You + Wine - What an excellent pairing - you know, for watching The Bachelor, or going out with a bachelor - your choice - or both - it's all good! lol! : )
Sooo.... Congratulations to the Happy Couple? lol!
Yikes, hard to say how happy Vanessa looked, or Nick Viall, soooo...
Maybe Nick Viall is proposing 'Let's see how this pans out over the next 6 months, then we'll look at that whole marriage thing...
And now Nick Viall is on DWTS, so, haha! Ruh-roh!
You know, I still think that if Nick HAD chosen Corrine, he wouldda been in for a very happy little year or so, maybe a whole happy lifetime, since she really did seem to want to be with Nick... and all the pancakes he could eat, from Corrine's lovely Nanny, Raquel! lol! (Shotout to Raquel, and all the great Nannies out there, including our favorite Nanny of all times, Fran Drescher - lol! : )
(Thanks, ABC for the great photo!)
Get ready, Ladies, I'm comin' to meet your parents...
Soo weird to watch, or even think about watching, Nick go to see Rachel for their Hometown Visit - I really don't like that The Bachelor announced the new Bachelorette while she's, literally, still very active on the show - why would they do that? come on, now, Bachelor Franchise! Hmm...
Cheers! Can't wait to meet your money... I mean, Family... lol! ; )
Just think of all those delicious pancakes Raquel could make for them...tempting, very tempting ; )
Okay, haha, it is kinda funny that The Bachelor has made Nick look like a good guy, again, so, that was good for his own future... a li'l funny! 'til next time, I hope your own life is jam-packed full of Love!! Your li'l friend, Ailsa : ) xoxo!
I think if Nick wants a nice, easy, fun and playful relationship, Corrine is his best choice... so we'll see what he really wants...
My favorite part of The Bachelor, tonight - Vanessa's amazing classroom - that's my kind of class! I looove teaching older students, in Special Education - they're my heart, and I love them, so it was so nice to see everyone saying I love you, Je t'aime, in her classroom - that's what my classrooms have been like, too - I think that's the secret ingredient, particularly in a Special Education class... very often, you're with the same students for years and years, so the bond is so strong, it's a lovefest, in the best possible way!
I was sorry to see how negative Vanessa's family were being, though - and all that talk of them not wanting Vanessa to get her heart broken... you need to be stronger than that, in your own life, so that, even if something terrible happens, you can bounce back - I'm hoping anyone who feels like that, reads some Louise Hay, learns to love themselves, so that the loss of someone you've known for, what, 6 weeks, wouldn't devastate you, right?
And when are we gonna see a Rose Ceremony in the same show, again? Is that gone-baby-gone? I wants it back - lol! And Kaitlyn? (Was it Kaitlyn? They all kinda look the same to me, now - lol!)
Well, really, this is about all I took out of tonight's episode of The Bachelor... is it just me, or is this a super-slow season, except for the antics of Corrine, told to us by Corrine, and all Corrine Stories must be told in Third Person - I did love it when Nick laughed a little, when Corrine referred to herself, to him, in a normal conversation, in Third Person - that would make me laugh, too - uh, Crazy Much, me would say... hahahaha!
But, I love that stuff, haha! The only problem with someone who DOES make reference to themselves in Third Person (and is extra fun to capitalize...), is that they don't get the joke, and, now, Ailsa says, let's get back to The Bachelor (I'm Ailsa, on the off chance you just arrived in here - hahahaha!) (And Thank You for arriving, and you can lay your own claim on being the First One Here, just like old Explorers used to do, whenever THEY happened to land on some 'new' island - always makes me laugh - if it was peaceful arrival, o' course! lol!)
Anyway, here's my favorite take-away from tonight's #Bachelor! Nick tells Danielle WhatsHerName (I thought they were sorta a' good match, but I liked Danielle better for Chris Soules - remember him? She seems too sweet and nice for Nick, but juuust right for Chris Soules, the Farmer in the Dell... or on the Dell - really, I don't know what kind of computer he's on...buh'dum'bum...!) ; )
Anyway, Nick tells Danielle about The Fountain of Youth being in Bimini, and she seems to just gloss right over that amazing fact - wouldn't you be all over that? Where is it? Let's go drink from it? Does anyone get sick from immediately dipping their hand in and drinking from it? hahaha! Tell me less about you and more about this Fountain of Youth... (that's my approach - haha!)
Fountain of Youth - Juan Ponce de Leon, didn't quite have this in mind... One day I'll be made famous on the Bachelor, but only for a moment.... lol!
But I liked this meme, made me laugh!
And then I really DO have a whole page on what I think is the real Fountain of Youth... I'll go link it for you! We'll all stay Young and Vibrant, Forever! lol!
Okay, back to the show - man, I'm only an hour in... and I really, really am annoyed with the 'news' that Rachel will be the next Bachelorette - they shouldn't announce that before we've all had a chance to watch the show - that's super annoying - just wait one more day - that's not good to make the Bachelor Nation all mad - right before Valentine's Day? Iz they cwazy?? hahaha! (Prolly... lol!)
Is it The Corrine Show, or still called The Bachelor? ; )
Well, I think we're all loving The Corrine Show - when she's snoring away during the Rose Ceremony - priceless - AND, she totally got away with it, so, nailed it, says Corrine (and possibly her Nanny - omg, I loove that an adult woman has a nanny of her very own, and is proud of it - high-larious! Nick's about to get an extra pancake, when he goes to Corrine's Hometown, fo' shizzle... lol!)
And ber-rilliant move, bringing on The Backstreet Boys - soo smart! You KNOW Bachelor Nation loves The Backstreet Boys... when The Backstreet Boys came in the house - high-larious! Nick Who? haha! ; )
Did you see Nick gettin' a li'l handsy with Danielle, Small Business Owner from Los Angeles (have not figured out her last name, yet... lol!) - and I'm not even completely sure about that title for Danielle... but you know the one I mean -
Nick's an International Man of Mystery, a European Bachelor - he's got Roman Hands and Russian Fingers... buh'dum'bum! Haha!
The first time I ever heard that joke (and the only other time I've ever heard the joke, outside of me telling it, many times, over the course of, what, 30 years? Anyway, when I was in university, at Queen's University, I was working in a Seafood restaurant in Kingston, Ontario, I was a waitress (and always had a big wad of dollars in my pocket - and I looved my little Waitress Dress, was so pretty - anyway, the people there were hilarious, so funny, and one of the cooks, downstairs (I'm trying to think of the name of the restaurant - is prolly still there... is famous in Kingston) - so one night this very funny woman was saying she'd been out on a date the night before, and he must'a been a European guy, 'cause he had Roman hands and Russian fingers, and I laughed so hard... was so funny!
I gotta google that restaurant... that's where I learned how to cook Crab Legs, and make delicious Clam Chowder... and where I first tried Deep Fried Clam Strips (Yum! With Cocktail Sauce - the best!), and Scampi... that was a really fun job - so glad I had all those great experiences : )
Wow, well I just Google Mapped it, and I found Morrison's, so, if you went to Queen's, I'm sure you'll remember it - the best hamburger platter, I think was $3.95 - lol! But I remember he kept the prices low so the students could afford it - that was such a great place - and I'm pretty sure the Seafood Restaurant I worked at was on Brock Street, and I used to get my Fish and Chips, and take it down to the waterfront (with my boyfriend, at the time - a very good guy : )...
Darn it, I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant... there was an upstairs for dining, and the downstais for Take-Out Orders - let me know, if you remember the name...
Oh, and here's something a liiittle funny - there's a place called Peter's Place, that looks like it's in the same spot as the old Greek Restaurant, that was my absolute favorite restaurant... we spent a lot of time, there... Minos - and I had my Graduation Dinner there, too... I loved their Greek Salad and their Chicken Brochette and their Filet Mignon Kebob - the best! I just loved everything, there, and now it's called Minos Village - yum! You're in for a treat, if you haven't been, and you'll love it if you already know it! lol!
But I think I went out with the owner's son, feel like his name was Peter - wonder if that's his restaurant, now, down where Minos used to be? Well, nice guy, and it is a good reminder to give all these very young girls on The Bachelor lots of room for making little mistakes... they're young, they're having fun, and it'll all be a good story, later in life - at the very least! lol! : )
Ooh, and I got a $50 tip, one night - and I got another $50 tip when I was working at the carwash, too - man, those were the good ol' days, fo' sho'! haha! #MemoryLane ; )
Corrine - this li'l nut! lol! Well, I think we've found our Olivia of this season of The Bachelor...
I wonder if Nick wonders if Corrine's Nanny would be good for him, too, each and every time she 'cuts in' - reminds me of my favorite Far Side jokes, when Betsy the Cow keeps trying to but in the line up for the slaughterhouse... a little dark, but... well...
And Danielle M, is one of my favorites - more than Vanessa, the Special Ed Teacher from Canada - a girl after my own heart, Special Education, she's from Canada, so you know she's already super nice, but, I didn't see much of a personality, last night, maybe later... but, you can usually spot the front-runners, right away - lol!
But here's the thing - I really thought Danielle M. would be a great match for Chis Soules, since Chris Soules is super nice, and Danielle M. is super nice... anyway, we'll see, right? Love is Love, sometimes there's no accounting for it - lol!

Okay, well, I wasn't gonna watch Nick on The Bachelor, and then, this morning, I saw that Jimmy Kimmel and Joel McHale are doing the After The Bachelor Show, Here For The Right Reasons - something like that - lol! Sooo, I'm watching Nick The Bachelor, for Jimmy Kimmel - haha! And so far, so great!
I like the Canadian Special Ed Teacher, of course (just like me! haha!), and I see they're making it seem like Nick might not get an acceptance, if he does propose to the right woman... but, is just a li'l set up, no worries, folks! haha!
(Oh, and turns out, her name is Vanessa!)
My favorite part, so far, was the bit with Chris Soules, just because Chris Soules is such a good guy, and my all-time favorite Bachelor : ) So there's that! lol!
(Ooh, and I liked Danille M., if I have her name right, for Chris Soules... she seems pretty down to earth, maybe a good match for him - how about they do a Mix 'n Match Bachelor... like a winter version of The Bachelor In Paradise? haha! I'd watch that - d'uh - haha!)
I cannot WAIT to see what Jimmy Kimmel and Joel McHale come up with on Jimmy Kimmel's new show at 10pm - one, great time slot, and, two, it's more of Jimmy Kimmel - and then add in some Joel McHale? Yes, please! We really miss The Soup, sooo, maybe we'll get the perfect mix - Here For The Right Reasons - Yahoo!!
And I guess Jimmy Kimmel'll have a li'l more time on his hands, now that he's not gonna be the Vice President - unless that can still happen? You never know.... lol! That whole cabinet hasn't been completely filled, has it? Always an extra opening, maybe? What about for someone super special? Vice Vice, Baby!!
My God, Jojo is soo gorgeous - she can wear any dress, any little (key word little) pair of white shorts, and Jojo looks amazing in every one of them - and with every guy, sooo, maybe they all think, Wow, we look great together, when, really, i's mostly Jojo? haha!
With THREE Men! And I think I love them ALL - better to check to make sure" ; ) lol!

But I looove Jojo's Bathing Suit top - soo pretty - it's funny how a regular bikini top is always nice, then you add a little more material, whammo, it's ah'mazing, right? lol! There's a little more to it - bah'hahaha!
Okay, I never want to do any kind of spoiler alert, soo, see you for the Finale! The Final Rose.... or, is there any chance you'll change yer mind Monday - or is the Men Tell All on Tuesday?? Will have to go check, but you know I've got them all set on mah' DVR! : )
I hope you are having a super-fancy, romantic week, yourself, out there in Computerville! Ailsa! : )

Wells, he juuust wasn't ready to kiss Jojo, but that kiss was a'gonna happen, no matter what - so awkward, poor guy, feeling forced into a kiss that he wanted to be so perfect....
I think the good thing about The Bachelorette, which I'm pretty sure is pretty different from The Bachelor, all these somewhat eligible Bachelors (if you believe all the stories that most of the guys on The Bachelorette have left girlfriends, behind...)
But, you know, there are two sides to that - you're free to look at anyone new, if you're not happy in a current relationship, or not in a committed relationship... you know the deal, so, it's pretty easy for these little media sources to say, 'oh, he had a girlfriend' - they might have, but if they do find a great connection with Jojo, that would take over - hopefully - or not, depending on who's thinking about it - yikes! It's complicated, fo' sho'...But my point was, there will be soo many girls for these guys, when they get off The Bachelorette - it's like the best dating info, ever! lol!)
Aaawww, Derek (aka John Krakinski - lol!) was suuure he was gonna get to marry Jojo, but Jojo sent him on home, then Derek (how he refers to his own self - haha! I loove when they refer to themselves in Third Person - "Derek isn't good enough", you know the drill.. never a good sign, when they break into third Person - lol!)
One of my favorite parts of the night was at the very end - I loove the endy bit of The Bachelorette - and The Bachelor - love that 'lost footage' - so funny!
But when they guys were sitting around, trying to spell Margarita - is it Marg, or Rita? One way or another, deeelishhush! Yum! lol! : )
Omg, this dress, though - soo gorgeous!
Jojo for the New Bachelorette!
Bring on the men! : )
I just want Jojo's Mom on The Bachelorette, as much as possible - and Jojo's Brothers, too! lol! : )
Hahaha! THE funniest bit of the night, on The Bachelor - After The Final Rose
Jimmy Kimmel just has a few questions about The Fantasy Suite - bah'hahahahahaha! Can't wait for Jimmy Kimmel Live, tonight!
Jimmy Kimmel - Ben's a Thinker... So Funny! https://youtu.be/PjOOv15eoxQ
Jimmy Kimmel gives Chris Harrison some notes - hahaha! https://youtu.be/dFGQZAbbkWg
Oh, man, I looove Jimmy Kimmel - AND, he's married to a Pisces - great choice, Jimmy!
The Bachelor Finale - Yay!! Jojo is the new Bachelorette!! Yippee! what a huge relief! I thought it was a'gonna be Caila, and that would've been soo boring.. so thrilled it's Jojo!
But, for sure, I want all the lovely ladies on The Bachelor to find real love - and everyone else, too - including me!
Reminds me of a nice little affirmation: There is plenty of Love for Everyone, including Me - isn't that lovely? I wish you lots of love, baby!! : )
Aaaawww, so sweet! Ben proposes to Lauren B - so nice!
It hard, because you're soo sad for Jojo, and then soo happy for Lauren B : )
I can only hope that Jojo is the next Bachelorette! : )
Wow, tonight's the night! Which Girl is Ben Higgins actually gonna MARRY, tonight, after the show?? That's CRRRRAZY!
Now that really IS the most dramatic Bachelor, ever! Thanks, Chris Harrison! lol!

I hope they make Jojo the next Bachelorette, and that the rumors that they've already started taping the Bachelorette with Caila, is not true. Jojo is very real with her emotions, and that's what they need in the next Bachelorette. Plus, I loove Jojo's Mom, and her brothers - VERY entertaining...
Okay, back to The Bachelor!
Finally getting around to watching The Bachelor, this week - so busy, this week! lol! And they're in Jamaica, Man! Jamaican me crazy, Bachelor! lol!
Sooo pretty! Three Girls, Ben's in Love with TWO of them?? Wow - that Fantasy Suite thing is so creepy... 3 girls, everyone knows each other - yick! How could your heart , your head, and your body handle that? That would be soo hard to deal with...

I did laugh a little when Jojo said that she needs Words of Affirmation to feel loved,so that most likely means she's read The 5 Love Languages, by Gary Coleman... and I've written about that, soo, you might want o pop in and see what else Jojo likes... or thinks... ; )
Hahahaha! Chris Harison's face when Lauren B tells him that she told Ben she loves him, and Ben told her that he loves her, too - right after Chris Harrison had the exact same conversation with Jojo... omg, so funny! Make'a me laughs! lol!
Sad when Caila left, but, really, that entrance into Ben's suite seemed sooo over-the-top fake, to me - anyone else think the same thing? I just can't shake the feeling that Caila just wants to be the next Bachelorette... so, we'll see.
Hmmm, did you happen to think that Ben was about to call Kaitlyn, who, clearly, he stil loves, before he proposes to either Jojo or Lauren B? IF he proposes... anyone heard much from Kaitlyn and Sean, lately? I thought they were going strong, and maybe in Vancouver, but...well... you know how Love works! lol!
It's all very entertaining, but we want to watch out for all these little broken hearts, fo' sho'!
That said, I would like to see Amanda as the next Bachelorette, if they continue to just choose someone from this season's cast - actually, I'd like to see some brand new people - there are lots of single and available people, all over the place, sooo, someone new would be nice... I DON'T want to see someone super-boring, or too crazy, or, hilariously enough, both - now, that's not easy, to be boring AND crazy, but it happens - sometimes on The Bachelor - bah'hahahaha!

Haha! I did laugh so hard when Ben took Amanda to McDonald's - but, yum, who doesn't love a McDonald's Breakfast All Day McMuffin?? Deelish! lol! And the playgrounds at McDonald's are beloved by all kids - they just love it! lol!

And little Emily, I feel for her - poor kid - oh, no, that she feels average, but thinks she would be an above-average wife and mother... yikes. Just be great at everything, and feel nice and confident. She's a sweet girl, though, so I hope Emily and her twin find true love for themselves (but not on The Bachelor - but maybe on Bachelor in Paradise? lol! Would be soo hard for the franchise not to want identical twins, at least one more time! lol!).

How cool is this? This ad just popped up in my email - soo cool, right? Oooh, Coach Purses - yes, please!
And was I the only one making Bay of Pigs jokes, in mah' living room, watching The Bachelor - hahaha! That was too crazy. Those poor girls...
Let me go get some new pics for you...
And I like Becca, but it doesn't seem like she's really there for Ben - seems like something else, but I can't really put my finger on it (okay, there's a giant joke to be made here, and me leave you to it - lol!)
I hope Becca isn't just on The Bachelor so SHE can be the next Bachelorette - there's just too much of that, and it's annoying - I think the fans are done with that... all the Single Ladies, maybe someone new, like it used to be? Maaay-be... we'll see. But if it IS Becca to go on to the 'next round', so-to-speak, that will annoy me.
I hope Becca isn't just on The Bachelor so SHE can be the next Bachelorette - there's just too much of that, and it's annoying - I think the fans are done with that... all the Single Ladies, maybe someone new, like it used to be? Maaay-be... we'll see. But if it IS Becca to go on to the 'next round', so-to-speak, that will annoy me.
I feel so sorry for Chris Harrison, every time Chris Harrison enters the room, all the girls groan - and not in a good way - aaawww, not you, already! Hahaha! Ruh-roh! And Chris Harrison is looking for love, too, isn't he? Why isn't Chris Harrison The Bachelor, one season? I would love that, then all the 'old' Bachelors could come on and host, and hopefully, Jimmy Kimmel, too - would be hilll-arious, right? Me wouldda looves dat! lol!
Check this out, this is waay cool! Hella cool, you might say (okay, I just said it to mah'self! lol!) I've heard a lot about these Diamond Candles, and now I found them - yahoo! Yippee!
Check this out, this is waay cool! Hella cool, you might say (okay, I just said it to mah'self! lol!) I've heard a lot about these Diamond Candles, and now I found them - yahoo! Yippee!
What a fun gift! (For yourself, right? hahaha! No, no, go ahead and give it to someone else, too - you know, to be nice, 'n all! lol!)

Find Jewelry Worth up to $7500 When You Shop at Jewelry Candles!
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Oh, man, what a lot o' da Crazy on the Bachelor, tonight - lol! Lace - what a looney... this girl, who loves to refer to herself in third person - never a good sign - haha! The first time you ever hear someone - anyone - refer to themselves by their first name, you're out. You gots'ta go, baby! Save yourself, now, Ben!!
Omg, that mouth on Olivia, though - holy schmoly, batman - lots o' great jokes come to mind, none that I can write down.. this girl, so cray... but I laughed so hard when the Date Card was about to be read, and Olivia has her mouth wide - and I mean WIDE - open, in crazy anticipation, like she's the ONLY one in the room (given that she's already married herself off to Ben Higgins, in her head...), and then the camera goes to her when Caila gets the Date Card, and Olivia's mouth finally snaps shut - bah'hahahaha!
With any luck, poor, crazy, mean (?), Olivia, will watch her season back, and fix up those little #ProblemAreas - i.e. - being so uncaring toward all the other girls. I get it, she wants Ben, but so do all the other girls, they're in it together for the next, what, 3 weeks? haha! Who knows how long it actually takes to tape it - me would laugh really hard if it's all taped in a few days - me would'a looove dat! hahaha! The True Magic of TV - hahaha!
Omg, that mouth on Olivia, though - holy schmoly, batman - lots o' great jokes come to mind, none that I can write down.. this girl, so cray... but I laughed so hard when the Date Card was about to be read, and Olivia has her mouth wide - and I mean WIDE - open, in crazy anticipation, like she's the ONLY one in the room (given that she's already married herself off to Ben Higgins, in her head...), and then the camera goes to her when Caila gets the Date Card, and Olivia's mouth finally snaps shut - bah'hahahaha!
With any luck, poor, crazy, mean (?), Olivia, will watch her season back, and fix up those little #ProblemAreas - i.e. - being so uncaring toward all the other girls. I get it, she wants Ben, but so do all the other girls, they're in it together for the next, what, 3 weeks? haha! Who knows how long it actually takes to tape it - me would laugh really hard if it's all taped in a few days - me would'a looove dat! hahaha! The True Magic of TV - hahaha!
Ben Higgins is so cute, though, and a much better Bachelor than I thought he was a'gonna be.. I wasn't sure, because Ben Higgins didn't really get all that much camera time on his season of The Bachelorette with Kaitlyn....
But Ben Higgins has a very sweet personality, he's concerned about the feelings of the girls, and I really like that - Olivia doesn't give a dammm, o' course - she's in it to win it - is it just a game to crazy ol' Olivia? For real, calling herself Olivia Higgins? At first, I thought, oh, smart girl, is she putting her full name out there, on national TV, so everyone will remember her and Follow her, right - would be good for her social Media Life, but, nope - Olivia juust called herself, straight to the cameras, #OliviaHiggins, like that's her real and actual name. What a freak. Watch out, Ben. Looks like you might be surrounded by some Crazies! lol!

Perfect for Mr. and Mrs. Ben Higgins - yikes! 
But a great deal for you!!
: )
I think Kevin Hart and Ice Cube had the most amount of fun on the Bachelor date - hahaha!
Caila was on the date, too, but I didn't get how she seemed like she wasn't all that interested in Kevin Hart and Ice Cube, and I get that Caila wanted to 'have her time' with Ben the Bachelor, but, really, come on, now... Kevin Hart and Ice Cube? How would you not be falling down laughing? hahaha!
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube giving Bennin Higgins lots of excellent advice for finding love on the Bachelor - so funny!
I looved Kevin Hart and IceCube on The Bachelor, tonight - so funny! Going on a Ride Along 2 the Liquor Store - bah'hahahaah! Dat so funny! Me yuv dat! I used to always have Hennessey in my bar - I DO miss having a very cool bar, but won't be long before I build another house - me canny wait!
Here's a really, really great drink you can make with Hennessey - yum! And VERY potent, soo, plan to go straight to bed after this - lol! Hot Toddy
Oh, and that reminds me - soo exciting that Tanner and Jade will be getting married, with Chris Harrison officiating - how cool is that? And, Tanner and Jade are building their own house - that is so great - I'm so happy for them! : )
Man, I love this living room so much - I can't wait to build it, again! : )
Learn how to build YOUR own Dream Home! Yahoo!! : )
Oooh, and that was THE best Bachelor Live, yet, with the three Chris's - Chris Harrison, Chris Soules (yum!) and Kris Jenner - amazing! Loved it! Hope they're back, again! I love when they have comedians on, too - but funny comedians, like Paul Scheer - he was hilarious, last season : )
In case seeing any Kardashian makes you want to immediately have a teensy tiny waist, too - lol!
I do have a Waist Trainer - I like it for working out, because it does seem to concentrate some energy in your waist, and I think a lot of women are looking to shape their waist, have a nice little waist, or any size waist that you like - lol! They should make one for arms and thighs, too - maybe they do! hahaha!

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(Don't let the date bother you - when I grabbed this ad, it says it's good for a much longer time - yippee! Get yer great deal!)
Okay, go have yourself THE best time, ever!! Your Li'l Bachelor Pal! haha! Ailsa : )

: )
I think Kevin Hart and Ice Cube had the most amount of fun on the Bachelor date - hahaha!
Caila was on the date, too, but I didn't get how she seemed like she wasn't all that interested in Kevin Hart and Ice Cube, and I get that Caila wanted to 'have her time' with Ben the Bachelor, but, really, come on, now... Kevin Hart and Ice Cube? How would you not be falling down laughing? hahaha!
Kevin Hart and Ice Cube giving Bennin Higgins lots of excellent advice for finding love on the Bachelor - so funny!
I looved Kevin Hart and IceCube on The Bachelor, tonight - so funny! Going on a Ride Along 2 the Liquor Store - bah'hahahaah! Dat so funny! Me yuv dat! I used to always have Hennessey in my bar - I DO miss having a very cool bar, but won't be long before I build another house - me canny wait!
Here's a really, really great drink you can make with Hennessey - yum! And VERY potent, soo, plan to go straight to bed after this - lol! Hot Toddy
Oh, and that reminds me - soo exciting that Tanner and Jade will be getting married, with Chris Harrison officiating - how cool is that? And, Tanner and Jade are building their own house - that is so great - I'm so happy for them! : )
Man, I love this living room so much - I can't wait to build it, again! : )
Learn how to build YOUR own Dream Home! Yahoo!! : )
Oooh, and that was THE best Bachelor Live, yet, with the three Chris's - Chris Harrison, Chris Soules (yum!) and Kris Jenner - amazing! Loved it! Hope they're back, again! I love when they have comedians on, too - but funny comedians, like Paul Scheer - he was hilarious, last season : )
In case seeing any Kardashian makes you want to immediately have a teensy tiny waist, too - lol!
I do have a Waist Trainer - I like it for working out, because it does seem to concentrate some energy in your waist, and I think a lot of women are looking to shape their waist, have a nice little waist, or any size waist that you like - lol! They should make one for arms and thighs, too - maybe they do! hahaha!

Get Top Deals on the sexiest and most comfortable waist shapers and more at WaistShaperz.com!
Get latest deals on Fitness bracelets, wireless gym headsets & more at WaistShaperz.com!
40% OFF all orders + Free Shipping ($12.98 Value) + FREE 14 Day Waistox Teatox ($42.95 Value) at WaistShaperz.com! Promo Code: FREE40 (Valid on January 11 from 12.01 am to 11.59pm EST)
Okay, go have yourself THE best time, ever!! Your Li'l Bachelor Pal! haha! Ailsa : )

And some more funny but pretty handy Dating Advice - lol! Ailsa : )
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What a fun gift! (For yourself, right? hahaha! No, no, go ahead and give it to someone else, too - you know, to be nice, 'n all! lol!)

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