Friday, June 27, 2014

Big Brother 16 - Expect the Unexpected, for real, in BB16 - Twisted!

Wow, so Big Brother 16 is alive and well, and TWISTED! lol!  I'll tell you, it's a good thing Americans are used to the convoluted way they calculate how the USA Soccer Team goes on in the Fifa World Cup Soccer - it gives everyone a fighting chance to follow how complicated it is to get evicted from the Big Brother house, this summer - haha!  Seriously, it's a'gonna be tricky-dicky, fer sures....

So, here's how it looks like it's gonna go - there are two HOHs, and each Head of Household nominates two houseguests for eviction, and THEN, those four nominated houseguests go up against each other, 2 from each nominated team, and the WINNER of that battle will dethrone the HOH who nominated them.... super simple, right?? hahahaha!  Soooo, get yer brains'a'ready for BB16!

Okay, so we'll figure that out as we go... will be easier when we all see it in action, and will be really interesting to see how the two HOHs from this week, Frankie (my favourite, so far) and Caleb (very good looking, ex-military), figure out which houseguests to nominate... do you choose your weakest players, since you don't want them to win, since that would immediately dethrone the HOH who nominated them, and then the HOH could be put up on the block... tricky tricky!

So here's the rundown of 'characters' for this summer's Big Brother house... Frankie, my early fave, but his sister is Ariana Grande, so maybe he doesn't need the money?  Hmmm, hard to say, a sibling isn't usually inclined to hand their money over to another sibling, so Frankie could need the money (plus, what if Frankie Goes to Hollywood, he'd need some cashola...hahahaha!  Sorry, couldn't resist that! lol!). I guess I like it better if the person who wins Big Brother really needs the money, and it'll really change their life...

And that brings me to Derrick, the police officer with an 18th month old daughter, who wants to win the money to make the lives better of his little family, his wife and daughter - that's sweet, I like that story, and he seems like a good guy....

Zach seems like a total jerk, but maybe that's a little show, and he's not THAT horrible, buuuut, sure seems like his middle name might start with a D...think you know where I'm goin' wit'

Victoria seems like a character from The Kroll Show (which I love) - she's straight-up said she's manipulative, and so has Paola (Pow Pow, or Pao Pao... not sure if anyone will actually call her that - would be hilarious if you made up your own idiot nickname - that's even funnier than if your buddies give you your nickname...), so maybe these two girls will team up...or be arch enemies... you never know how that'll go.

Brittany is the very pretty 29 year old mother of 3 from Long Beach, California - good for her to be in such great shape after 3 kids - hopefully, she'll share with the group how she got back into that great shape, and how she maintains it (I'm hoping she lifts weights with the machines or free weights at the gym - my own fave way to get into great shape for women), but she seems nice... maybe a little too nice, but we'll see who she works with - so far, it looks like Brittany and Derrick will work well together... Parents Unite! lol!

Christine looks pretty reasonable, a good girl, used to dealing with a lot of people, so that's a good trait, and Joey seems like a good girl, too - Joey's a Liberal Girl loking for a 'Hot Liberal Man' - aren't we all?? hahahahahaha!  Okay, that makes me laugh, and I sittin' here all by mah'self! lol!  I don't want to marry any more Republicans - man, how come they're always so successful?? hahahaaha!

I like Donny, 42, the oldest one in the Big Brother house (old at 42 - hahaha!) - Donny seems like such a down-to-earth guy, and he's watched every season of Big Brother, sooo, Donny could get really far in the game, and Devin, the very handsome man on BB, the former baseball player and single dad (wonder where the mom is?  Maybe he'll say, later...), but Devin is definitely fun to watch...and Amber certainly agrees with that - I loved the way Amber was checkin' out Devin, right from the start, then not happy when Devin glances over at Joey... drama!! lol!

Nicole looks like someone who will fly under the radar - very quiet, says she's a nursing student, but thought she said she had already graduated... maybe she has more game than she initially looks like she has... Nicole might be a sleeper...

Cody is the very pretty soccer player - Paola AND Frankie really like Cody, sooo, that'll be interesting... and then there's Jocasta, the minister and motivational speaker with 2 little boys, and Hayden, the pedicab driver in Long Beach, California... they both seem really nice... until the fightin' begins, then we'll really get to see who's a little fighter, and who's the most masterful manipulator! lol!

And here's my favourite line of BB16, so far... "You're so strong, My God, you're like a bull..." Frankie to Caleb...great line!

#TeamAmerica winner this week is Joey - very cool that Joey can win $5,000 for each mission she can accomplish - I like anything where people can win extra money, just in case they don't get all the way through, and win the half a million dollar BB prize...

Let the Big Brother games begin! lol!  See you soon, Ailsa : )

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