Wow (not just
! lol!), that was the very first time I've ever watched The Jersey Shore, and man, what a lot of fun that was to watch -- who knew?? 8 million people, you say?? hahaha! Ah, well, I'm a little Tardy for the Party, what can I say?? Man, if I'd'a known Jersey Shore was about my
youth, I wouldda watched years ago...
buh-dum-bum... nooo, I never lived that close to the shore!! haha! But soo cool that they can just walk to the bars -- that's fantastic! Imagine how your life would change, if you never, ever had to think about how you were gonna get home... just stagger a few blocks, you're there, with somebody... anybody... oh, to be in your twenties, and perpetually drunk... those were the days, my friend, I thought they'd never end... (go ahead, finish the song in your head, and I'll know you're the same age as me, and now you're reminiscing, too! hahaha!).
So I'm glad I've finally watched an episode of Jersey Shore... I already knew about
, of course, and
Mike 'The Situation Sorrentino
, because I have been deeply committed to looking at men with great abs for many, many years, now, gym girl that I am... with a solid appreciation for the work (and art!) of the human
physique... (see me tryin' to class it up in
he'ah?? haha!) , but what a great relationship show it is... I had no idea!
Man, that fight with Sammi and Ronnie, tonight... wow, reminds me of the old days, so I'm glad those days are over... makes me feel better about being alone on
stooopid Valentine's Day (the most hated of all days of the year for many's a folk... )! lol! Who knew Jersey Shore could help me out like that?? I'd rather be alone than in a crazy-asss relationship like that... and it always
amazes me how there are some people (let's call them 'the crazies', who can rant and rave, accuse you of all sorts of crazy sh*t -- usually sh*t they themselves are guilty of doing -- throw things around, break all your good stuff, then they are shocked,
shocked, when you say you're leaving, then they are completely
slaughtered when you actually walk out that door...
'Wha' happened??', is their little dumbfounded refrain... was it something they said? Something they did??
Noo, no worries, those 'crazies'
never blame themselves... it's always
your insecurities or lack of interest in staying with a full-out lunatic, that makes you move one... so good for Sammi for having the guts to move on... it's very, very hard, especially if there's any love left... usually, the last of the love goes out the door with the
bed frame... we'll see how long Sammi stays away... that would be soo hard to give up that kind of coin per episode, to move back home... what was Sammi making, $30 Grand an episode? Hmm. Think I'd try living down the hall for a couple of weeks, maybe try not talking to him for a
while, perhaps even
going to a different bar to pick up new guys... no need to stop picking up new guys, just find a new location... you know what they say,
'location, location, location'... and I'm pretty sure that's what they mean by that, too! lol!
But you gotta be soo careful with a partner who is soo crazy jealous (can be male or female, they can both be equally crazy) that they have a huge impact on your life, trying to control your every move, who you talk to, who you see, where you go... it's endless, their need to control, and it never ends (well, it never ends
well...), so, seriously, if you are in a relationship like that, get to runnin'! There are plenty o' normal people out there, and you deserve to live a life filled with freedom -- think how long and hard soo many people have fought for your freedom, so don't let some crazy lunatic take that away from you...
And, man, I love an indignant cheater. The
whole world feels sorry for an indignant cheater, because he gets
sooo mad when his 'lady' steps out on him... I've seen it a bunch of times, and it never fails to make me laugh... double standards are there to be broken... so hilarious that Ronnie spent the night crying in the bathroom after first cheating on Sammi, then
fighting, fighting, fighting, throwing her stuff all over the room and throwing her bed out the door... and all sorts of name-calling on both sides... and then,
whaaat?? She just up and leaves, jus' like that?? Who can see this stuff coming?? So dry youse tears, Ronnie, there'll be a new girl, tomorrow, unless you head back out to da bar, tonight... and hopefully Sammi will get with a guy who is good to her, and then she can be good to him... likes it's
a cycle, or sumthin'! haha! Okay, ah' gotsta bounce! Go get yo' drink on! Ailsa xox