#TheBachelor #BenHiggins
Let the Crazy Begin - lol! Lace, so charming : )

Hallelujah! haha! This made me laugh, fer sures! : )

Did you know that January is the most searched time of the year, for people looking for love? Oooh, take a chance, and you can totally take advantage of the Free Trial periods - that's a great way to see how it goes : )

Soo weird that
Becca is there - seems unfair to the other women, although, you know, the reality is that Ben will fall in love with whichever one he really falls for, whether someone is there from another season of The Bachelor, or not, right? It's not about who else is there, it's just about who Ben has the best connection with, and who has the best connection with Ben.

This little loonie - man, isn't that everyone's worst idea of what might happen on a date with a dentist? hahaha! Yuck!

The Ladies -
Young Ladies? haha! Doesn't it make you feel like someone is giving you a row, is mad at you, and now you're in trouble, if someone says, "Young Lady...blah, blah, blah..." all you can hear is the 'young lady' bit, and who is calling you that? haha! Ruh-Roh!
Also, 'Young' and 'Lady' didn't necessarily describe all the women... yikes! Funny, though - all very entertaining ; )

I can only hope that Jimmy Kimmel will put his very cute little nephew on The Baby Bachelor, again - that's my favorite bit - looove it! and any time Jimmy Kimmel is either on The Bachelor (the show, not the actual Bachelor - haha!), or talking about it - and I want to see who Jimmy Kimmel has chosen as the Final Rose Recipient (FRR? FRRiend 'til the End? haha!)
I thought, at first, it would just be Becca, but I do like one of the many Laurens - how many Laurens are there? Is like a classroom, to me - usually there are lots of Ashley B's... ha! Just realized, maybe she's a Lauren B? And then there's an LB - that would suck to be the one stuck with just the initials, not your full name.. unless LB likes that name, and then that's a whole other thing, right there...
Mostly, the focus tonight is on all the bitchy girls, and the ones who just can't believe (just canny bewieve!) that there are other women, there, and they're all super-pretty... a little shocking how shocked they seem to be... makes me laugh...

Oh, no... this litle Lace... Lace with no Grace... I just saw the clip from another episode, and she wasn't just accidentally tipsy, tonight - she was drunk, again - a wake up call from Reality TV, to let Lace see what she's doing, that maybe she's not even aware of, in her real life?
So, it does beg the question, since sooo many of Ben's choices for women Ben handed out the roses to, were highly questionable... No English, Too Crazy, Too Crass, Too Drunk... really, the list goes on and on, so, are these women the Production choice, or actually the girls Ben is really interested in? lol! Who can ever tell? Silly!

The Bachelor Live was on right after The Bachelor, in case you didn't tape it... was okay, not as good a mix of people as they've had, before - they need more funny.... maybe next week. I loove Paul Sheer on The Bachelor Live - he's super-funny, so, hopefully, they'll step it up, next week, and it'll be even more fun...
All The Single Ladies, All The Single Ladies - but no one dancing? What if they had a little dance party, wouldn't
THAT be more fun? Would be
waaay more fun, for me - I would a'loooves dat!
CharmingDate - No.1 Russian dating site!
Hey, is this where they found the Russian girl from? haha! That would totally make me laughs! haha!

Get these girls
outta here, says Huey - Baby Huey - I can only hope Huey gets to make cameo appearances, all the way through The Bachelor! Oooh, I would a'love that! So cute!

Hey, is this
Huey, who is the one who has secretly
REALLY fallen in love with Ben, and managed to finagle her way over to America, and back onto the set of The Bachelor? hahaha! So cute!

One of my favorite parts of The Bachelor - the former Bachelors giving Ben Higgins some good Bachelor Advice - funny!

Twins - hahaha! Oh, no, I'm sure they're lovely girls, and I'm sure they were just a little nervous, when they did their planned intro, saying, gleefully, "We're undescribable!" Hahaha! Dat made me laughs... someone get Lace a drink of water, and the Twins a dictionary ; ) #Indescribable

Unicorn Girl - Too Late - that bit has already been done, on Dating Naked, which me loved so much - just the First Season, when they're hardly on the island any length of time, just 3 dys, and apparently, that's plenty of time to get to know someone - the Second Season of Dating Naked was soo annoying, mostly because I hated the horrible Fallon, but the irony is, as it always is, that's the only name I remember, sooo.... maybe that's why they kept bringing her back on stooopido Dating Naked - hahaha! Silly!

He's a Perfect 'Ben' - ha! All very clever!

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