Monday, May 28, 2012

Emily the Bachelorette: Kissin' Cousins?? WTF, you fall in love with your cousin (THIRD cousin... lol!), and then they go and marry someone else?? What, a SECOND Cousin?? hahahahaha!

What??  Emily gets rid of Alessandro just because he's a major jerk, or, I mean, A Gypsy King, he just can't be kept down  -- unless it's with his THIRD COUSIN!!! hahahahahaha!  OMG, does it get any better than that??  So Alessandro is still craazy in love with his cousin, and speaks openly about it at the very end of the show.... oh, man, we laughed soo hard!  And I thought Emily should get rid of Alessandro just for that stooopid haircut (hey, maybe his hillbilly cousin did his hair for him... and sooo hilarious that his cousin that he is sooo madly in love with had the nerve to run off and marry someone else, and maybe someone who isn't even family.... what nerve, dissin' yer family like that! lol!) and the attitude... what a jerk!  Good life lesson for any single moms who are dating, out there.. it's critical to gage what the new guy will be like as a new dad... I'm not a big fan of the term 'Step-Father'... I don't know about that.  I think just be a good role model, and a loving parental figure... it always feels like, to me, when you put the word 'step' in front of a title, it diminishes it.  But good for Emily, to boot these guys out early : )

I loved that Emily was always going right back to Arie's arms (and lips!! lol!) all night -- good for her, but then when she kissed Sean... eeewww, no Emily, yuuck!  You can't kiss a whole pile o' guys, that's gonna change your image! lol!  But I have a sneaking feeling all those drinks might have had a tad to do with al the kissing... and was great TV, for sures!

The guy I liked at the beginning, Ryan, is a jerk... man, have I ever dealt with that guy before ... I had a BIG athlete that I was really involved with (almost married)(he was not a jerk, to be clear...), who said that to me one time... not the exact same words, but enough that it felt like that, and I was in the best shape of my life, at the gym an hour and a half every day, doing serious weight lifting (yippee, which I am doing, again, and it feels great!  I know where the Fountain of Youth is, Ladies.... it's at the gym!! lol!)...anyway, I ended up marrying someone else, because all I could think of was what happens when I get pregnant, and I don't look perfect (his version of perfect -- I loooved being pregnant, was wonderful!!) any more, and what about after the baby??  You don't want a man who puts that kind of pressure on you right from the get go...Ryan says, "I'd still love you if you got fat, but I wouldn't want to love ON you..." ugh.  Gross.  Sounds like something a would-be cheater would say, as a stooopid excuse to cheat on a lovely lady.... dat not good, even Neanderthal Ned agrees - lol!

My favorite guy for Emily is Arie -- they seem like they fit together, and he would actually listen to her ( a Good Thing! lol!), and I really liked Sean, but I didn't lke the bit where he said he wanted to be able to 'lead' the family?  Did he really say that, or did I hear that right??  Join the family, yes, work together as a family, definitely, but to come into a little family and take over??  No.  Seems like a Bad Idea.. unless Emily is seriously conservative, and believes that, but she has been on her own a long time, and seems like a strong, independent woman, so hopefully she doesn't have a need to be 'lead'...

Oooh, and I looved that Dolly Parton song, From Here to The Moon and Back... must Google that, see if I've got the name of the song right -- would make a lovely Wedding Song, wouldn't it??  So pretty, and I love Dolly Parton -- she's so cute, and so smart, and so funny... and a phenomenal talent, all those songs she's written, and all the songs she's performed... very cool to have Dolly Parton on The Bachelorette!  Okay, gotta get to bed -- want to read a new Sophie Kinsella book -- just finished reading Sophie Kinsella's Remember Me?   Was sooo cute and soo funny! Loved it!  So now will start the Shopoholic Series... nice, light, summer reading! Aaaaaah.... xox Ailsa  : )

Oh, man, I completely forgot to say how much I loooved Emily's hilarious friends!  They were sooo funny!  I loved that they kept getting the guys to take their shirts off and do push-ups! hahahaha!  You go, Girls!!

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