Monday, September 1, 2014

Big Brother 16: Holla for a Dollah'! lol!

#BB16 - Holla for a Dollah! And Caleb won the HOH, after a grueling HOH competition - uless you were good at skating, but didn't look like any skaters in da group, right? lol!  So they all struggled away with the HOH competition, but Caleb prevailed, and won the HOH - good thing, keeps the Beastmode Cowboy safe another week, maybe longer, since there will be lots of promises of keeping him safe from everyone in the interesting that the old alliance is still so trusted, this far into the Big Brother game... it's time to start turning on each other, since someone has to make it to the top, sooo... wonder who'll be thrown under the bus, or maybe backdoored, if either Nicole or Christine win the Veto, and take themselves off the block, or someone else takes Nicole or Christine off the block...

Derrick was sure hinting at working with Nicole, which is pretty surprising, since he's got such a tight alliance with pretty much everyone else in the house... but it ain't lookin' good for Frankie, these days.. a lot of chat about evicting Frankie, so I wonder if Cody will be able to talk Caleb into putting Frankie on the block, if someone can be backdoored? Seems a little unfair for Cody to go ahead and try to get Caleb get some blood on his hands, by potentially putting Frankie up on the block for eviction, when Cody couldn't or wouldn't do that, himself... hmmmm...

I was pretty surprised by Nicole's reaction to being put on the block, again - you know, she's back in the Big Brother house, has already been evicted, once, how could it possibly be a giant surprise that the Big Brother houseguests want her out, again? Surprise!! Ah, yeah, no. If someone is lucky enough to get back into the Big Brother house, of course you have t fight like crazy to stay in there... that only makes sense...

I did love the Holla for a Dollah' Big Win for Derrick - why not win the extra $5,000?  Win what you can get, and Derrick has a little family to provide for, so I love that he won the Five Grand - good for him : )  Looks like he's starting to get a little tired of all the Holla's for a Dollah', though - lol!  I loove the Hollas - so funny!

Hmmm, that double eviction on Thursday is gonna be cray-cray! lol!  Can't wait... good thing there's another Big Brother on Wednesday - haha!  See you, then!  Go have yourself some extra-good fun!! Ailsa : )

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