So if you have a big event, a wedding, a banquet - anything where you would need a lot of flowers, and especially if you need a lot of bouquets, JR Roses is amazing for large quantities of flowers - so gorgeous, and you will save so much money! And it will all be so beautiful!

(Oh, and I get a wee something from every order through my blog - so thank you so much, you save a ton of money, and I get a wee something for sending you in their direction! Win-Win, Baby!)
J R Roses!
Wholesale Flowers to the public. Free Shipping. Buy Online, delivery to your door! Yay!

Send love to that special someone & Save 15% at! Use promo code ROMANCE15 at checkout
Aaah, Weddings... everyone loves a Wedding. There are sooo many things to do to get ready for a Wedding, that it's nice when it's easier to find stuff in one place -- here! I love all the stuff that you can do (and get!) online, these days. This is gonna save everyone a lot of time and money, so that'll be good for your Relationships!

Biggest Savings at! Everything 30% or More Off!
How gorgeous are these Wedding Cakes? I had a gooorgeous Wedding Cake on my First Marriage, and no wedding cake for my second, and, frankly, I never really forgave my second husband for not letting me get a wedding cake - key words ''not letting me get' - seriously, I should've just said, this is what we're getting, and maybe that marriage would've been much better, where one person doesn't assume they always have the upper hand - that hardly ever works out, so, best to start on a really good, equal relationship, right? You'll both be happy! : )
I am, of course, very partial to these Diamond and Jewelry Candles - how exciting is that? lol! I loove them! : )
So, have you noticed I just keep adding great deals to this page? lol! There are sooo many Great Deals, though - it's hard for me to resist putting them on here for you (and me! lol!)
I love these putting your favorite pictures on a giant canvas - how cool is that? Perfect for a Wedding Present!
I think I'm gonna do this with my favorite pictures I've taken over the years - if you find a picture on my blog or site, that you love, love, love, feel free to use it for a giant canvas, too - nothing like a gorgeous picture to hang up on your wall! : )
Oh, this is so cool - all the toys you used to love, still love, have great memories of - great for yourself or your mom, and great for kids (can we all be the kids? hahaha!)
There are a few things I wish I'd known from the First Wedding, though, and a couple of things from the Second Marriage.
1. Don't get too tangled up in the tiny details. The fights aren't worth it, but they may be a precursor to what disagreements in the marriage might look like, so pay attention.
2. If your husband-to-be has a greater interest in a Big Fancy Wedding than you do, figure out why before the Wedding. All Pomp and Circumstance? A need to seem more important? Perhaps a teensy bit gay? (Yahoo, finally, Gay Marriage is legal - Gay Marriage has been legal in Canada for years and years - good for America for joining the present... shocking to me that the one country that claims Full Freedom for all, seems to have such a difficult time actually allowing freedom for everyone... interesting, right? Just a little outsider's observation... God Knows, I looove America - I lived in California for years, loved it all! But very good that they're finally here, so I'm thankful for that!)
3. Sometimes a man (or a woman) will want a Giant Wedding so it's too hard to back out of at the last minute. I think that's a huuuge part of why I wanted to Elope for the last Wedding -- seemed like a better option. That, and I wanted to get married on the Beach, and had just bought a house...
4. Spend a reasonable amount of money on your Wedding, but make sure you don't spend, say, your Downpayment on a Home, for one Big Day. I know it's an important day, but every day after that is even more important, so keep that in mind with every new idea you might want to add to your Wedding...
5. Oh, don't forget to make sure your spouse-to-be is good with their money, because soon enough, it's gonna be your money, too, that they get to deal with, and if they're a crappy money manager, you're in for a rough ride. If you know for sure that you're really good with your money, but your spouse-to-be says you're not, let that be a Big Red Flag for you. I've written a whole article about that -- Marry Rich, or someone you connect with, financially, too, just so you can have a much happier marriage, without someone wrecking it by being a jerk. (See how I tidied up that last line? It's all very 'family-friendly' up in here...!) Financial Issues usually appear during the Wedding Planning Stage, so please-oh-please, listen carefully to what's said during those 'discussions'.
6. Congratulations! You're Getting Married! WooHoo!! Now go buy your own house, so you can live Happily Ever After!
Oh, man, I've bought a LOT of lovely stuff from Electrique Boutique - lol! They have THE best prices on really cool boots - especially if you happen to love Thigh High Boots - they always look great, and Thigh High Boots are great to add to any costume - maybe you'll win a prize! lol! And I've gotten lots of really pretty dresses from #ElectriqueBoutique - their prices are just a'gonna blow you away - you'll love them! Electrique Boutique

All Kinds of great deals on Wedding Dresses, Bridesmaids Dresses, Prom Dresses, and just some lovely dresses you might like to have in your wardrobe, for whenever a great event comes along! : )

Oh, man, I've bought a LOT of lovely stuff from Electrique Boutique - lol! They have THE best prices on really cool boots - especially if you happen to love Thigh High Boots - they always look great, and Thigh High Boots are great to add to any costume - maybe you'll win a prize! lol! And I've gotten lots of really pretty dresses from #ElectriqueBoutique - their prices are just a'gonna blow you away - you'll love them!

Oooh, I love this picture soo much! Was just the four or us, my beautiful and beyond wonderful daughter, Cara, and her really wonderful husband, Ryan - oh, hey, did you see the #Wonderful theme, there? haha! They are a wonderful couple, and that is soo sweet!
But it was just the four of us, my, ahhh, (wonderful, again?) son, Aidan and I - and it had been pouring, so Aidan was the Chief Umbrella Holderer, and I was the Photographer - soo great! So simple, so happy - THE best wedding I've ever been to - lol!
A Wedding can be as simple as you want and like, or as elaborate as you want and like - it's all about you, baby, and doing what makes you the happiest! : )
Most Weddings are waaay better with a lot of Wine on the tables... people like it, and it makes for a good party, sooo... and if you have any left over, well, Hello, extra fun! lol! ; )
Send love to that special someone & Save 15% at! Use promo code ROMANCE15 at checkout

J R Roses!
Wholesale Flowers to the public. Free Shipping. Buy Online, delivery to your door! Yay!

Get $10 off plus Free Delivery on your 1st order of $35 or more. Enter code: TENFREE at online checkout. Order by 5/23/18. Limit 1 per household. (This deal is ongoing - yippee!)
Martha Stewart has fantastic wines - AND, they'll make a great conversation starter, at your wedding - that's a good thing to have at your wedding tables - lol! Great Wine, and Great Conversation! Yay!!