Thursday, August 27, 2015

#BB17 - Vanessa Wins the Veto, Leaves Steve and Johnny Mac on the Block - but which one does she like?? #Zingbot9000

Zingbot 9000 Sneaks into the Big Brother House, Wreaks Havoc - bah'hahaha! 

Hahahaah!  So, Zingbot 9000 comes in, Zingle and ready to Mingle, makes fun of all the #BBhouseguests... and opens up a Pandora's Box in the Big Brother House (did you like that little hint hint, to CBS Big Brother?? lol!  When are we a'gonna get a Pandora's Box?  No one's on slop, any more, right?  Looks like they're all eating normal food...)

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Liz was noot happy with what Zingbot said to her, that Austin has a girlfriend, back home, and then after Zingbot left the #BBhouse, Austin had a whole lot o'explainin' to do... 

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Now what should I do?? 

Oh, Austin, is this the hardest comp in the BB house?? lol!

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Vanessa killed it in the Veto comp... wow, she's amazing - so smart, so observant

#BB17 - Vanessa Wins the Veto, Leaves Steve and Johnny Mac on the Block - but which one does she like??

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Meg and James seem like they're pretty safe, for quite a while. 

They're playing an interesting game, in that, Meg is playing a quiet game, is sort of a Floater, buut, you know, here she is, almost at the end, sooo, whatever Meg is doing, it's working for her.

And, James, everyone loves James, he's so funny, and he's a beast in competitions, so there is more of a target on James... but now Austin and the Twins are very fond of James and Meg, sooo...hmmm.

I do really want to see James work with Vanessa... I keep going back and forth on it... Vanessa, James and Johnny Mac, to the Final Three?  How many Final 3 predictions have I made, now? hahaha! 

I don't really want it to be Austin and the Twins as the Final Three...but, you know, it's Big Brother, anything can happen...and Always Expect the Unexpected - lol!  

I like the Twins, Liz and Julia are nice girls, and they're playing a good game, but, doesn't it seem like Austin has Liz under his arm, and is pulling Julia behind them, unwillingly? (How can we ditch your sister stuff? hahaha!  Wonder why that makes me laugh so hard?? hahaha! Ah, well. Maybe it's a sister  thing? lol!)


I looove that James helps Meg with her make-up - hahaha!  James, he's soo funny! 

Who knows where Johnny Mac and Steve really are, right?  They are soo hard to read.  I don't even know if Steve and Johnny Mac can trust each other - oh, Big Brother, you bring out the best and the worst in all the #BBhouseguests... 

No, no, girls, don't think you're smarter than Vanessa... what are they thinking?  

Not much, you say? haha!  

Noo, 'm sure they're smart enough, but turning on Vanessa?  And now Austin doesn't know where he really stands with Liz?  So crazy, to risk your game for a half a relationship - if that... Liz says she's at 93% for their relationship, buuuut, looks a whole lot closer to 7%, these days... Austin, don't be crrrazy! 

Oh, no, I just turned on Big Brother After Dark, and they're all yelling and playing their moronic games... booo!

Oh, turns out, it was on my DVR from last night - I must've fast forwarded to that point, last night, and I just had to fast forward through the whole thing that I had left... hope it's better, tonight.. I jokingly call it #BBboring - makes me laugh - lol!  And if you happen to be Tweeting about Big Brother After Dark, (and, of course, I do, too - lol!), it's #BBAD - but I'm sure you already know that - ha!

Okay, I'm off to watch Big Brother After Dark, again, see if it's better than last night - oh, dammmit, they're playing their idiotic games they've made up, themselves, again... I don't know what is worse, those moronic 'talk show' things they did at the beginning of the season, or these new 'games' - bleah! Soo not good.

I'm sure they're having a good time, themselves, but is painful TV.  Booo!

Big Brother Production needs to give them some alcohol (which wine do you like - red, or white? - Mah' fave wine joke - lol!), liven this place up...

And, tomorrow is such a big eviciton in the Big Brother House - really, no more Game Play? The real game playing that's important? Hmmm. Hmm. As James and Meg would say - lol!

Okay, 'til tomorrow!  Go have tons o' fancy fun!  Ailsa : ) 

  How cool is this?? I love it! Soo cool!

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