Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Big Brother 16: Well, is Zach the Fruitloop Dingus, yet? Or will he be, tomorrow? lol!


 Big Brother 16:  Well, is Zach the Fruitloop Dingus, yet? Or will he be, tomorrow? lol!

Oh, no - Zach, what were you thinking, bad-mouthing Christine so much that now she wants you out, and now even the Detonators may or may not have Zach's back... ruh-ruh!  All that pretending to bite like an alligator - it's'a gonna bite you in da back, Zach!  That was super-sad and disturbing to hear how Zach talked to himself, when he couldn't figure out the Veto competition in a short time... that's not good, poor kid. Maybe a little therapy when he's all done with Big Brother, which might be tomorrow, unless the house guests actually vote for Jocasta... 

So how is it that Jocasta is so safe?  She hasn't won anything, is not a good competitor, doesn't appear to be in any alliance, that we know of, but she is playing a good social game - although, I think I'd be pretty fed up with the over-the-top religious stuff... maybe that's not so 'out-there' in the Big Brother house?  And I'm a super-religious girl, but still, there's a limit to what I might say out loud, and that goes beyond my comfort zone... but, all said, whatever Jocasta is doing, it's totally working for her - but I guess we'll know, for sure, tomorrow night, right? lol!

Pretty shocking that Nicole had such a Big Plan to  backdoor Frankie... so glad she didn't get to go through with putting Frankie on the block - Frankie is my favorite, for sures...and I still really like Derrick, Cody, Donny - hmmm, do I mostly just like the men in the house?  Dat not good, right?  I did really like Christine, but I think she's shot herself in the foot, trying to put a wedge between Nicole and Hayden, even if there is a little truth, there... Hayden does seem to have a little interest in Victoria...

And Adam and Eve, aka Caleb and Victoria - soo funny in their Adam and Eve costumes - what did Caleb say about Moses in the Bible?? hahahaha!  Go a li'l further back, ol' Caleb - lol!  Funny - I thought, for sures, Caleb and Victoria would develop a little relationship, when they're that close together, right, but, nope. A'nuffin'... Caleb couldn't wait to get away from Victoria... man, why can't Victoria establish some true friendships in the Big Brother house?  Poor kid, she seems to be on the outskirts of everyone, you know?  I hope she has lots of great friends, outside the Big Brother house, in her real life : )

I did looove the Comic Book Covers - fantastic! Loved them all - someone's a great artist on the Big Brother scene! lol!  I loved the Donny cover - hilarious!

Okay, 'til tomorrow night!  Go haz some fun! Ailsa : )

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