Bridalplasty - It's always playing somewhere in the world - wonder where it is, right now? lol!
Omg, what a ripoff Bridalplasty was, tonight. Allyson won the biggest, fanciest, wedding of her dreams, puny as they may be, which clearly don't include getting a job... ugh. They just wanted to show the girl with the most transformations, not an actual WINNER. No competition allowed, because then Allyson would NEVER have won. Puh-leeease. Why didn't they just call it Fat Farm, and get it over with?? The laziest, do-nothing girl wins the wedding day... man, why didn't they just get ALL heavy girls?? And after her horrific language during the 'speeches'??? Ugh! What kind of low-end yuck speaks like that?? That's disgusting. I would LOVE to see pictures of her NOW, and six months from now, and guaranteed, Allyson will look exactly like she did when she first entered the Bridalplasty house. Ugh. I'm soo mad that we watched for all those weeks, thinking there really WAS a competition, and it was all in fun. Ugh. Man, I just canny hide me disgust, that someone that vulgar would have won such a pretty wedding. Why didn't they give her some etiquette lessons, teach her how to write (did you see, when she was asked to 'write a speech', she didn't have a clue what to write, so she didn't write anything? WTF?? But it's the foul, horrible language Allyson used, sooo readily, when the other 'brides-to-be' were asking questions, when Allyson was fighting with Janessa... pure filth. And why didn't they give her some JOB TRAINING, or some parenting skills, since I didn't see her say too much about her children in all the time she was away from them -- what mother doesn't miss her children terribly when they are away from her??? Ugh. (How many times have I said 'ugh', now?? lol! Not enough!!)
If they wanted to show 'most improved under the knife', why didn't they choose Alexandra, who has a very pretty face (but she has a terrible tongue, too...), or Lisa Marie?? Man, they could've done massive improvements on Lisa Marie. Why bother going through all the ruse of Bridalplasty, if the producers had already chosen the one they wanted to makeover, from the beginning?? I know it's Reality TV, and you always think 'hey, is this thing rigged so the right sex wins, or the right size wins, or the right color wins, this time around (a theory of one of my friends...). Then it's no fun, any more. Why root for anybody, if the whole damn thing is fixed?? What up with that, Bridalplasty??
I thought it was interesting at the end, when they were showing how much was spent on each individual item for the 'Dream Wedding', and no cost was attached for Catering. Really? Is catering free, now? That's typically the most expensive aspect of the wedding... and the Venue was FREE? Not in California, it isn't. NOTHING is free in Hollywood. Everything comes with a price.
Did you see all the 'couples' at Allyson's wedding? Would have been waaay funnier if all of the girls had different men on their arms, but that's just cynical me... sowwy! I was looking for something good in the show... but nothing. Poor Janessa. She would've seen through this as it was happening.. Janessa must be piiisssed. Even more than Cheyenne. Do you think even Cheyenne realized the ruse by the time Allyson's wedding rolled around?? That none of the other girls stood a chance? Why didn't they call it 'My Fair Lady'.. really, I want to say, why didn't they call it 'My Fat Lady', but how much twouble will I get into for saying the truth out loud??? haha! Whatever. I've been a fatty, and I went to the GYM, and changed my eating habits, just like everyone else who has successfully lost the weight... it's in not insurmountable... You can't look at that show and not see it for what it is, now.. really, all Allyson ever needed to do was go to the gym (d'uh), and get her teeth fixed.
Will I stop watching Reality TV after this Bridalplasty charade? No. I looove Reality TV. It's entertaining, and it's fun to write about... I just hope that if they bother to produce this show, again, they have competitions that are fair and square. And I hope Janessa gets to go on the talkshows, too, so she can say her piece, because I'm pretty sure she'll have something to say about Allyson winning over her... even a coin toss would've had more fairness to it. And those brides really went to town on Janessa... that was a lot of swearing, from these 'lovely' ladies... and I use the word 'ladies', very, very loosely! haha!
Well, Bridalplasty's over, and Allyson had her Dream Wedding -- how long do you think the marriage will last?? As long as the weight stays off? Whatever. In light of this very annoying ruse, they should've let each Bride-to-Be take all the things they had accumulated by the time they were 'voted off', home with them, the wedding dresses, the money, the trips, their teeth -- that would've been a fair thing to do, a little compensation for their time. Maybe that's why they couldn't call Bridalplasty 'My FAIR Lady', since there was nothing fair about it... otay, dat all da bitterness out!! haha! And I would've been happy if Allyson had won in an honest way... surely they could have rigged it up to at least look fair... after all, it's a show for WOMEN, and we hate being treated unfairly! Ugh. There. That's my last 'ugh! of da evening!! I think I'll go have a Bailey's, watch some news, get me brain back on track!! lol! Ailsa xox

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