Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Big Brother 16 - Donny's #LuckyBeardDay : )

Well, I thought you might'a like this swimsuit shot of the Big Brother 16 cast! hahaha!  Or maybe you would just like to look at anyone in their swimsuit?  Iz okay, we cool like that : )

Wow, soo glad that Donny won the Veto Competition, and took himself off the block, but am so not happy with how awful Devin is being... is so hard to even like Devin, any more, even if he is a lot of fun to look at - is painful hearing him talk against Donny, and was soo sweet when Donny says to Devin, it's okay if you don't trust me, I trust you.... what kind of sweetness is that?  Did you see Devin's heart melt a little?  Grow a little?  And even Paola is starting to have some feelings of empathy for others... so sad that Paola says she only thought of herself, before - is that common?  Is this a generational thing?  I don't get that... aren't children being raised to care about the needs of others, any more?  I raised my children that way - I thought that was a given, how can you have a nice, civil, society, if we aren't all kind to ourselves and to others?  Hmmm.... the thoughts you have during Big Brother! lol!

I do not like Caleb - is hard, since I've heard about that thing that Caleb might have said something terrible about Obama (not about Obama's policy), and that's horrible.  I can't remember what Caleb said, but I remember cringing when I heard it, and it is hearsay, at this point, but one way or another, Caleb sounds like such a jerk - Joey is 'in trouble', because 'she's so stooopid, trying to set up an all-girls alliance', says annoying Caleb, when he has his own 'all-men alliance'?  What?? Jerk. I dunno, I don't have a good feeling about Caleb. And what was with those idiots when Joey was trying to talk to the girls about the all-girl alliance?  Silence.  Seriously. Have they never seen Big Brother, before, or have no clue how alliances work?  You don't have to love everyone in your alliance, you just have to be true to them, vote other people out.... it's rocket science, fer sures...

I loved that Donny methodically went in and got all his letters - surely you would go through the dictionary, or think up your very own words, and then check the dictionary, so you can learn how to spell words with 8 letters, or even more.... and don't get a word stuck in your head, and try to find the letters - how many of the houseguests had letters missing from their words?? hahahahaah!  What, they've never played Scrabble, mah' fave game in the whole wide world? haha!  I dunno, maybe Donny IS the smartest one in the house.. and Donny WAS wearing a North Caroline State University T-Shirt, and usually, you only wear the university you actually went to, right?  I have a Queen's University T-Shirt in the back of my car, just in case I ever need it - lol!

Anyway, so, clearly, Donny is my favorite, Devin and Caleb my least favorites... and Nicole seems like a mowon...poor kid. Not sure how long she'll last (not long, I hope...).  I do hope that Christine starts playing a better and bigger game - she's too far off in the corner with Nicole, and that won't serve her well. We hardly even got a glimpse of Brittany - she doesn't stand out for me, so maybe we'll see some personality there, eventually... I just like people with a real personality, like Frankie - I really like Frankie, so very glad he didn't end up on the block.

Soo, now we have to wait to see who's gonna be the first houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house...ooh, can't wait! lol!  See you soon!  Ailsa : )

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