Sunday, July 27, 2014

Big Brother 16: Zach Attack?? Has Zach Gone Mad with Power? lol!

Big Brother 16:  Zach Attack?? Has Zach Gone Mad with Power? lol!  So, is Zach losin' it?  For a while, there, Zach was looking like a good guy, concerned about other house guests, being nice and kind, then then, whammo, we're got a crazy on our hands! lol!  Poor kid, he's gone power-mad!  And Zach was not amused by being hit in the face with the cake - Ooooww, says, Zach... lol!  Sort o' funny... but he's losing his good friend, Frankie, who knows he can't depend on Zach to keep it together, and that makes Zach a target...

But, if Zach has become the new target, from being sooo mean to Nicole, who really is a sweet girl, no need to take it to such a personal level, right? That was like a Grade 6 insult, wasn't it?  And really hurt Nicole's feelings..sooo glad Nicole and Christine worked together so well to win the competition.

Is interesting that Jocasta says her voice wasn't heard when she was in the competition with Victoria - you have to make yourself be heard...and little Victoria, she seems have to have no idea why she keeps being put up on the block, but she seems to have no game, whatsoever. You can't really just stand alone in the Big Brother house, you gotta team up with other house guests, work in a team... but Victoria might still be safe, if Amber or Zach are put on the block, if either Victoria or Jocasta can get themselves off the block...

(Well, hmmmm, have no idea why that paragraph just turned blue and is all underlined - lol! Super weird!  A computah' mystery! lol!)

#BBDate - lol!

One of my favorite bits of Big Brother, tonight, was the date Caleb finally 'won' with eating a pickle. Hilarious, on pretty much every level... this kid, he just doesn't pick up on any of the 5 zillion social cues Amber is giving off...hahaha!  So Caleb eats this stooopid pickle, Amber feels like she might as well get that over with, which is a good idea, and their 'date' was hilarious - lots of silence, Amber all squished into herself, blocking her whole body - that body language made me laugh... she couldn't be any less interested in Caleb - she was even looking over a Cody during their 'date', and Caleb had to remind her to pay attention to him...hahahahahaha!  So that puts a target on all three of them, amber, Cody and Caleb. Which is so unfair to Amber, since she just isn't interested in Caleb - oh, and I was watching some of the Big Brother After Dark, and Caleb is talking endlessly with Jocasta about Amber, how she just doesn't get how appreciative she she be of him, that Caleb is the one who is carrying her through the game...ugh!  But that stuff makes me laugh, iz funny...

Sooo, will be soo interesting to see whether the house wants Zach to go home, after all his very bad behavior, this week... you've gotta be soo careful in the Big Brother house! lol!  Until next time, go haz lots o' fun!! Ailsa : )

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