests from people submitting audition tapes, if that's what you call them... I had no idea people would be sought out, right?  I don't know if that's true, or not, but that kind of changes how much I want that person to win, plus, really seems like Victoria maybe doesn't need the money, and that's why she's not working very hard at the game? Hard to say...

I wish old Brittany would cut back on the mascara...is a little like 1995, with the bottom lashes all heavily covered... maybe a lighter look would be better? lol!  And it's always interesting to me that any house guests with a child or children, think they should automatically win everything... once you're in the Big Brother house, everyone's on equal footing - that's what makes it so much fun, right?

So now Frankie is dethroned from the HOH title, and Cody is safe, as the lone HOH... interesting that Frankie hasn't had any backlash from his nominations, so far... that's lucky, and that was pretty cool how Frankie's family were able to keep Frankie's sister, Ariana Grande, a secret from the rest of the house guests...very clever : )

Until the next time! lol!  Hope you're having a great night! Ailsa : )

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Big Brother 16: Bye-Bye, Devin...See ya'!

Big Brother 16:  Bye-Bye, Devin...See ya'!

So Devin WAS evicted, tonight on Big Brother - I thought, for sure, it would be Caleb getting evicted from Big Brother, tonight ... Caleb is playing such a terrible social game, what with being so stalker-y with poor Amber, who clearly isn't interested in Caleb, romantically. She'll be at the point, pretty soon, if she's not there, already, where she can't tolerate anything to do with Caleb, because he will not let go of this whole 'you owe me', thing... yuck.  But, I guess even all of that crazy behavior still didn't trump what Devin has done in the game. And the houseguests were all cheering when he left - you never want people to cheer when you leave - dat a Bad sign that maybe you're not living your life they best way, possible. The shame of it is, most people you cheer when they leave have no idea they're horrible people, or just really difficult people.. they really have no idea. Generally, they're not overly introspective - lol!  What, consider my own actions?  Dat crazy! hahahaha!  And, so, you always have people who will run roughshod over everyone else, or just one major person in their life, and that's enough for a giant cheer when they leave... sooo, Bye-Bye, Devin. I hope to God he changes that aggressive persona enough to be a good dad, and to be good to his baby mama, since it sounded like there must've been some serious stuff going down off screen, too, in his real life, since most women will stay with their baby's father if he is at all tolerable, but if not, they have to leave for the sake of their baby (been there, done that - very hard to do).

I was amazed that it was a unanimous vote, too, since that means everyone in the house is on the same page, and communicating well - that's huuuge!  Usually there's a big divide, somewhere, so that really does mean it'll be a much calmer Big Brother house, now...especially if Caleb can back off of Amber, and if there is anything there, which ain't'a lookin' good for Caleb, but does look very good for Cody, then it might switch to a nicer friendship.... and I thought it was hilarious that Caleb couldn't find a shirt that could button up for the vote - hahahahaha!  That's so funny - oh, hey, have you sen mah' muscles?? haha!

I'm so happy that #TeamAmerica are working so well, together, Donny, Frankie and Derrick, three of my favorite houseguests in the Big Brother house, anyway... good for them to earn themselves some money!  Yahoo! and now #TeamAmerica have to get a super-strong competitor on the block, next week... maybe Caleb, again?  We'll see if he can get himself together, remember what game he's really playing...

Oh, and I loooved Donny's family, and Jeff was hilarious! hahaha!  Man, he's cute. And funny...did I already say cute? lol!  Donny's girlfriend is very pretty, and I loved the story of Donny's brother... great family : ) No wonder Donny's sooo nice!

Okay, is it schnack time, already?  For sure, it's Tea Time! lol!  I love my tea!  Until the next time... go do something really fun! Ailsa  : )