Sunday, July 20, 2014

Big Brother 16: Amber has had enough of being nominated...but will the women finally unite?

Big Brother 16: Amber has had enough of being nominated...but will the women finally unite?

Amber has soo had it with being nominated, yet again, but the good thing is that #TeamAmerica has successfully completed another mission, so that's another $5,000 each for #TeamAmerica's Frankie, Derrick and Donny.... yippee!  I really like Frankie, Derrick and Donny, but something tells me that Donny will soon become a target for the girls...anyone else get that feeling? It's like Derrick's been all 'teflon' so far in the game, doesn't ruffle feathers, doesn't irritate anyone, is a really good guy.... a big threat in the Big Brother house.

And finally the girls in the house are starting to notice that maybe, just maybe, they should form some sort of an alliance.. wow, if they had just listened to Joey at the beginning - how is it they didn't come to realize the power of numbers a little earlier? lol!  Sort of funny!  and the women are still not even close to being united....and, here, it was only women who were nominated... hmmm, what's it gonna take to get these goils united? lol!

Poor old Caleb is still referring to himself as the knight in shining armor for Amber, and she wants nothing to do with Caleb, any more - but Amber is interested in Cody, but maybe Cody is more interested in Zach Efron? lol! I loved the #ManCrush stories - funny...good to see they're all open minded : )

I did love the 'Knightly' game of Chess out in the yard - for real, they didn't know how to play chess, and Donny had offered to teach them how to play chess, and they had declined?  What is that?  And how did they get all the way to adulthood without learning how to play chess, maybe exercise their minds a little... might help them out with thinking things through...ah, well, it's hard to feel sorry for these crazy girls, except for Amber, who is really a great competitor... and what was with the whole story that Victoria was hand-picked for the show?  I thought Big Brother chose their house guests from people submitting audition tapes, if that's what you call them... I had no idea people would be sought out, right?  I don't know if that's true, or not, but that kind of changes how much I want that person to win, plus, really seems like Victoria maybe doesn't need the money, and that's why she's not working very hard at the game? Hard to say...

I wish old Brittany would cut back on the a little like 1995, with the bottom lashes all heavily covered... maybe a lighter look would be better? lol!  And it's always interesting to me that any house guests with a child or children, think they should automatically win everything... once you're in the Big Brother house, everyone's on equal footing - that's what makes it so much fun, right?

So now Frankie is dethroned from the HOH title, and Cody is safe, as the lone HOH... interesting that Frankie hasn't had any backlash from his nominations, so far... that's lucky, and that was pretty cool how Frankie's family were able to keep Frankie's sister, Ariana Grande, a secret from the rest of the house guests...very clever : )

Until the next time! lol!  Hope you're having a great night! Ailsa : )

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