Friday, January 21, 2011

The Housewives of Beverly Hills: What, is it really over, already? But the Party just started!!

Man, I canny believe the fighting is over so soon ....  I mean, the parties are over so soon... and they had sooo much fun at their parties, what with the drinking, and fighting... is this Bad Girls Club or The Housewives of Beverly Hills?? haha!  Maybe this is what the Bad Girls will look like when they clean themselves up a bit , marry rich, and get a fair bit older.. lol!  One fight after another, or, rather, the SAME fight, over and over, and all around Camille and her 'insecurities', or 'insignificance', as each person chooses to remember their own prior scenes!  Hilarious that Taylor (not even her name is real... who knew??  Man, those are the biggest lips I've ever seen, but they look totally natural, so it's all good! lol!) claims not to remember exactly what she said to Camille, but it's clearly caught on tape -- maybe she would like to consider a career in law??

Dang, I wanted to see just one more kissing scene between Camille and her 'special friend' Nick... with his wife watching, yet again.  I don't know why I find that endlessly fascinatiing.. I want to know what's in it for the wife?  There's gotta be something in it for her, becasue what normal wife would EVER allow some prissy girl (or ANY girl, no matter how fugly! lol!) kiss her husband right on the mouth, right in front of her??  Yick!!  Unless she's next in line for the next schmooch??? hahaha!  Did she say she likes the number 3?? haha!  Maybe there's a giant pay-off for them, what with Camille magically coming into $50 million dollars, soo... but what was about Kelsey Grammar trying to get custody of the kids?  Hasn't he been away from the kids for a year, with no bother, and didn't he get a new kid?  Oh, sorry, that's his new Fiancee.... my bad!! hahahaha! (Okay, you know that just makes me laugh...! lol!)  Noo, that's silly, but don't they have a kid of their own on the way, or perhaps already here??  Why is he trying to take the children away from Camille?  That sounds particularly cruel to me, but who knows what the reality of anyone's life is, right?  You can never tell...

Dat Me, all delusional! lol!
That Sister Sister fight was soo crazy.  I wonder what all has gone down between Kim and Kyle to cause that level of anger, and actual physical aggression.  So it sounded like Kim had bought their Mom's house, and maybe that's the house where Kyle lives with her family, but Kyle's husband is rich, isn't he?  He's a Beverly Hills Realtor, he must be loaded... so why on earth would they still live in a modest house that belonged to Kim and Kyle's Mom, especially if there is a dispute over whther Kim owns that house... seems pretty fishy to me... and poor Kim, ambushed at the party (and also tardy for the party... lol!), then driven over the edge.  I feel for the kid -- wonder how old Kim is?  Late forties?  I wonder if people describe ME like that?? hahaha! (I'm delusional, I always think I look waaay younger than I am!  So far, that delusion's really workin' out for me! hahaha!) 

Well, if Kim is in rehab, I hope she gets the help she needs, if she feels she needs it... you canny help anyone who does not believe there's anything wrong, because they're thinking, 'What's to fix??  How do you fix perfection???" haha!  Ah, well. That really irritated me that those girls were such CB's for Kim in the limo, when she was finally alone with Martin, the fellow she's sort of interested in... not cool, girls, soo not cool. Never be a CBer! lol! (People in da mid-west, ask around, someone you know will know what a CBer is!! Just don't let it be you!! haha!)  Maybe Kim will get all nice and clean and sober, and she can have another round with good looking Martin -- will be great for the next season of The Housewives of Beverly Hills!

And maybe Taylor will make a final decision of whether it's worth living in a loveless marriage, just to live the life of a rich Beverly Hills Housewife. It's not worth it, Taylor!!  Or maybe it is... she may or may not find love elsewhere.. you never know.  Maybe they can find some little flame they can stoke to get their marriage back on track, if it was ever there to begin with... but it's good to see the reality of what a real gold digger looks like, and it's not always a bad thing, it's just a life choice that some people think will make them happier... and sometimes it does... for a while...

Did you love the story at the end of the show with Frederique (spelling??) (real name, anyway??? hahaha!), having that huge fight with Lisa (who is my favourite girl, hands down, and I especially love that purple rose dress she wears all the time -- it's soo gorgeous!!), and hasn't spoken to Lisa since he finally moved out??  About time!  I was shocked to hear Frederick (I'll try all the spellings! lol!) was 37!  Wow.  He looks great at 37. I thought he was 29, and that's why he kept referring to himself as 'like their child', because it really seemed he was very interested in being flirty with Lisa.. hmmm.  Maybe his middle name is Oedipus... one can never tell!! haha!

Okay, I gotsta bounce!  See ya'!  Maybe around Beverly Hills?? Who knows who will show up, next season, so we can watch the drama ensue! xox! (those kisses are AIR kisses, of course -- no one wants to spoil their make-up with a kiss, for God's Sake! lol!)

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