Sunday, July 6, 2014

Big Brother 16 - Throwing the competition - good or bad? Find out on Wednesday! lol!

Okay, so there's the men in da Big Brother Housie - guess which tow are in a semi-showmance?  Zach and Frankie. Zrankie. haha!  Hilarious - very cute!  Super sweet... maybe Zach has more to discover about himself, this summer?  Who knows, but it's great to have a new best friend, and Zach and Frankie are haivng a great time, especially good, nice to see some humanity from zach, since he really presented himself to be such a jerk, so at least we can see a much nicer side of him, and he does seem like a pretty smart guy...

And poor ol' Caleb - now I feel a little bit sorry for him - he's really falling pretty hard for Amber, and did you happen to catch the very end of the show, after the pink stuff was dropped all over Amber, and Caleb went over to help her wipe it off?  He wants to take her home to meet his family - that's pretty cute, except Amber hasn't noticed anything about Caleb, at all... and I thought Amer was interested in Devin, but a whole wee in the HOH room, and nothing, soooo, that's interesting - Devin is the kind of guy you might go a date with, because he's so good looking, then all of a sudden, you realize, oh, no, this guy is not what I'd hoped for... happens all the time - some girls make it all the way down the aisle before they see what they really got... I hated the whole thing where Devin is mad about the kitchen not being cleaned according to his schedule, and he angrily takes Brittany's hand cream through to her, like, why did you leave this in the kitchen... think I know why Devin is a single dad - I'd like to know what happened to the mother... no mention of her? That's always weird... like on the Bachelor, when they don't say anything about the mom... makes me uncomfortable...

And that whole thing where Devin 'had' to come clean with Donny, who really played under the radar, tonight... hmmmm, dat not good - the Devin coming clean in front of the whole house, I mean... man, can you imagine how nerve racking that would be for The Bomb Squad? You'd have no idea what he's about to reveal... and you have to be soo careful, not to appear to be the leader of the group - you really gotta look out for that - they're usually the next to be voted off or evicted...

Nicole is maybe showing a little bit more of a personality - interesting to me that she was referred to as really smart, tonight - yikes, I still don't see that, but maybe it's hidden in there, a closely kept secret - lol!  I do like the little crush that Hayden has on Nicole, but I would imagine she thinks he's too young for her - is she 24?  Maybe younger?  And Hayden is 21... seems like a tiny span of time as the years go by, but at that crucial point in your life, a 21 year old man and a 24 year old woman can be light years apart... hmmm, I really wanted 'lightyears' to be one word, but mah' spelling alert red squiggly line, she say, No! Dat not right!). I no likes da red squiggly spelling line - very annoying!

I like that Brittany is standing up for herself - that's a good sign. Cody got a little more play, tonight...ooh, and Cody really likes Brittany... see how the showmances are starting to come out?  Yippee!  That's one of my favorite bits of Big Brother! lol!  Okay, 'til next time.... go have some fun of your own! lol!  Ailsa : )

Oh, yeah, almost forgot - lol - wonder if Paola really threw the competition?  Sure seemed like she was trying, 'til she didn't win, then she said she DID throw the competition... hope that all works out the way she's hoping it will - usually, when you throw the competition, it comes back to bite you in da ash... not good, right?  Soooo, oooh, we'll see what happens on Wednesday! : )

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