The Final Rose
The REAL Bad Guy on Bachelor in Paradise??
Ashley I., crying for more Air Time ; )
And, also, if it's not toooo much trouble, I'd like to control Jared for the rest of my life, please.
Let's see, I'm gonna need a cage, a giant lock (to lock that shiz down), and maybe a sheet, or something? NOT see-through, it's important that no other women ever see Jared, just in case he's tempted by someone, anyone, else.. Thanks. Now get it. (Just a little demanding - lol!)

Ride In Style! UP TO 20% OFF on electric scooters
When it was still funny on #AfterParadise...
What was with tonight's show? I get it, they're all owned by ABC, but, really, the least funny person from The View has to come on #AfterParadise? Why is she being pushed on us?? what's the connection? It isn't the Funny, that's for sure. The View is a nightmare, now, not funny, not smart, barely interesting... don't emulate, #AfterParadise - you were off to such a great start!
Bring back Paul Scheer (@PaulScheer) (I think - really, I should go check! lol!)
Don't lose the Funny, After Paradise! (Please! : )
I laughed so hard at this clip on After Paradise - Samantha trying to explain what happened with Joe to Jade - when you can't convince Jade... ruh-roh!
I love, love, loved when Joe starts talking with Ashley I., then about a minute in, Joe's thinking, what the hell, how did I get into THIS conversation... then later, takes Relationship Advice from Ashley I. Hahahahaah! Okay, dat make'a me laugh!
When Joe and Juelia are on After Paradise, and Juelia says, Joe, you said that I was stooopid for me falling for you, for what I said, and clearly, clearly, Joe wants to say, uh, noooo, that's not why I said you were stooopid... #JoeControlsHimself
What'did'I do?
Guaranteed, this is how Juelia remembers her 'relationship' with Joe.
Again, it was ONE 'date'. One date. Not Marriage.
Too much drama for one date in... at least wait for the second date, to over-react - lol!

Bachelor in Paradise makes me want to go to Mexico!!

Holy a'schmoly, I love a great deal! haha! Wow, these are amazing deals, am I right?? Holy schmokes, Batman, what a deal! : )
Beach Lovers, Stay 6 Days In A Cancun Resort With Unlimited Meals & Drinks For $249!
I hope to God (makes me want to make a little ABC joke, here, but seems a li'l blasphemous, so, me pass on dat joke, but maybe you're thinking it, too - lol!) they can have truly funny people on, though, and not just whatever the flavor of the month at ABC is...
Yay, so glad Mikey T. is back in #BachelorinParadise - Mikey T. is soo cute!
Very disconcerting that Juelia ditched Mikey T., in favour of Joe, last week, then, now that she almost had to go home, with no rose, magically she has a real connection with Mikey T? and to prove it, a Fantasy Suite on the first date?? Hmmm...
First Date + a Key to the Fantasy Suite - Sweet, I mean... lol!
Mikey T.'s Best Date Evah'!!
Oh, the Romance of Mucho Libre.
So cute - hilarious!
Oooh, I wish this were the Newest Cast Member for Bachelor in Paradise! lol!
I would loove that! And so would Ashley S.!
Wait, the birds are sending me a message... they say, stay away from the crabs? What's THAT supposed to mean?? You know what? I'll talk to them later... they're messages are for the birds, anyway... buh-dum-bum!
Wow, have you ever seen anyone take a shot of Tequila with the level of ease that Ashley S. took that shot? Holy Schmokes, Batman! Who doesn't shudder after each shot? Who can stand up, like it's no problemo, after 4 or 5 Tequila Shots?? Ashley S., that's who.
I did looove the whole conversation on the beach, with the poor guy who was trying to explain to them, in English, that their date had been cancelled, to the island, because of the hurricane coning in. "What??", they say. "Oh, no, we don't speak any Spanish!" Omg, that was hilarious and painful, all rolled up into one... and then, that conversation wasn't nearly as hard for Nick to understand, later in the pool, with Ashley S., both of them drunk beyond drunk... ha! Was funny. Sad, but funny.
Ashley S. and Nick: "Thanks a lot, Nature, for intentionally ruining our date."
Nature: "What? I can't understand what you're saying... get it together, you couple o' crazies!" (Now Nature is mad... thanks a lot, Ashley and Nick - lol!)
For real, Samantha couldn't wait another day to break up with Joe, she had to wait for Joe to put out his own Birthday Cake and drinks... oh, no! But it makes you laugh so hard, because, you know... Joe.
Now Joe can't catch a break with the fallout from Samantha... but, you know, Joe was horrible to the two guys, Mikey T. and especially Jonathon, as well as Juelia. I actually think what Joe did to the two guys was much worse than what he did to Juelia, but he did seem pretty remorseful on After Paradise, tonight... hmmm... Tricky.
You don't want someone's whole life to be ruined from some edited content on a Reality TV show, but that was pretty horrific behavior, particularly what he said about Jonathon. Scary.
That said, clearly Samantha was fully involved in the whole thing, with more than one man, since Nick thought he was coming to meet Samantha, too - and then Samantha hasn't really spent any time with Nick? Except for looking at Nick walking down the beach,when Joe is professing his love for her? hahahaah! That was super-funny.
Hello, Karma, nice to see you back, again - on Bachelor in Paradise! lol!
I laughed when Samantha is off talking to Justin, and Justin says she's really good at conversating. Soo, is Samantha's type, Stooopid? hahaha!
Oh, no. Just me, or does anyone else notice a slight drop in the, errr, intellectual level, of soo many of the 'contestants' (shall we?) on Bachelor in Paradise, this season? What's THAT about?
Okay, go find yourself some really Great Love of your very own! Or go give the person (or pet!) you already love, a great big hug! I'm sending you a big hug, too! 'Til Next Time! Ailsa : )

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Oh, my Goodness, I want this so badly!! hahaha! Like a Scratch Off Lottery Ticket, except every one's a winner - scooore!! Suh'weeet!!
Wow, talk about Romantic Candles!! Can you imagine how much more romantic it would be if there's a GIFT inside the candles for you?? haha! I looove it! Brilliant!
Otay, how amazing is this?? lol! Hilariously enough, I feel like I can smell the Lemon candle, right now! haha! The Power of Suggestion, Baby! How exciting is that, to get a surprise gift in every candle?? What a great gift (for me?? lol!) - so much fun! : )
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