#Shirin, In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb... You Gotta Adapt, Spencer! #Cambodia
Ruh-roh, Shirin is out, already... Tribal Council votes out Shirin from her Survivor Tribe
Shirin just came in waaay too strong, and, really, wouldn't they all know that Shirin is a millionaire? Is that common knowledge? Surely that makes a difference, right, but I didn't hear anyone say anything about that... maybe it's in the editing - you think? hahaha!

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Abi's here for a FIGHT! (For real, who wants to fight, first? lol!) |
Dad's Night Out: I am looovin' how the 'Dads' on Survivor Cambodia are switchin' it up - being kind to Abi-Maria when no one else wanted to be kind to Abi... humans, first, right? And some humans are just thaat much easier to love than others... lol! Jeff Varner and Terry Deitz - man, are they running the show, now? lol! Good for them!

(Uh, have you noticed I am obsessed with the new Electric Scooters! Me luvs! Me wants! hahaha!)
First Guy to Go: Vytas Baskauskas (Soo, people didn't like my undies, says Vytas... lol!)
Second One Out: Shirin Oskooi (Aawww, Shirin really wanted to play a better game, this time around, but she went mad, right away, and did not play a Good Social Game - you have to have Good People Skills, to read their faces when you're going on and on about something... anything.. plus, who knows how much each cast member knew about each other, coming into the game, that Shirin is apparently a millionaire - that's why I like it better when it's all new people, no one knows anything about anyone else.. is more fun for us - who cares if they have 'Audience Recognition' - are you a little tired of that, too? Aren't there lots and lots of people, who would loove an opportunity to go on Survivor, or Big Brother, and they just keep recycling the old people? Hmmm... Fresh Meat, please, CBS - hahahaha!)
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Still Okay: hahaha!
Joe Anglim (Clearly, me luv da Joe - Joe - Survivor MacGyver! lol!)
Spencer Bledsoe (I like Spencer, hope he hasn't screwed his game by aligning too quickly with Shirin...)
Terry Deitz (I have now lumped all the self-described 'Old School' men as a group... bunch of older white guys.. want to change the world in their favour - bah'hahahaahaha!)
Ciera Eastin (meh... maybe - why did she sit out on the challenge, tonight? Hmmm..)
Stephen Fishbach (Like him, reminds me of Buster on Arrested Development... kind of trips on things, seems unsure of himself - might be an act, prolly not...)
Tasha Fox (Like Tasha - she seems very relatable, very nice, plans to do things she can ask for forgiveness for, later - lol!)
Abi-Maria Gomes (Hmmm... well, sometimes, and more often than not, the worst person, personality-wise, is the one who is brought to the end, thinking the Jury will never vote for them, increasing the chances of willing the Million Dollar Prize...Drawback: you have to live with Abi for 39 days - worth it? Sure! (I wanna make a little marriage joke, here - 39 days with someone difficult to live with - that ain't a'nuthin', compared to some marriages [mine??]! Buh'dum-bum! lol!)
Woo Hwang (Love Woo! Great guy! Calm, cool and collected, great competitor...and super cute - haha!)
Jeremy Collins (I really like Jeremy - good guy, very moved by Andrew's story about meeting his wife, and Jeremy and Val are expecting a baby, right now - or, at the time of the taping, sooo, will we get to see a cute little Survivor Baby, at the Survivor Season Finale? Oooh, I hope so! lol! Finale AND a cute little baby - yes, please! TV Magic! haha!)
Kimmi Kappenberg (Kimmi with an 'i'... lol! Well, that kinda makes me laugh, right there...
we'll see if she's a better player, this time around... I can barely remember her, frankly...)
Peih-Gee Law (Mmmm, liked her at first, but then, did you hear that little controversy, that, under the guise of being a 'Fashion Jeweler', she 'fashioned' herself some 'jewelry' with a flint, a fish hook, and fishing twine? hahaha! So, is sorta funny - is that a whole lot different from quickly running out and getting some glasses to wear on Survivor, so you can start a fire with your glasses? lol!)
Kass McQuillen (I dunno - why is Kass so difficult to like? Too stern? Too inflexible? A Lawyer? hahaha! Me joke... but isn't she a Lawyer? hahaha!) (Noo, sorry to all the Lawyers who are so super-sensitive, out there in Computerland... I do know some nice lawyers... mostly in Real Estate Law - lol - maybe I'm just excited to buy a new home, and me sees the good in everybody, then?? lol!)
Keith Nale (I really, really like Keith - he's just so down-to-earth, he's like a salt of the earth kind of guy, easy to get along with.. but, we'll see, because you never know how adaptable he, or anyone else, will be, and how they fit with their new groups, right?)
Monica Padilla (Unpleasant, at best... here's what irritated me about ol' Monica - she says, "I'm the smallest one out here" .. hmmm, like those phenomenally annoying girls who go around saying, very loudly, THEY are a Size Zero - noo, Zero doesn't exist, so, that's moronic...and obnoxious... and for any clothing companies who actually have the Size Zero, women have to put a stop to that - very dangerous use of numbers.... but maybe Monica is better than that, and we'll get to see a nicer side? lol! Seems unlikely, but me keeps mah' mind open - haha!)
Andrew Savage ( Waaah, I miss my Supermodel Wife... hahahaah! That made me laugh so hard, everyone feeling so sorry for Mr. Handsome, who looks like he's never, once, had a difficult day..soo, hmmm, not a lot of empathy from me.. I want someone to win who needs the money... I just like that, better : )
Jeff Varner (Another Old School Dad, but a great sense o' humour, will be fun to see how far Jeff Varner goes.. he really,really wants to play a good game, though, and I have a LOT o' respect for that : )
Kelley Wentworth (Kelley with an extra 'e'... what people bring to a party... lol! So, Kelley with an extra 'e' finds an Idol - hides it where someone else might find it, soo... hmmm... will see what happens, there - and now they're moving beaches, so, Kelley'll be losing her mind, trying to get that Idol back in her hands!)
Kelly Wiglesworth (The Other Kelly... who? haha! Is this the one who came in Second on Survivor with Richard Hatch? Richard Hatch would dwarf any personality, but if that is the same Kelly, and I think it might be, I remember, waaay back then, thinking, omg, how is this dull girl at the Final 2?? But, now we all know that tactic, to bring someone to the Final 2 who seems, to the jury, like a Floater, since the other person is almost always voted as the Winner...)

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Omg, I love this picture of Buster on Arrested Development - so hilarious! You know his Mom helped him pick that outfit out! Hahaha! And I think Arrested Development is coming back with a new season in early 2016 on #Netflix, right? Oooh, I hope that's right! We looove Arrested Development - soo funny!

The difference between who and what will women put up with, and WON'T put up with, and what the men will say, Okay? Hmmm...)
I did immediately think, does Abi see these men being kind to her as Father Figures? Me no tinks so! hahaha! Dat make'a me laugh!

Jeff Probst is really delving into this whole idea,the main concept of this Season of Survivor - Season 31, right? 16th year in? haha! Is that really possible?? lol! Anyway, the whole notion, that, given the opportunity to do something all over again, a total REDO, would we relay be all that different?
It's such a tough call, because the chances are REALLY high, that you truly felt and believed that you handled things the right way, at the time you initially went through it - it's only in hindsight, that you think, oh, I think I could've dealt with that differently.. so ids really interesting to see whether people DO change, or can change their game...and more than a little ironic that Shirin made bi feel exactly the same way Shirin's tribe had made her feel, in Shirin's season... even though Abi was so difficult to deal with, it still boils down to someone getting their feelings hurt, and feeling like they don't belong... or are cast out of the tribe... but Abi turned that situation around, or, the older men in the tribe, did... Abi has misinterpreted why they're keeping her, but, one way or another, Abi's still on survivor, and Shirin is Voted Out... so there you go...

Jus' chillin'... this hilarious comfy bear was on the news, a couple of weeks ago - so funny!

I loved when Jeff Varner says, "Who needs food when you've got Abi??" Hahaha! Jeff Varner is enjoying every second with Abi and her crazy drama... ; )
The more drama there is over there, the less you're noticed over here, the further you can get in Survivor - good game play, Jeff! : )

The a Keo Tribe and the Bayon Tribe... but not for long! lol!
Are you shocked that they're dropping their Buffs, next wee, AND separating into 3 Tribes?
Wow, I love it when Survivor shakes it up (Taylor Swift-Style - lol!)!
Oooh, I can't wait to see who ends up on which new tribe - that can make all the difference, in going much further in the game, fo' sho'! : )

Cambodia is so pretty... please to enjoy! : )
Angkor Temples in Cambodia,
12th Century, in case you were wondering about that, too! : )
Well, you KNOW I love the Thunderbolt! hahaha!
One of the fun things about Survivor, is getting to see another country in a way you might not have had a chance to see it, yet, so I thought you might like these little maps of Cambodia, too, so you can have it in your head when you're watching Survivor Cambodia: Second Chances - lol!
That's so amazing, right? Incredible Architecture!
Angkor Temples in Cambodia

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Okay, me gotta go to bed! Hope you're having THE best day, ever! And tomorrow's gonna be even BETTER!! lol! Ailsa : )