Thursday, July 24, 2014

Big Brother 16: Yahoo, Donny's Safe!!

Big Brother 16: Yahoo, Donny's Safe!!

Oooh, I was a li'l worried, there, for a minute, that maybe Brittany might actually do something, and be safe, but, luckily, everyone in the house loooves Donny, so Donny didn't get one vote for eviction - it was a unanimous vote against Brittany, so now Brittany's gone - yippee!

Mostly, I'm just happy that Donny is safe, and #TeamAmerica can get started on their next mission, to instigate a fight between two of the houseguests - who do you think they'll pick for the fight?  Who are the 'fightiest' in da Big Brother house, me wonders?? lol!  Not Hayden, can't imagine he would ever raise his voice, or not be super laid back about anything....and Nicole looks like she IS falling for Hayden, so our first we can count out Nicole and Hayden for the fight.... maybe Christine and Nicole, since maybe #TeamAmerica could plant a see that Christine is against Nicole?  Hmmm.... Christine's smart, though, so she might see right through that.... maybe Victoria can get riled up, or, at the very least, have some thoughts about something, other than maybe her hair and jewelery?  Noo, dat be mean... poor kid. She's young, she's got lots of time to develop a personality... I can't really imagine Victoria having any kind of argument with anyone, maybe Zach and Caleb?  They're both little fighters... maybe...will be fun to see what #TeamAmerica comes up with - how they get that done, then they're all up to $15,000, each - that's fantastic!  That'll pay a lot of bills!

Oooh, poor Frankie - how sad was that? He really loves his Grandfather, but how sweet is that of Frankie's family, to encourage Frankie to stay in the Big Brother house, continue with this amazing opportunity to win the $500,000...and how sweet everyone was with Frankie, surrounding him with all that love - very moving, very sweet.  Will be so nice to see the pictures of Frankie's Grandfather, once Frankie and Zach get up to their HOH room... and so nice of Derrick to let Frankie have the HOH competition... a lot of kindness in the Big Brother house, tonight!

Was sweet when Julie Chen brought Brittany's kids up on the Big Brother stage, too : )

Okay, 'til next time! Did you already have your snack?  Man, I just had a gigantor bowl of Caesar Salad... was that MY snack?? Can salad be a snack??  What if it's a really delicious salad? No? hahaha!  See you soon!  Ailsa : )

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