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The Rosie Effect, by Graeme Simsion - the Sequel to The Rosie Effect... you're gonna fall in love with these wonderful books - and Don! And Rosie : )
Oh, you know what? The prices are better at Barnes and Noble... Make sure you take advantage of the Discount Codes, and the Buy 2, Get 1 Free deals.. I love a great book, and I love a great deal - can there be some chocolates, too?? hahaha!
The Rosie Effect, the second book in Graeme Simsion's Rosie Series (well, I'm hoping it's a Rosie SERIES - hahahaha! I can't get enough of Don and his hilarious and touching adventures - lol! So sweet, so funny... oh, man, you are a'gonna looove these beautiful books!
The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion. Oh, man, you're in for such a treat!
Yahooo, The Rosie Effect just came out, and I've just finished it, and can't stop smiling - it is AMAZING, a phenomenal continuation of Don Tillman's life with his new wife, Rosie...oh, man, what a great read!! You are gonna LOVE it, for sures!
My beautiful, loving, caring, brilliantly funny daughter, Cara, got me a copy of The Rosie Effect, yesterday - and a copy for herself and her wonderful fiance...and I thought, initially, I could so easily have read their copy, when they were done, but my lovely Cara said that no, she really loved the author, Graeme Simsion, and really wanted to support him in every possible way, and so she bought two copies - how incredibly sweet is that?
So I was up all last night, reading The Rosie Effect - is soo good, I had to force myself to put the book down, and go to bed - so I finally put the book down at! and then I got up, today (errrr, not very early, totally justified but, one, it's my own life, I'll get up when me wants to, right? It's my mother's voice in my head that tries to shame me into getting up early - hahaha! That only works when she's in the same house as me - lol! And, two, I was totally up really late, reading something really important, sooo, thus the sleep in day? lol! And then I had a quick piece of pizza, started reading, got up to refill my tea cup (and have some apple pie - all lovely and cold, like I like it!), then straight back to my fantastic book, The Rosie Effect - wow, you feel like you've just gone on the most amazing journey through a year in Don's life.... oh, man, I can't recommend this book highly enough - go get it, or order it through Amazon - oh, and if you haven't read The Rosie Project, yet, grab that one up, too, and read the Rosie Project, first, and then The Rosie Effect - oh, what a treat for you!!
You are gonna laugh so hard, you'll chuckle, you'll guffaw, you'll smile so big, you'll be beaming... is just such a beautiful read, is so heartwarming, so smart, and so funny... you'll be so involved in the lives of all the characters - Don Tillman, Rosie, his wife, the new baby-on-the-way, Gene, the three 'b's - B1, B2 and B3 - hilarious! Oh, so sweet! And so smart! Am I saying enough to let you know how much I love the Rosie Effect? These books are gonna make GREAT movies - oh, I'll link this page back to my first page on The Rosie Project, so you can see who I thought would be great to play Don, Rosie and Gene in the movie version of The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect.
Graeme Simsion, the author of The Rosie Project, and the sequel, The Rosie Effect, is such an incredibly brilliant author. We were soo lucky, earlier in the summer - we got to 'talk' with Graeme Simsion on this Twitter chat thing that they had - was pretty funny, since although I have quite a few Twitter Followers, and I really like Twitter, I realy did not know how that whole thing worked, so it took a minute for me to figure that out, and end up on the same Twitter page as everyone else - haha! But it was soo much fun to feel a real 'live' connection to such an amazing author. Graeme Simsion is, by far, one of the best authors I've ever read, and if you only know me a weeeee bit, you'll know I'm an avid reader, and always have been ...
And I don't think this book, #TheRosieProject, or it's sequel, #TheRosieEffect, are necessarily all about #Autism or #Aspergers, they are just a part of Don's wonderful and delightful personality, just the way he is, and I loove that approach. #GraemeSimsion's books are for everyone, but if you happen to have a special space in your heart for some really lovely, really special people, these books will be even more meaningful and precious to you, as they were for me : )
Oh, boy, I cannot wait for everyone to read Graeme Simsion's, The Rosie Project, and The Rosie Effect.
Okay, it's been hours and hours of living precariously through Don's life, so I have to go get something to eat - am leaning toward a lovely (and healthy, I'm assuming) piece of German Chocolate Cake - no tell Don! hahahaha! You're gonna love the books! Your Little Reader Buddy, Ailsa : )

The Rosie Effect, by Graeme Simsion - the Sequel to The Rosie Effect... you're gonna fall in love with these wonderful books - and Don! And Rosie : )
Oh, you know what? Looks like the prices are better at Barnes and Noble... Make sure you take advantage of the Discount Codes, and the Buy 2, Get 1 Free deals.. I love a great book, and I love a great deal - can there be some chocolates, too?? hahaha!
The Rosie Effect, the second book in Graeme Simsion's Rosie Series (well, I'm hoping it's a Rosie SERIES - hahahaha! I can't get enough of Don and his hilarious and touching adventures - lol! So sweet, so funny... oh, man, you are a'gonna looove these beautiful books!
The Rosie Project, by Graeme Simsion. Oh, man, you're in for such a treat!
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