Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The Bachelor: Brad Womack Hates Drama, But Loves Drama Queens... A Dilemma or a Curse?? lol!

Oh, Brad.  Poor Brad.  He says he can't and won't tolerate any drama, then he totally goes for Michelle, the Queen of all Drama (drag-queen?? lol!) of the whole group.  Michelle is soo creeepy, he'll probably choose her, just to see what all she'll do... and that'll be fun for about ten minutes, then he'll be free and clear for the next Bachelor, so whenever you see that ad during the show, if you'd like to date the next Bachelor, please contact... blah, blah, blah.. but chances are high it'll just be Brad Womack, again, looking for Dating Round 3! haha!  He doesn't even seem like a bad guy, anymore, what with Brad going on The Soup with Joel McHale, and he was realy funny, then Brad went on Jay Leno, and he was really funny with Jay Leno, too... the guy seems genuinely funny.... so I hope he chooses someone nice, like Emily or Chantal O.  Chantalo.  She'll have to formally change her name so he'll be able to remember which Chantal she is, after the show is over! haha!  Noo, she'll be the one in her Granny's fancy frock her Grandma must've lent to Chantal before she went on The Bachelor...

What is that 'Fear Factor' crap all about, on every single episode? Brad is looking for a dare-devil girlfriend, nay, wife?? hahaha!  I think he might like to just find a good guy friend to do all that stuff with, especially since he also says he wants a 'good mother for his children'... yeah, a lot of good mothers don't bother their behind to repel off skyscraper buildings to 'prove' something to their idiot mate.  Nope.  They have a child to take care of, so moms tend not to put their lives at risk to prove something to some guy, no matter who he is... and just for a date??  No.  That's crazy. They'll do stuff for fun, for themselves, or WITH someone, but not to prove they're not scared...

What was with all the 3-year-old hairstyles, tonight?  Half the girls had that idiotic style where their hair is pulled back right at the front, making them look even younger than they already are... but going back all the way to when they were three??  Ick.  But I loved the braid in the front of the other girls' hair, so much, I immediately put a braid, all by meself, in me own hair... ooh, soo lovely.  Cara and I laughed and laughed... let's just say, not the type of hairstyle you would want to wear out in public, unless you were trying out some sort of insanity plea, or something... maybe we'll see Michelle sporting this new braid across the front of your head-style in all the future episodes... I'm sure she'll stay on 'til the bitter end... she's too exciting to have on camera for Michelle to be sent home... see, it pays to be crazy, sometimes...

Geez, I canny even remember the name of the girl who was sent home, tonight... she was the Artist... what does that mean, 'An Artist'?  Does she make money at being an Artist??  Is that a real job, or does she need a husband/benefactor to support her 'Art'?  Poor kid.  She thought she was in love with Brad, but, really, we're talking how many weeks, here?  Not many... 6 weeks in total, right, for the entire show, and we've got how many more 'sleep-over' dates to go?? haha!  Ick!!  How horrendous would that be to have to stand beside two (minimally) other girls who had just slept with the same guy you thought you had fallen in love with??  Ugh.  That's gross. I'd be disgusted with the guy. That whole, "I've just gotta try this other girl out three more times, then maybe I'll know"-routine.. ick.  There'd have to be a lysol bath!! hahaha!  Yuck!  But it would depend on which girls, too... you'd be more forgiving if the other girl was nice or normal, but if it were some bizarro like Michelle... ugh, that's just too gross for words.... there's a whole thing amongst women, and it might exist among men, that there are certain girls a man can't 'come back from'... once he's gone too far with someone disgusting, that's it, tainted for life. Not enough lysol in the world... and it's each girl on the planet's decision who qualifies under the category of 'he's gone too far'... usually it's personality, and a pre-determined level of filth... for me, it's if a girl is vulgar and vile.  Does not matter what she looks like... looks can be very deceiving.. but a vile, vulgar mouth is gross, and unforgivable...

But, you know, maybe Michelle is just auditioning for a role on a Soap Opera... she'd be a great Evil Character.  She's got the eyebrows and lips for it, already, and most of the personality... so maybe it's all a game...

I still like Emily and Chantal O., and think the last 4 will be the dentist, whats-her-name, Chantal O., Emily, and, of course, Michelle. Oh, Ashley-the-dentist.. and she's only 26?  And Emily is listed at 24?  Hmmm.. those ages seem a little low... How old is Britt?  Doesn't she look very, very young?  21?  Hope not... how old is Brad?  38?  Even 38 to 24 is a big stretch... I used to have a boyfriend (in Toronto) 11 years older than me, and I saw him again after 15 years, last year, and omg, what an old man.  Yuck!!!  Thank God I never married him!!!  Yippee for me!! Some men age well, and some men don't... ugh!  That was a lucky escape!  On the other hand, my other 'old' boyfriends still look as handsome as ever... it's all in how you take care of yourself (and how much I still like them! hahaha!  Okay, it's entirely how much I still like them!  If I like someone, they can do no wrong, and if I've had it with someone, that's it, I'm appalled by every aspect of them... that's just me! I'm very fair-minded like that! hahaha!)

'Til the next Bachelor cames along... night night!! xox

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