Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The Bachelorette - Andi's Fightin' Her Way Through These Guys...

So, wow, that was such a difficult night on The Bachelorette with Andi, last night.  Was hard to figure out whether it's okay to write about it, right, since Eric passed away during the filming of The Bachelorette... but, Eric had some very serious flaws, and I think it's good, in a way, for millions of women to see this technique in action - the man who tries to put you down, make you feel less-than, to make you feel like you either have to please him, or change to please him, or that you really are less-than.... ugh. Hate those guys. And it's a Red Flag for an abuser, too - watch out, ladies, Andi did the right thing by not falling into his stoooopid trap, and making it seem like she was 'acting' and not really being herself, then he says, once he's riled her up, and she's all flustered and defensive, 'oh, now we see the real Andi'.... bleh!  Screw that type of guy - walk away, run away, don't fall for it.  And it's a classic 'Romance Novel' approach, too, which is even worse.... the 'mean guy' as the hero - no. If he's mean at first, you can bet he'll be mean all the way through. He might cover it up for a while, but that mean streak will be back, and just get meaner and meaner.  Sooo, it's very sad that Eric passed away, and I think they dealt with that pretty well on The Bachelorette, last night, skipping the Rose Ceremony, just Chris Harrison and Andi talking about it...how else would you deal with such a difficult situation?

But there was a lot of weird stuff in this episode - what is with the daredevil crap, reppelling down a 26 storey building? Bleh!!  That's soo stupid. Makes me so mad.  I think it's better judgement to get to the top, let's say it really WAS Andi's idea, which I highly doubt it really was, then say, together, you know what? This is insane. Let's take these stoooopid harnesses off, go have a drink, chat, and get to really know each other. Pretty sure you don't have to leap off a tall building to get to know if you like someone enough to maybe marry them, one day.  But pretty bizarre when they got down to the bottom of the building, after repelling down the whole dammmm thing... and Andi says it was some sort of test?  Aaarrrgghh!  I think that might be a young woman's game, the 'testing' thing. Don't 'test' people, Andi!  Yuck. Women don't want to be 'tested' ,and men don't want to be tested, either. (Watch out for men who 'test' you, too - man, it's a miracle there are any good relationships out there, what with all these annoying traits so many people have - hahahaaha!)

Hmmm.... there's something about Markus that I don't like - he seems very stalkerish... (am I bringing too much of my own baggage in here? Yikes!).  But I didn't like when he asked Andi if she believed in love at first sight... you CAN believe in love at first sight, of course, and God Knows I've 'fallen in love' with someone 'at first sight' (I jus' wanna make a little joke in here, 'hope he saw me, too!' - hahahahaaha!), but, really, I have fallen very quickly (errrr, a few times! lol!), and that definitely can happen, but here we are, on a TV show, literally, 26 other super-handsome guys, all maybe feeling the same way?  I dunno, gave me the creeps when he said that, all hidden away in the dark doorway... yick! haha!  Silly, like any of this really matters... but I do love it!  Thank God for something watchable on TV! lol!

Oh, but I do like Markel - he's so nice, really funny - not so sure that Andi is really looking for someone nice and funny - she seems to like the creep-factor - yick, I no likee da Nick.... what was with that hideous bomber jacket from 1982, at the dinner in Santa Barbara?  What the hell??  Really, no suit jacket?  A bomber jacket?? hahahahaha!  Made me laugh...and Andi is always trying to 'convince' Nick that he really could find love on a Reality TV show... he's Mr. Cynic. Andi seems to like all the ones I don't like... I really like Brian, what a cutie, and Josh M. - so handsome, really nice smile...and I loved JJ as an old guy - what a great sport, and another guy with a great sense of humor...

Oooh, and here's another thing da be botherin' me - that's a whole lot o' kissin'... yuck!  Even hookers don't kiss that much!  Not the mouth, please, not da mouth... lol... sooo, really, you're that attracted to that many of the men, you need to go in for ALL those kisses?  Yick. And I don't see that as a double standard with the male version of The Bachelor - it was just as gross when Juan "Ees Alright' Pablo was going around, kissing every girl, then shaming them for it, every chance he got... hahahaha - so gross! I love it!  All very entertaining for me!  And you, since you a'readin' this! lol!

Okay, at least we're al having fun watching The Bachelorette, and I hope they have another Bachelor Pad, this summer - would be more fun to watch a bunch of men, and a bunch of women, equally numbered, just hanging about... but wait, didn't they already try this?  Jersey Shore ring a bell? lol!

Hope you're out having your own fancy dates, and hope they're all good! See you soon, Ailsa : )

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