Well, here they go again - James and Meg, back to their Nomination Seats on The Block... was so difficult to figure out whether Vanessa, who won yet another HOH, would put James and Meg up, this week, since we all know Vanessa wants to Flip the House...
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Ha! That makes me laugh... it's time for the #Twinstin to come to an end... they're been ruling the roost for too long, and Vanessa is clearly at the bottom of the Twinstin Totem Pole (Which I would looove to see, carved - hahahaah! I love Totem Poles!)
Well, on the off-chance that you might live somewhere where you haven't seen any Totem Poles, and since the #BBhouseguests are always talking about who is on the 'bottom of the Totem Pole', here they are! I was a'gonna choose one picture of a Totem Pole for you, then I just couldn't stop - I love them all! lol!
Aaawww, one of my favourite places, is soo gorgeous! This is the Totem Pole in front of our Parliament Buildings, in Victoria, BC, Canada, all lit up, at night.
See why we love it?? : ) Looks like a Fairy /Tale, right?
Perfect for me! I love living in a Fairy Tale - lol!
And here it is in the day time... the Parliament Buildings in downtown Victoria, BC, Canada, overlooking the Victoria Harbour - soo pretty!
See the Totem Pole?
We honour all our cultures, in Canada, and especially honour our First Nations Peoples, as it should be.
I'm sure this must be the Totem Poles at Butchart Gardens, just outside of Victoria, BC, Canada. we always get our Season Passes for Butchart Gardens - is stunningly gorgeous, all year round.

Totem Pole on Vancouver Island, BC (where we live! Yippee!!)
Wow, look at that view, right? Note the details on the Totem Poles - amazing.
Also, Canada, now 25% off Everything - bah'hahahaah! (Because our Canadian dollar is so low...lol!)
Is a good time for a trip! : )
(Hmmm... my font is all different... hope it looks okay for you to read it - lol!)
Aaawww, James loves Meg soo much, but it's clearly just a friendship, and it iiiis $500,000 at stake, here, sooo, hmmm. Hmm. I'm sure James will make the right strategic decisions, James is so smart.
I did really want to see Vanessa, James and Johnny Mac going to the end, Final Three, but you never know where things are gonna go in the Big Brother house, right? Always Expect the Unexpected.
Mah' Tweets from #BB17, tonight - lol!
I did really want to see Vanessa, James and Johnny Mac going to the end, Final Three, but you never know where things are gonna go in the Big Brother house, right? Always Expect the Unexpected.
Mah' Tweets from #BB17, tonight - lol!
#BB17 Is James getting tired of carrying Meg? Meg and Julia easily drop out of the #HOH comp, assume they'll be fine
What a cool HOH comp, right? I loved this pic... pretty elaborate set up for a competition, fo' sho'!
And then Johnny Mac and Vanessa were the last Houseguests 'standing', if you will, and Vanessa offered Johnny Mac a deal, to keep him safe for the week, if he wanted to drop, and it looked like he HAD taken the deal, then it turned out he had just fallen? Anyway, very good that Vanessa wants to work with Johnny Mac, and they should all have been listening to that exchange, right? (Wow, another type of font?? lol!)
So, the key was to keep their feet on the disc - yikes, looked so painful for Liz!
And then Johnny Mac and Vanessa were the last Houseguests 'standing', if you will, and Vanessa offered Johnny Mac a deal, to keep him safe for the week, if he wanted to drop, and it looked like he HAD taken the deal, then it turned out he had just fallen? Anyway, very good that Vanessa wants to work with Johnny Mac, and they should all have been listening to that exchange, right? (Wow, another type of font?? lol!)
#BB17 Wow, so #Vanessa promised #JohnnyMac safety, AND, she wants to #FlipTheHouse - finally!
Now Vanessa is super happy to have won another HOH, so she could get another letter from her girlfriend, Mel - that's so sweet : ) And it sounds like Mel is Canadian, from Montreal, because Vanessa had said something, on Big Brother After Dark, about Mel having to go back to Montreal for her 6 month Visa?
For the record, it's relay hard for Canadians to live and work in America, now - booo! I hope they make some positive changes in their Immigration Policies, for Legal Immigration to the States - right now, the focus appears to be on the massive amount of Illegal Immigration, which is a serious problem... I have a different perspective, of course, because I lived and worked in California for years, and loved it (and would love to go back! lol!), and it does frustrate me that so many people just stroll on over the Border, when little Canadians are happy to go through the Legal Route to live and work in the US. Anyway, that's my deal - lol!
Now Vanessa is super happy to have won another HOH, so she could get another letter from her girlfriend, Mel - that's so sweet : ) And it sounds like Mel is Canadian, from Montreal, because Vanessa had said something, on Big Brother After Dark, about Mel having to go back to Montreal for her 6 month Visa?
For the record, it's relay hard for Canadians to live and work in America, now - booo! I hope they make some positive changes in their Immigration Policies, for Legal Immigration to the States - right now, the focus appears to be on the massive amount of Illegal Immigration, which is a serious problem... I have a different perspective, of course, because I lived and worked in California for years, and loved it (and would love to go back! lol!), and it does frustrate me that so many people just stroll on over the Border, when little Canadians are happy to go through the Legal Route to live and work in the US. Anyway, that's my deal - lol!
#BB17 Meg complains about how hard the HOH comp was, and she dropped out, oh, a couple minutes in - #lol #HelloFloata'
#BB17 Liz says, "I'm not stupid" - uh, as soon as you've uttered those words, you might be stooopid #lol
#BB17 #MacIsBack And safe, it seems - hilarious, and very inneresting... Vanessa's got a Plan! #lol! #Twinstin #Hmmm

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James is soo funny! Look how hard James makes Julia laugh - now, that seems like more of a connection than James has with Meg, right? Hmmm... as James loves to say : )
#BB17 James, "My butt cheeks are puckered right now" hahaha! #JamesIsFunny Final 3: Vanessa, James & Johnny Mac? #hmm
#BB17 Did Austin just barely miss Vanessa when he was doing his fancy gymnastics in the living room #6yearoldstyle?
You know what just occurred to me? Kathy Griffin is a great friend to Big Brother, right, and Michael McDonald is a great friend to Kathy Griffin, sooo, wouldn't it be hiiilarious if Michael McDonald came int the Big Brother House as his character, Stuart, and imitated Austin, doing those hilarious kicks and gymnastics around the BB living room? Omg, I would laugh so hard!
Oh, @CBSBigBrother, wonder if we could make that happen, give your Big Brother Fans a wee treat and a lot of laughs! lol!
Makes me laugh so hard!
All I could think of when Austin was doing his gymnastics in the Living Room, and barely missed Vanessa's face when he was kicking around, was Michael McDonald's character Stuart from MAD TV - remember that? hahahaha! Here's a little link for you - have an extra laugh, today - lol!
Three Funny Videos - you'll laugh so hard, and a very exciting surprise on the second link, especially if you love Key and Peele : )
Aaahhh, here's a 'Big Brother' one - lol!
Video 3: And check out these legs - you'll laugh! lol! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yf895R123o
All that, just from that one crazy little scene on Big Brother, tonight, with Austin in the living room, jumpin' about - hahahaaha!
#BB17 #GrandmaMeg James will be back in an hour for her #spongebath #hahaha! Laundry on a board #ha! #JamesIsFunny!
#BB17 They go up to see Vanessa's HOH room, James isn't there 4 the arts and crafts, he wants to see pics of Vanessa's Mom #HotMom! So funny!
Wow, Vanessa's Mom is so pretty - so that's where Vanessa gets her looks from!
No wonder James wants to pop up to Vanessa's HOH room, check out her pictures! lol! : )
Wow, Vanessa's Mom is so pretty - so that's where Vanessa gets her looks from!
No wonder James wants to pop up to Vanessa's HOH room, check out her pictures! lol! : )
#BB17 @ZingbotOfficial - hahaha! Austin has to take his glasses off to ask Liz to be his gf - 2nd gf #lol!
Austin tries to lock that down - hahaha!
Liz immediately calls him out on having a gf outside of the BBhouse - ha!
Liz is laughing so hard, because she's about to win herself a half a million dollars - lol!
#BB17 #Nominations Vanessa puts Meg and James on the Block, Meg says, what'll happen to my game if James leaves? #Game?
#BB17 James is such a good player, he could easily win the Veto, Vanessa could backdoor a Big Player... #FlipTheHouse

Oh, and in case your Birthday is right now, or coming up, soon, or you know a Virgo - this is so funny! I didn't catch her name.. and I looked pretty hard (well, you know, I looked relatively hard - lol!) for her name, but she's soo funny, so i want to know it, right? If you know her name, let me know, please! : )
Omg, this is so funny - for all mah' Virgo Friends : > We’ve got 99 problems, and being a Virgo is one https://youtu.be/cOYH5MZCAJg via @YouTube
And here's where you can get some REAL Hawaiian Buns! lol! By the time you're done laying out on the beach in Hawaii, you'll have some Hawaiian Buns of yer own - bah'hahahaha!
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Okay, 'til Next Time! Hope you're haivng a great time, whatever you're getting up to! lol! Ailsa : )