But fer real, why so much stuff for the Survivors?? A basket full of tools for building? I wouldda loooved that! You know I love designing and building houses!! haha! I like them a little more elaborate than a hut on the beach, but that's starting to sound pretty good to me, right about now (Funk Show Brothers
Omg, I hate Russell, already. He's too skeevy for me... is that a word in America?? haha! Well, you'll guess what it means! I hate the way he chooses two pretty wee things, and is all gross and flirty with them... yuck! Isn't he still married?? Yuck! And isn't Russell still a millionaire? Give the million dollar prize to someone who needs it... or at least someone not creepy... so I think I like Ralph on Russell's team, he seems like a really good worker, and I like that in a person, not lazy ... we canny remember the team names, this Season, so we call them the Omelets and I call the other team the Zolofts... I think I'm sorta right, or right enough for me to tell them apart! haha! Really, it just amounts to Russell's team and Boston Rob's team, right? Oh, and I really like Mike, the fellow who served in Iraq... now there's a guy (and not just because he's good looking, but mostly because of that!! hahaha!) who should win a million dollars!! He's probably nice under those muscles, too... I'm just guessing... I don't really care.. the muscly part is good enough for me (I'm deep like that! hahaha!).
I do enjoy that girl (I use the term 'girl' fairly loosely, hre...), Kristina... man, you know she's had a breast aug, and she wore her bikini
I did love how furious Andrea is at Boston Rob for secretly arranging to have her 'new boyfriend', Matt, voted off to Redemption Island... hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, and ain't that the truth!! hahahaha! It'll be very interesting to see what kind of wrath Andrea pulls out her bag o' tricks, next week, to get back at Rob for taking away her new love interest... will be fun to watch!! It's the human drama I love soo much in Survivor!! (Tha, and Jeff Probst!! lol!)
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