Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Escape Club on E! - Are they all horrible, or just the girls? Yuck!

Escape Club on E! - Are they all horrible, or just the girls? Yuck!

Omg, I'm watching that horrible Escape Club, yet again...it's the worst show in the nicest setting...those girls are so shrill, I had to keep turning down the volume, and it's hard to see if any of them are good people. Jesse seems the nicest, and really needs the money, but, man, these are seriously horrible people - ugh, especially Meagan and Elly - these girls - yuck.

Donny seems a reasonable guy, there's the 'male dancer'/"I'm really a lawyer" guy... can't even remember his name... good looking, but man, these are not very good people. Andrew, I think...

This Meagan girl - ugh, man, it's just painful. Her life is a mess, she has no idea why?  Uh, maybe because she's a horrible individual, drinks far too much, says horrendous things to people, has no control over herself, at all?  Hmmm, it's a mystery.

I think the only hope for these yucks is maybe they'll watch the show when they get home, and have a little introspection, see how they can change their own lives.

You know, you'd feel sorry for them if they weren't so awful - particularly the women...what's that all about?  When did women become mean and horrible, even shockingly aggressive?  Yuck.

Man, I wish they'd bring Rake back, or put on all the great shows they've taken off, over the summer... doesn't everyone go home at some point in the evening, even in the summer, turn on the TV? lol!

Oh, I do like Lisa B., she seems like a good person...a massive amount of plastic surgery, but what are you gonna do about that, right?  They're thinking that will advance their lives?  Elly, though, what an entitled monster. How does anyone put up with people like that?

Oh, no, they're doing the vote, right now, and Lisa B. voted for herself to go home - ruh-roh, she of little brain... and now they're at the end of the voting, there are 6 people left, and turns out, there are 7 votes - these mowons! hahahaha!  So either some idiot voted twice (Lisa B votes twice for herself?? lol!)... I'll finish this when they show what happened...

'Til next time... hope you find much better stuff to watch! Me, too - why do I watch this stuff, and so much of it?? hahaha!  lol!  Ailsa : )

Omg, so it's just going from bad to worse... bleh, that Elly is horrible and Meagan, yelling and screaming... holy crap, batman, these are the worst examples of young people... just shows you, sometimes looks mean absolutely nothing - someone can look good on the outside, be a monster on the inside - yuck.

Ugh, that moron Elly votes twice, then she says, okay, so I voted twice, what's the big deal? hahaha!  These idiots. Now they're changing the rules all by themselves - is pretty funny, maybe the producers have given up on the Escape Club being good? lol!  And turns out Lisa B. had a little plan for voting for herself... and it did get the horrid Elly out, sooo, good job, Lisa B.? lol!

Okay, I've gotta go watch something smart - get mah' brain back together! hahaha!  See ya'! : )

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