Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Big Brother 16: Donny's #OldManBeatdown - hahaha! Go, Donny, Get Your Grove On! lol!

Big Brother 16: Donny's #OldManBeatdown - hahaha! Go, Donny, Get Your Grove On! lol!

Donny wins the Veto competition - yahoo!  We're just thiiis much closer to voting Devin out, since Donny was soo sweet to take Jocasta off the block, but Caleb has caused such a hassle for poor old Amber, even though she TOLD Caleb not to throw the competition 'for her' - man, we saw that coming, right? Remember I was saying that Caleb would make sure Amber knew she would 'owe him' big time (maybe a little marriage, that's all...), in exchange for him saving her?  Well, here it, men who want to be, or have some weird need to be, a knight in shining armor, it's like they're cut from the same cloth. That's not how you get a woman to fall in love with you. You might get to 'take care of them' for a little while, but if the loves not there, will be a rough ride... love is always soo much nicer and so much better, when it's mutual - lol!

Wow, I'm trying to write this while I've got Extant on - lol! It's soo good!  Is hard to to take my eyes off of it to write! haha!  If you haven't caught Extant, yet, check it out - very well done. Last week, I was busy writing, and I glanced back at the TV, and all of a sudden the storyline had gotten very, very dark, and I thought, oh, crap, now I can't watch this, any more, I'm not interested in anything scary - no thanks.  That's not for me. Then I thought, well, is there any possibility my DVR has changed the channel on me, and I was so busy writing that I didn't notice? Turns out, that's exactly what had happened - man, when your TV has a mind of it's own - maybe like what's on Extant? lol?

Anyhooo, back to Big Brother... Jocasta was so moved by Donny taking her off the block - all very sweet, but I sort of wondered if Jocasta really was all that sick?  I mean, I know that prolly sounds terrible, but let's say someone really didn't want to be in the veto competition, since they would know for sure they wouldn't win, in order to take themselves off the block... well, I hope that wasn't the case, and I think everyone in the house was so relieved that Donny won the Veto competition, and took Jocasta off the block, so Derrick could nominate Devin to go on the block. And there's Devin, says the house has turned on him - wow, no notion that he might have somehow brought that on himself, what with being a bully and far too emotional - super creepy that he keeps saying he's doing it all for his daughter... just feels like there's more to that story, too - and a little funny when someone has to write the name of someone on themselves to remember them - I dunno, that jus' makes me laugh! lol!

Oh, yeah, and wasn't Cody good looking in his casino outfit? Wow, no wonder Amber likes Cody - just as a friend, right now, but it looks like that might be the first real showmance, since Caleb and Amber is just in Caleb's head, and poor little Hayden is probably not gonna get very far with 'Froggie' Nicole - poor kid! Maybe he'll just keep trying, and he's respectful enough to keep his distance, not be too pushy, just putting it out there, that he's interested in pursuing a relationship with Nicole, but Nicole keeps him at bay...will see what happens...

Oooh, Big Brother, you're soo good at leaving us with a cliffhanger! lol!  Reminds me of the old Rocky and Bullwinkle show... Until Next!  Hope you're having a great night! Ailsa : )

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