I'm not sure why I can't get my Checklist for Building tonPost properly, but you can follow this link and you'll find my printable page -- great if you are building your own home, or if you are having a new house built for you by a builder... this is a great way to follow along, make sure you understand the different stages, and can easily check them off as your Build progresses :)
Easy Recipes that always work, beauty tips & skincare (Try the Niacin & Zinc!), easy ideas to lose weight, get in great shape, get rid of cellulite! TV Shows (Survivor, Big Brother, Netflix) Renovation Ideas! #DIY How To Build Your Own Dream Home! #Recipes #Diet #Fitness #Parenting #Relationships Ads on Blog support my writing!
Friday, October 29, 2010
10 Tips To Sell Your House Faster #HomeSale #RealEstate #Realtor #ForSale #ForSaleByOwner #Realtor #SmartHome
Compare offers from up to 5 Lenders at LendingTree.com.
Here are the best tips I've learned from experience over the years.
1. Clean your house -- no kidding... the cleaner your house is, the easier it is to sell.
3. Advertise yourself, even if you have a Realtor. It's not a given that your Realtor will actually advertise for you. It's an option that they can add in addition to putting you on MLS (Multiple Listing Service...). If you place your own Ad, include the Price, size, and any special features. There's nothing more annoying to us than a House without a Price -- it's much better to be completely up-front, so people will know well in advance whether your house is in their Price Range, and almost everyone has a Price Range. In the last year, or so, the Online For Sale By Owner Sites have become increasingly popular, so definitely give them a try, first.
It's amazing how many homes are Sold By Owner, now. We've sold most of our houses, over the years, on our own... you just need a good Real Estate Lawyer and you're all set. It's good to look at everything you can before you buy, and give it a try if you're selling.
4. If you're not on a tight time-line, consider selling on your own -- you just need some good 'people skills' and a good Real Estate Lawyer. It's a Sellers Market out there, so it's worth a shot... you can always hire a Realtor in a couple of months.
6. Have Open Houses -- from 1:00 'til 6:00pm. For some reason, these are great hours. The typical Open House (if there even is one...)is from 2:00 - 4:00pm. Too hard for people with busy lives (the ones with the money to actually buy your house! ha,ha!) to get to in time. Hey, you're cleaning and prepping your house, anyway -- what's a few more hours? Those'll be some of your best-paid hours in your life, if you sell on your own, since you'll save about $20,000. on an 'average' home! Now, that ain't bad!
7. Put out fresh flowers -- potted or cut -- in as many rooms as you can. Adds great color and gives your home a lovely lived in feel. Also, the old 'bake something that smells delicious' thing really is effective. You can also put a cinnamon bun in the microwave for 45 seconds, or simmer apple juice, vanilla and cinnamon on the stove. It's welcoming and it works! Oh, yeah. Wear something appropriate AND Put the dog/snakes/leopards where they won't bother your potential buyers! :)
8. Get any offers in writing. Have your Contracts ready and read through them first, so you're not struggling to figure out who the Vendor is when your Buyer is sitting there...:) (If you're the Seller, you're the Vendor!) When you're using a Realtor, be sure that they have good contact numbers for you so you can all act quickly when an Offer comes in on your Home.
9. Contact a Lender On-line before you start the whole thing -- you need to know the current Mortgage Rates so you can help your Buyer, if necessary, and for yourself, so you can know how much you can afford for your next place.
Find a good Real Estate Lawyer, first, too, so you can give your Buyer his or her name. (When you're selling yourself, you can share a lawyer, unless your buyer seems crazy, in which case it may be wise to find another buyer, or at least retain separate lawyers!)
10. Keep a positive attitude. The right person always shows up at just the right time, so keep your chin up and sell your house : )
Good Luck!! : )
Oh, and if you're in Los Angeles, California, let me know, and I'll put you in touch with THE Best Realtor!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Survivor Nicaragua, That Crazy Marty!
OMG, that Crazy Marty on Survivor!! Can you belieeve that, giving away his Immunity Idol?? hahaha! How stupi is this guy?? (You know I love the word 'stupi'... pronounced stooo-peee, as in something someone might do in a POOL, in the middle of a GAME, when other people have to jump into said pool.... eewwww, and here, I liked Fabio before he did his little widdle in the pool! Yuck!)
So the whole time Cara and I are watching to see how the conversation will go between creepy Sash (is that his name?), who is THE laziest of all the lazies (although pretty much ANY of the young people, except for Alina and Chase, are painfuly lazy... I hope that's not generational, because we're gonna need them to work hard for us in their future, to pay for our retirement! hahaha!)... anyway, this Sash guy lays about all day, waiting for Old Jane to go get him some fish, for Marty to simply hand over the Immunity Idol, and what happens?? Jane hands over the fish, and Marty hands over the Idol... this Sash guy might like to consider running for office! Getting people to do your bidding for nothing ain't easy!
Man, what a fragmented little team, the Marty Team... what will I call them if he is voted out, since that's about the only name I can remember... what can I say, I know a lot of men called Marty (some good, some very, very bad...)... but with the New Merge, next week, watch out, baby, let's see what's gonna happen. I love that the loveliest of all the girls, NaOnka (NOT a PE Teacher, as the show suggests every damm time they show her name -- infuriating to me -- remember when I was sooo mad at the possibility that she MIGHT be a real teacher in L.A., so I looked her up in the California Commission of Teacher Credentials... you can look me up on there, and I'm on it, all right, because I AM a real teacher in California, but she is NOT a teacher of anything -- she's too despicable from all her hateful comments about sweet little Kelly B., the very brave girl with the prosthetic leg, and I couldn't bear the idea of someone that horrible being in charge of sweet little children.... and next week she'll be stealing some precious food from her own tribe ... oh, man, just keep going 'til you're voted out, I say...)
So Jill is out... and I liked Jill, too -- so level-headed... but I wonder if she played too quiet a game, not enough focus on the political side of Survivor? You gotta play the game from all sides... I can't wait for the merge... I canny wait for the Bad Guys to get voted out... oh, and who is this Kelly S.? Purple Kelly, right? We have hardly seen ANY screen time with this girl, and she's really pretty, so she must make it really far in the game... that's what Cara and I secretly believe... if we don't see very much of someone, then all of a sudden, they're in every other camera shot, that's one that will stay for a long time, so we'll see if our theory is right! lol! I loved the 'beach shot' of Kelly S. posing on the beach in her bikini -- a little preview for when she poses for Playboy... a girl can always hope! hahahaha! (Hey, you gotta take your 15 minutes of fame and run with it, as far as you can go... which reminds me, I thought we were gonna see Rachel and Kristin from Big Brother 12 on the pages of Playboy, but, no, not a word from anyone on the 'cast' of Big Brother... seems odd, right? To be on TV sooo much, then just disappear from the public eye?... maybe it's not too late for Playboy with the Survivor Girls... or Girls of Reality TV... would be funny! lol!)
You know, I wonder if I can relate so well to Survivor because I feel a little like I'm on an island with some seriously crazy folk, myself... lately, it seems I am surrounded by sharks... craazy sharks. Hateful, disturbed sharks, out for blood... soo not good to be in the damm water with all those sharks, because you know they can't remember not to bite you... it's in their nature. What I have to figure out is how to get out of the damn water, get to some dry land, and then stay away from said sharks for the rest of my life... wish me luck on that one! lol!
Okay, here's something that might make you laugh... I was gonna title this piece, 'Biitches B Crazy', on account a' all da biitches I've had to deal with in the last few weeks. Sadly, all women. Come on, women, I thought we were gonna band together, unite, don't become a negative stereotype... I thought we'd come a long way, baby. What about Maude? She would be so bitterly disappointed in the crappy way women treat each other, especially in the workforce. What happened to Solidarity? Now it's kill or be killed? Shame. (Did you see how I cleverly changed the spelling of 'biitches' and 'damm'?? haha! I hate being blocked by language checkers!)
So we're hoping, praying and wishing that we can sell our property, here, move back home, asap... I just want to live a normal life, again, free of all the crazy that I seem to be running into a whole lot, down here in Los Angeles... one day it'll happen, we'll get an offer on our house, and we'll be FREE!! Yippee! I look forward to that day! It would be like getting voted off the island, only you wrote your own name on every paper, to make sure you got to go home! lol! I hope you are having a crazy-free week -- write and tell me what that feels like - I'd loove to know! haha! Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox
So the whole time Cara and I are watching to see how the conversation will go between creepy Sash (is that his name?), who is THE laziest of all the lazies (although pretty much ANY of the young people, except for Alina and Chase, are painfuly lazy... I hope that's not generational, because we're gonna need them to work hard for us in their future, to pay for our retirement! hahaha!)... anyway, this Sash guy lays about all day, waiting for Old Jane to go get him some fish, for Marty to simply hand over the Immunity Idol, and what happens?? Jane hands over the fish, and Marty hands over the Idol... this Sash guy might like to consider running for office! Getting people to do your bidding for nothing ain't easy!
Man, what a fragmented little team, the Marty Team... what will I call them if he is voted out, since that's about the only name I can remember... what can I say, I know a lot of men called Marty (some good, some very, very bad...)... but with the New Merge, next week, watch out, baby, let's see what's gonna happen. I love that the loveliest of all the girls, NaOnka (NOT a PE Teacher, as the show suggests every damm time they show her name -- infuriating to me -- remember when I was sooo mad at the possibility that she MIGHT be a real teacher in L.A., so I looked her up in the California Commission of Teacher Credentials... you can look me up on there, and I'm on it, all right, because I AM a real teacher in California, but she is NOT a teacher of anything -- she's too despicable from all her hateful comments about sweet little Kelly B., the very brave girl with the prosthetic leg, and I couldn't bear the idea of someone that horrible being in charge of sweet little children.... and next week she'll be stealing some precious food from her own tribe ... oh, man, just keep going 'til you're voted out, I say...)
So Jill is out... and I liked Jill, too -- so level-headed... but I wonder if she played too quiet a game, not enough focus on the political side of Survivor? You gotta play the game from all sides... I can't wait for the merge... I canny wait for the Bad Guys to get voted out... oh, and who is this Kelly S.? Purple Kelly, right? We have hardly seen ANY screen time with this girl, and she's really pretty, so she must make it really far in the game... that's what Cara and I secretly believe... if we don't see very much of someone, then all of a sudden, they're in every other camera shot, that's one that will stay for a long time, so we'll see if our theory is right! lol! I loved the 'beach shot' of Kelly S. posing on the beach in her bikini -- a little preview for when she poses for Playboy... a girl can always hope! hahahaha! (Hey, you gotta take your 15 minutes of fame and run with it, as far as you can go... which reminds me, I thought we were gonna see Rachel and Kristin from Big Brother 12 on the pages of Playboy, but, no, not a word from anyone on the 'cast' of Big Brother... seems odd, right? To be on TV sooo much, then just disappear from the public eye?... maybe it's not too late for Playboy with the Survivor Girls... or Girls of Reality TV... would be funny! lol!)
You know, I wonder if I can relate so well to Survivor because I feel a little like I'm on an island with some seriously crazy folk, myself... lately, it seems I am surrounded by sharks... craazy sharks. Hateful, disturbed sharks, out for blood... soo not good to be in the damm water with all those sharks, because you know they can't remember not to bite you... it's in their nature. What I have to figure out is how to get out of the damn water, get to some dry land, and then stay away from said sharks for the rest of my life... wish me luck on that one! lol!
Okay, here's something that might make you laugh... I was gonna title this piece, 'Biitches B Crazy', on account a' all da biitches I've had to deal with in the last few weeks. Sadly, all women. Come on, women, I thought we were gonna band together, unite, don't become a negative stereotype... I thought we'd come a long way, baby. What about Maude? She would be so bitterly disappointed in the crappy way women treat each other, especially in the workforce. What happened to Solidarity? Now it's kill or be killed? Shame. (Did you see how I cleverly changed the spelling of 'biitches' and 'damm'?? haha! I hate being blocked by language checkers!)
So we're hoping, praying and wishing that we can sell our property, here, move back home, asap... I just want to live a normal life, again, free of all the crazy that I seem to be running into a whole lot, down here in Los Angeles... one day it'll happen, we'll get an offer on our house, and we'll be FREE!! Yippee! I look forward to that day! It would be like getting voted off the island, only you wrote your own name on every paper, to make sure you got to go home! lol! I hope you are having a crazy-free week -- write and tell me what that feels like - I'd loove to know! haha! Love & Luck, (and Money!!), Ailsa xox
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
#MoneyFrogs! The Money Frog -- Rub him to Bring More Money Into Your Life! #FengShui #LuckyChineseSymbols #Money #Uber Exciting! lol!
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! Lucky Money Frog
The Money Frog!
Rub the #MoneyFrog for #Money to Come Into Your Life in 3 Days!
Lucky cats! So cute! And so lucky!!
Feng Shui Tips: Oh, and while we're doing a little Feng Shui (The Money Frog is all a part of Feng Shui, called Chan Chu, and he wants to bring Good Luck and Good Fortune into your Life), here are a couple of other wee Feng Shui tips -- put anything Yellow by or on the West Walls of your home, to bring in more money, and put Green things on or near the South walls to bring more Luck into your Home and Life ... let me know if it works! :)
Hey, did this just work??? Did I just get a picture on here of ME?? Haha! No, this not The Money Frog, it's ME! Go ahead and rub it for luck, if you likes! hahaha! No, that's silly! But this is huuuge for me -- if I can just figure out how to access my Money Frog picture, then I can put that on here, too!! And finally update the pictures on me site!! WooHoo!! (Okay, this is really annoying -- I can see my picture on my site when I'm working on it, but then when I pop into my site online, only a box with an 'x' pops up, and the link won't work, either... ugh! Dammit, I'm gonna have to take a stoopid course in how to put the pictures on me site! Or maybe me just call my old webmaster, Steve... he be brilliant!!) Otay, one way or another, I will get you the Money Frog picture, so you can rub it, too!! Make you some money!! lol! :)

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Okay, here's another way for you to make money, for real... but, fo' sho', rub the Money Frog, too! lol!Drive with Uber and earn money as an Independent Contractor. Start Today!
The Money Frog!
Rub the #MoneyFrog for #Money to Come Into Your Life in 3 Days!
Do it! #RubItRubIt! 🐸🤑😉🎊💰
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(And I get a wee something from every sale, so thank you so much for that - and never at any cost to you, of course!)
(And I get a wee something from every sale, so thank you so much for that - and never at any cost to you, of course!)
Okay, I have been playing around with the idea of The Money Frog for over a year, now, my biggest struggle is trying to remember how on earth I used to get new pictures onto my website -- really, how did I forget that?? I have a fantastic picture of The Money Frog in my email, and on my phone, so surely there is a way to get it on here for you to rub. Yep. Rub it. Rubbit, rubbit. Lol! No kidding! Money will come to you : )
I tells you the little story, then you, too, will want to give the old 'Money Frog' a rub, too! haha!
I tells you the little story, then you, too, will want to give the old 'Money Frog' a rub, too! haha!
Rub it, rub it, Rub The Money Frog for Good Luck, and see how much money comes into your life!! Good Luck!! :) Come on back in and Rub the Money Frog every day, see what happens! Let the money roll into your life! (Right Click, Create Shortcut)
I keep these cute little Money Frogs on my desk, all the time - and I rub them - and a couple o' kisses - worth it! lol!), to keep that money flowing through my Life! : )
So, I'm at my Escrow Lady's office, overlooking the ocean (Clue # 1 that the Money Frog works!), and we're signing page after page after page for my new Mortgage on this lovely Condo that I had just purchased, and I couldn't help but notice this giant Frog she (Lori) had on her desk. So I said to Lori, Hey, what up wit' da Frog?? haha! Really, it's not the most handsome frog, ever, but he was huuge, and happily sitting on her desk.
Lori tells me this great long story about how she used to go in to her favorite Chinese Restaurant in Manhattan Beach, and every time she went in there for dinner, she would rub the Money Frog on her way out. And each time she would rub the Money Frog, checks would come to her within three days. Money would just pour in, in three magical days. (Clue # 2 that the Money Frog works!) She told the Owners of the Restaurant, who were very, very nice, how lucky she had been with the Money Frog, and how she had received money right after rubbing it. So the Owner of the Chinese Restaurant brought back a giant Money Frog from China, the next time she went, and gave it to Lori. How nice was that??
Of course, I rubbed the Frog, immediately... then, shockingly, I made a teensy little joke about how much money you might get if you did something else to the Money Frog, and we all laughed, and rubbed that damn Frog some more! hahaha! And wouldn't you know it, money started pouring in to me, too. Within the three days. (Clue # 3 that the Money Frog works! lol!)
So the next time I was down in Lori's office, signing even more papers and paying even more money for Escrow, I took a picture of the Money Frog, so I could put it in my phone, to show everyone I knew, and have them rub the Money Frog, see if the same thing happened to them...
and it did! Yippee! I'm all about everyone gettin' rich, right?? Money is fun, so why not get as much as you can?? Yeah, let's all get wealthy, buy more property!! hahaha! (Clearly, I'm all excited about this!)
and it did! Yippee! I'm all about everyone gettin' rich, right?? Money is fun, so why not get as much as you can?? Yeah, let's all get wealthy, buy more property!! hahaha! (Clearly, I'm all excited about this!)
This is a Series of Pictures of The Money Frog -- WooHoo, I finally got The Money Frog pictures up on my Site!!
Okay, now, rub it, rub it, Rub The Money Frog for Good Luck, and see how much money comes into your life!! Good Luck!! :)
Rub It, Rub It! Hello, Money! Hello, Good Fortune!
So I have been looking online for different ways I can market The Money Frog, and I think I have some pretty good options... right now I'm just looking at the cheapest manufacturing for my new Money Frog products, then I have to figure out if I should try to sell them online, or strictly on Venice Beach! hahaha! (Yes, if you're new to my site, http://www.buildyourownhouse.ca/index.htm, welcome, and I do live really close to the beach... but not ON da Beach, and that is the Goal!! Come on, Little Money Frog, get mama to da Beach!! lol!)
I've got a lot of work to do to get my new Money Frog business off the ground, but I'm really excited about it, and I hope it will do well. I think what I will do, initially, is try to find you some Money Frog links, so you can easily check things out, see him for yourself.
Now I have little Money Frogs all over my house -- he likes to sit inside the Front Door, to the South of the door, not too high up. The legend is that The Money Frog leaps down in the middle of the night to go and bring money into the house, that's why he sits close to the Front Door. The Position of the Money Frog is important -- facing toward the interior of the room -- I like The Money Frog to sit at an angle, looking into the center of the living room. The Placement of the Money Frog is really up to you -- some people like to place the Money Frog in the corner of their rooms, looking toward the center of the room, or surrounding the Front doorway. Placing Two Money Frogs together, on either side of the Front Door is said to be very lucky (!)... You can put a little Money Frog on either side of your front door, too, and anywhere money flows into your life, like by a cash register, a computer (if you make money using your computer, and I hope you do! lol!). He does not like to be in your bedroom or in your bathroom (let's hope you're not making big money in yo' bathroom!! lol! Yick!!)... a little tricky, though, since often your computer is in your bedroom...
Lucky cats! So cute! And so lucky!!
Feng Shui Tips: Oh, and while we're doing a little Feng Shui (The Money Frog is all a part of Feng Shui, called Chan Chu, and he wants to bring Good Luck and Good Fortune into your Life), here are a couple of other wee Feng Shui tips -- put anything Yellow by or on the West Walls of your home, to bring in more money, and put Green things on or near the South walls to bring more Luck into your Home and Life ... let me know if it works! :)
Feng Shui Love Tip: Aaand, if you want to bring more Love into your life (really, I need to do a whole lot more of this!!), group things in 'couples' (pairs)... so two candles together, instead of across the room from each other, two bowls, two of whatever (phallic symbols??? hahaha! No, I being silly!)... and add Pink to your bedroom... I have lovely pink blossom silk Japanese Cherry Blossom Branches and Pink Silk Roses... guess I should add waaay more pink, right?? haha!

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Okay, here's another way for you to make money, for real... but, fo' sho', rub the Money Frog, too! lol!Drive with Uber and earn money as an Independent Contractor. Start Today!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Blueberry Fruit Tart #Blueberries #BlueberryPie #PieShell
Blueberry Tart -- you can use any fruit you like in this tart... cherries, apples, raspberries... anything at all! It's light and easy, it's even a sweet but healthy treat for you and your loved ones (don't share it with anoyone who doesn't love you back -- my own little secret! hahahahaha! (You know that made me laugh! lol!)
Take about 2 Tablespoons of the Flour and Sugar Mixture, and shake it on the bottom of the pie shell. That'll prevent the Juices from being Runny.
I actually substituted my favorite new Barley Flour for the Regular Flour for this Pie Shell, to make it a little healthier. You can try that, too, to see if you like it. It was tasty, but I think I'll just use Regular Flour from now on...
Clean the Berries, then add in the Flour & Sugar Mixture.
Pour the Berries into the Pie Shell, and bake at 350 Degrees for about an hour. I always use an AirBake Cookie Sheet to prevent any Baking from burning. It'll catch any Fruit Juices that happen to bubble over, too, which will keep your Oven clean!
Since I use very little Sugar and No Topping on this Blueberry Tart (or any Tart...), it seems very reasonable to top the pie off with some nice Whip Cream!
See ya' Later, Baby! Ailsa!!
#PieCrust - Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust #LowCholesterol #LowFat #NoRolling! : ) #ApplePie #BlueberryPie
Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust -- and it's very low in cholesterol, too, so a Heart-Healthy Pie! WooHoo!
Make this right in the plate – no rolling! (Yippee! Your dog could make this, but always remember wash your dog's paws, first -- A Very Helpful Cooking Tip!! lol!)
1 ½ cups All-Purpose Flour
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
Step 1: Mix the Dry Ingredients directly in the Pie Plate. Draw a little circle in the middle with your finger. (I can't help myself -- I always add a smiley face in the middle!)
Step 2: Pour the Oil and milk into a jar and put the lid on tightly. Give it a good shake. (This part keeps the Recipe Low in Cholesterol and much more 'Heart-Healthy' than using Lard or anything else to make the Pie Shell.)
I just use a glass, now, cover the top with your hand or some plastic wrap, and your hand - lol! Whatever works, and whatever's easiest! : )
Pour this mixture into the circle and mix it gently with a fork until completely blended. (See, there's the smiley face! lol!)
Step 3: Press the Pastry against the sides of the Pie Plate, first, then fill in the bottom.
You can Bake this at 400 degrees F. for about 15 minutes if you need a baked shell, or just go ahead and fill it with any fresh or frozen berries and bake for about 45 minutes at 350 Degrees for a Filled Pie Shell..
A really easy way to make a nice Fruit Pie is to put the prepared fruit in a bowl and stir in a Half a Cup of Flour with a Half a Cup of Sugar (mixed together), and it’ll automatically make it’s own sauce.
Blueberry Tart
Take about 2 Tablespoons of the Flour & Sugar Mixture, and shake it on the bottom of the pie shell. That'll prevent the Juices from being Runny.
I actually substituted my favorite new Barley Flour for the Regular Flour for this Pie Shell, to make it a little healthier. You can try that, too, to see if you like it. It was tasty, but I think I'll just use Regular Flour from now on...
Clean the Berries, then add in the Flour and Sugar Mixture.
Pour the Berries into the Pie Shell, and bake at 350 Degrees for about an hour. I always use an Air-Bake Cookie Sheet to prevent any Baking from burning. It'll catch any Fruit Juices that happen to bubble over, too, which will keep your Oven clean!
Since I use very little Sugar and No Topping on this Blueberry Tart (or any Tart...), it seems very reasonable to top the pie off with some nice Whip Cream!
See ya' Later, Baby! Ailsa!!
I think the key to an amazing Pie is lots of fruit - I use a whole bag of apples - or, 10 to 12 apples - yum! Omg, it smells delicious in here, right now - the Apple Crumble is almost done! Hard to believe you can lose so much weight eating The Apple Crumble Diet! Yahoo! THE Easiest Diet, evah'! : )
Peeling the Apples is a little old-fashioned - it's way healthier to leave the skins on, so-to-speak - same thing will potatoes.. the peels are very nutritious, and add a lot of fiber, so, that's great to keep them on, and saves a massive amount of time, too!
Just use the same Crumble Mix, or use the Crumble Mix from my favorite Peach Pie - which I hope you try to - oh, man, it's craaazy-delishush! lol!
This is so cool - let's say you've now been binge watching your fave shows, and you STILL have 4 more seasons left of your brand new-to-you show, soo you don't want to get up off the couch, but, also, you know you should probably get you' some groceries?
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )
Problem - Solution! lol!
Check and see if your area is covered by either VONS or Safeway... they cover some of the same areas, and some different areas - does that make sense? lol!
I loove this Delivery Service for Groceries and whatever you might need, right to your door, just in general, but what a great idea in bad weather, no more stooopid traffic, or if you're not feeling up to going out to the store, or you just don't feeeel like going out to the store...or if you're like me, and get so caught up in whatever you're working on, and don't want to stop just 'for food' - haha! And no need for Taxis, if you need to take a cab to the grocery store...that's a huge savings, right there, right?
Wow, Grocery Delivery Service - that's fantastico!! Yippee!! Hello, Future - you look great! : )

I think this is such an amazing new service for your groceries - and anything you ever need from the grocery store - if you've ever had a time when you had a tiny baby, or you're super-busy (same thing - hahaha! All the New Moms will be laughing, now - lol!)..but if you're busy at work, or busy at home, or traffic, or you're busy binge-watching your favorite shows - hahahahaha! This might be the new wave of the future, right? Ordering your groceries online?
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!
And I would imagine you would save a lot of money, since you would just buy what you actually need... might really work for dieting, too, since, well, if we're in the store, and be 'we', I mean 'me'...anyway, let's say I've got my grocery list, then I'm at the store, and I think, you know what, I'll just nick down the Candy Aisle, see if Chocolate is on sale (see how much I like Sale Chocolate - hahaha! Is it tastier, or just less expensive?? We'll never know! It's all gone, now - hahaha!)
Not that you couldn't just 'browse' for that, anyway... right? Me thinkin', now, o' course, where is the Sale Chocolate, online?? hahaha! But let's say you're you, and not me, and you have a LOT more self control than maybe ME do... so you order all the things you really wanted, and not just a whole cart full o' Wunderbars, on sale... hahahaha! Wouldn't THAT be fun - just a cartful of Sale Chocolate?? haha! Okay, clearly, me needs a treat! lol! : ) #SaleChocolate! Ha!

Pecan Pie : )
#PeachPie - Creamy & Smooth Peach Pie #Pie #Yum! #EasyPieCrust #PeachCrumble #CrumbleTopping #CoolAndCreamy : ) #PieShell #PieCrust

Best Peach Pie, Ever!
This is my favorite Peach Pie – cool and creamy! It is the most delicious peach pie, ever, and even better when it's really, really cold the next day, if you can wait that long! I looove it for breakfast! Yum!! (Now I'm gonna run out and get the ingredients to make this for my little family! :)
Directions and pictures for the Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust in a 9" Pie Plate... Or buy a crust!
Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust! (This is a great 'Cholesterol-Free' Pie Crust)
Make this right in the plate – no rolling!
1 ½ cups All-Purpose Flour
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
Peach Filling:
Stir Together:
1 cup Sour Cream
2 Egg Yolks, beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
2 Egg Yolks, beaten
1 tsp. Vanilla
Mix, then Add:
¾ cup Brown Sugar
½ tsp. Salt
½ tsp. Salt
Drain Two 28 oz. Tins of Sliced Peaches (or use Fresh Peaches)
You’re almost done, already! Put the Drained Peaches in a Big Bowl. Give the Mixture a good stir, then pour half of it in with the Peaches.
Pour this into the Pie Shell. (A wee drop of Flour in the Shell will prevent a ‘soggy’ crust. About a tbsp. of Flour on the bottom of the Pie Shell, then give the pie a shake to cover the bottom with flour.)
Carefully pour the remaining Mixture over the Fruit, starting from the Edge and working toward the middle.
Pop in the Oven at 350 degrees F. for about 45 Minutes.
Remove and Add the Tasty Topping. (Scroll down for Recipe...) Bake for another 10 to 15 minutes, then cool in the Fridge for a few hours. The cooler it is, the tastier it gets!
This is the pie crust -- is sooo worth doing the 'Easy Schmeasy Pie Crust', because it really enhances the flavor of the pie.... plus, it's really healthy (no lard, for God's Sake! lol!)(hahaha! I'm not sure why the 'no lard' makes me laugh so hard... it's like a slogan they might like to put up at the gym! lol!)
Tasty Topping
½ cup Brown Sugar
1 cup Flour
1 to 2 tsp. Cinnamon
½ cup Butter, melted
1 cup Flour
1 to 2 tsp. Cinnamon
½ cup Butter, melted
Mix the dry ingredients, then add the butter with a fork. Mix until Crumbly. About 10 minutes before your Pie is done, pull it out of the oven and add this Topping. Pop the Pie back in the oven for another 10 to 15 minutes, or until the Topping is a nice Golden Brown.
Quick Tip: Whenever you add any topping to a pie (Crumb or Meringue), start with the Outside Rim, first, then ‘fill in’ the middle.
Another Great Tip! Use an Insulated Baking Sheet for all your cooking – nothing ever burns! WooHoo!
Omg, looking at this picture makes me want to make this Peach Pie, right now, have it for breakfast! lol! |
Make this right in the plate – no rolling!
1 ½ cups All-Purpose Flour
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
2 tbsp. Sugar
Quick Dash of Salt
½ cup Vegetable Oil
2 tbsp. Milk
Step 1: Mix the Dry Ingredients directly in the Pie Plate. Draw a little circle in the middle with your finger.
Step 2: Pour the Oil and milk into a jar and put the lid on tightly. Give it a good shake. Pour this mixture into the circle and mix it gently with a fork until completely blended.
Step 3: Press the Pastry against the sides of the Pie Plate, first, then fill in the bottom.
You can Bake this at 400 degrees F. for about 15 minutes if you need a baked shell, or just go ahead and fill it with any fresh or frozen berries and bake for about 45 minutes.
Quick Tip: A really easy way to make a nice Fruit Pie is to put the prepared fruit in a bowl and stir in a Half a Cup of Flour with a Half a Cup of Sugar (mixed together), and it’ll automatically make it’s own sauce.

Peach Crumble - my new fave Hybrid Dish, so we get the delicious Peach Pie Filling, with lots of Peaches, no pie crust, and the delicious and super-healthy Apple Crumble Topping - so you can have as much as you'd like, and you'll still actively lose weight - sweet deal, for real, right? Yum!
So you can make the Peach Pie Filling right in the pan, if you like, or mix everything in a big bowl - or, just drain the peaches, if you're using canned peaches, and just toss the peaches right in the pan, cover lightly with the Apple Crumble Topping...
But the Key, Key, Key to the Peach Crumble, is make sure you cook the peaches in their delicious sauce, first, and THEN, after the peach filling has been baking for about 45 minutes, lightly sprinkle on the Crumble Topping, bake for another 20 minutes, or so - just keep an eye on it, you want the Crumble to be nice and crumbly! : )
So here's what happened the first time I tried my new Hybrid Peach Crumble - a mix of my fave apple Crumble with our fave Peach Pie...
I totally drew a blank on baking the peach pie filling, first, so I just happily covered the peach pie filling with the crumble mix, and it ended up pretty much just baking right into the filling... so, was okay, but not crispy, like i like the crumble topping to be... I fixed it, by pulling the whole crumble off the top, after it was all done, flipped it over and sprinkled the whole thing with brown sugar and cinnamon, took a good hour in the oven to 'dry' the crumble... so, good lesson for me to remember - lol!
So that's what I had started with...
Anyway, never be afraid to pull something apart, see what you can do to fix it all up, make it better - ingredients are just too expensive, if you make something, and it doesn't turn out the way you had hoped... think it through, see what you can do to doctor it up! : )
Yum, am excited to see how this next batch comes out - I have the big 9" X 13" pan in the oven, right now, then I'll make a light Crumble Topping, will put it on later, then pop it back in the oven for about 15 - 30 minutes - we'll see how long it would take to make it delicious! : )
Flash Sales and Black Friday Deals for You!
easy crust,
easy pastry,
Easy Recipes,
fruit pie,
fruit pies,
low cholesterol,
no lard,
Peach Pie,
pie crust,
pie shell,
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