#BB16 - Frankie is a Big , Sparkly, Fierce, Target - you gotta watch out, Frankie!
Here's the thing, though... I was soo happy that Frankie kept the nominations the same, after Frankie won the Veto - man, that couldda changed the Big Brother house right down, if Frankie had chosen to bring Victoria off the block, and put Derrick or Caleb up on the block - yeeeeooowch, that would've been painful to see, and I thought, for a minute, there, that we might see Frankie do that, but then Frankie came through for his Alliance, and kept his own nominations the same.
#BeastmodeNinja I loved all the ninja moves by Beastmode Cowboy and Cody, trying to make the button change - haha! So funny!
And I laughed soo hard when Cody jumped up on the chair, when he thought there was a rodent in the house, a moosie in da hoosie...lol! Hilarious! Hahaha - I just thought you might like to have another wee look at Cody, in a more masculine picture, than Cody jumping up on that chair - oh, man, so funny! Go, #TeamAmerica - Mission Accomplished! : )
Soo glad #TeamAmerica got another mission accomplished - there's another $5,000 each for Derrick and Frankie, so that'll go a long way to paying off a lot of bills for Derrick and his lovely little family, and go toward Frankie's Charity... Oh, na, cannot remember the name of Frankie's charity... GoBuild, maybe? Hmmm, I'll see if I can get the right name, and hopefully, Frankie will get a text donation thing in place, when he's out of the Big Brother house... I'm sure he will - Frankie is very savvy, he gets how the world really works...
Okay, Frankie's charity that he's playing Big Brother for is buildOn, to help children in Africa. I just linked it to Frankie's page, so you'll see a nice little message from Frankie, too - very sweet! : ) @buildOn
It drives me crazy when any charity, or any group that needs to raise money, doesn't use the text donation method - it's so easy, very useful, and is a total pet peeve of mine (how often do you get to use the term 'pet peeve', anymore? hahaha!)...but, anyway, I cannot stand it when anyone asks for larger donations, instead, or intentionally instead of, providing for text donations, with smaller amounts for the donations, that are much safer, and manageable for a whole lot more people... it ain't rocket science, but sometimes people who do fundraising are real jerks - that drives me crazy... don't be greedy, in general, but especially when someone is trying to raise funds for any important cause... (otay, me done wit' mah' tiny rant! lol! I just like to see people more appreciative of a little, and not always just a lot, you know? More people could access it, in every way... : )
And I just thought you might like to see this lovely picture, too - Julie Chen and Ariana Grande look soo pretty in this picture, right? A couple o' lovely ladies, to be sure : )
Okay, 'til tomorrow... yahoo - love this earlier Big Brother - that totally works for me! lol! Hope you're having lots of crazy fun! Ailsa : )
Otay, 'til next time! Or, stick around, have a wee look around my site and my blog - me loves company! lol! See you soon! Ailsa : )

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