Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happy Groundhog Day! Don't worry, the snow will be gone, eventually! lol! Let It Snow!

There's a joke about this guy who moves back to 'the snow' (just like we're planning to do! lol!), and he's sooo excited, nay, elated, by the first snowfall, and then it all starts to unravel, and the hilarity ensues... this little joke makes its way through Canadian emails every winter, and we always laugh and laugh, so you might have a wee laugh, too! http://www.buildyourownhouse.ca/Let%20It%20Snow.htm

Sooo, did you pop into my main website, http://www.buildyourownhouse.ca/ , and have a wee read? Hahahaha! Hilarious, or what?? You know, this is the exact reason I first decided to move to California, back when we first lived here in 1990... I hadn't even thought specifically of California, I just knew I needed to live somewhere without a snow plough! lol!

When Cara was little, around 20 months old, and I was already on my own from my first marriage (it was abusive, sadly and horrifyingly enough, so I left when she was 14 months old), I had her all bundled up and ready to head off for her child care and my school (I was teaching English at Quinte High School in Belleville, Ontario, Canada, and Special Education CBI at Centennial High School, across town...), when that damn snow plough came along and covered up my driveway that I had just shovelled, with at least 6 feet of snow! I was furious, and that was the day I got out the map to see where else we could live that would be nice and sunny, all year through!

I ended up staying in Los Angeles, California, for three years, then we were dragged back to Ontario, Canada by that same horrible ex-husband... life was very tough, back then... but I ended up meeting Dwight, who would become my second husband (a much, much better marriage!), but I ended up moving back to Los Angeles in 2006, and now I'm getting ready to put our house on the market, yet again, to move back to Ontario, Canada in the summer (it's different when you choose to move somewhere, as opposed to being forced to live somewhere... I'm all about the Freedom!! lol!).  My Work Visa runs out, this year, and my work conditions are intolerable (unfortunately.. it's not the students.. they're great!), so now we would waaay rather live in the snow, deal with the shovelling and the snow ploughs, than live in sunny California. The only thing good here is the weather.. buh-dum-bum... and that might seem like a lot, when you're shovelling out the driveway for the 3rd time, today, but let me tell you, first hand... it's better to be happy and free in the snow than to be devastated in the sun...

So on that 'sunny' note (sorrry!! I'll have to change me name to 'Debbie Downer'!! lol!), a little bit about Groundhog's Day...

Groundhog Day is suuuch a huge deal in any area where there's too much snow, and you'll look to anything to see if there's a slight promise of less snow, and that's why Groundhog Day is soo very important to soo many people!  The mere hope of only 6 more weeks of winter is such a gleeful thought, it's on every news channel, with the great proclamation... whether it turns out to be true or not, not a worry... it's enough just to have the hope for a little while, then you can look at your calendar, start planning for the Spring, which will arrive again, eventually!  Those first few green shoots out the ground are sooo exciting in a cold climate!

Happy Groundhog Day!!  Let's hope for only 6 more weeks of winter!  Don't forget to have some nice hot chocolate or some Baileys in your coffee when you come in from the cold!! xox!

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