Yay!! Meg gets to sleep in her own bed, tonight - and that's Meg's favorite place to be - in her comfy bed! lol! iTunes
And Vanessa's SAFE! Yippee!! Yahoo!! I love Vanessa! lol!

Oooh, I love GUESS - I love my GUESS Wallet, so pretty, all blinged out, and my GUESS purses.. love it all!
#BB17 - Wow, Crazy #DoubleEviction Night on Big Brother - Shelli''s Gone, Meg Stays! Yahoo! Oh, and Jackie's evicted, too - how did I forget Jackie, already??
And Vanessa's SAFE! Yippee!! Yahoo!! I love Vanessa! lol!

Oooh, I love GUESS - I love my GUESS Wallet, so pretty, all blinged out, and my GUESS purses.. love it all!
#BB17 - Wow, Crazy #DoubleEviction Night on Big Brother - Shelli''s Gone, Meg Stays! Yahoo! Oh, and Jackie's evicted, too - how did I forget Jackie, already??
Whaaat??? Meg was in complete shock, when Johnny Mac called her name to go up on the Block, in the Live Nomination Ceremony on Big Brother, tonight - wow, I was so shocked, too - really, I did not see that coming. I really thought that Johnny Mac and Steve were both on the Becky-Jackie-Meg-James Alliance... oh, man, that really threw me for a loop - but, man, did that ever catch Meg off-guard...
And, here, Meg had JUST started playing the game, too... which is, well, sorta funny, but I was so happy to see Meg out on the yard, actually talking game... and, frankly, I was happy to see Jackie leave the Big Brother House, because she wasn't even a fan of Big Brother, she was just on the show because she had already been on The Amazing Race... that's not okay, not with all the real Big Brother Fans, who would looove a spot on Big Brother... same thing with Becky. She has said, on Big Brother After Dark, that she didn't know anything about Big Brother, so she just studied it by watching all the seasons of Big Brother, before she went on the show.
I dunno... maybe if they had been nice, or had interesting personalities, but Jackie was virtually silent, for the first few weeks in the Big Brother house, playing second to Jeff, and we never DID get to find out if Jackie and Jeff are a real couple - sure seemed like it in the #BBhouse, but then when Jackie was talking to Julie Chen (who looked lovely, as always!), Jackie insinuated that there was no relationship... but I really thought Julie Chen was gonna ask Jackie, directly.... hmmm, maybe we'll find out at the very end of Big Brother, right? lol!
I'm curiouser and curiouser, because didn't Jeff 'develop' lots of other 'relationships' in the Big Brother house?? haha! Jeff and Liz, Jeff and Meg, Jeff and maaay-be Jackie... whatevs... I didn't like either of them, too shady, and then at the end, Jackie was soo vehement against Vanessa, and that's not cool with me - Vanessa's mah' girl! lol!
Otay, how amazing is this?? lol! Hilariously enough, I feel like I can smell the Lemon candle, right now! haha! The Power of Suggestion, Baby! How exciting is that, to get a surprise gift in every candle?? What a great gift (for me?? lol!) = so much fun! : )
JewelryCandles.com-A Beautiful Candle with a Jewelry Surprise Inside! Click here!

Now Meg and James can relax for a minute, 'til the next Crazy starts up in the Big Brother House... and since Steve is the HOH, holy schmokes, batman, Steve is such a wild card - no one really knows what's going on inside Steve's head... Steve is the one guy (well, Steve and Johnny Mac) that no one wanted to go up, since no one knows, for sure, or at all, where he really stands.
Pretty inneresting that Steve won the HOH, then Johnny Mac won the Veto, right? Back to back wins? hmmm... All this time, hardly any wins, only little wins, but this is what has been predicted, all along, that if Steve and Johnny Mac made it past the Double Eviction, to the Single HOH, which started last week, then they could just win every comp, rule the #BBhouse... and so it begins... let's hope they're benevolent rulers...
Otay, me gots'ta go... be right back.... Laters, baby! Ailsa : )
I'm back! lol!
Happy Birthday, Jason! I loved that the #BBhouseguests gave a birthday shoutout to Jason - very sweet!
I want to see Jason on Survivor - he'd be so funny, right? He would just have to learn how to make fire... I'm amazed at how few people who KNOW they're going on Survivor, and they don't bother to learn the basics... and would you know, in advance, where you're going, so you could study the vegetation, have a general idea of what you might be able to eat, fruit, plants, that sort of thing...
These legs were made for walkin', and that's just what they'll do...right into the Big Brother Jury House - lol! They'll be fine, together, in the #BBjury house... I can't remember if they had any issues, before, but Shelli was sure cozying up to that side of the house, this whole last week... I can't imagine a lot of riveting conversation, though - haha! Maybe they'll get to watch a lot of movies, since they wouldn't be able to have any contact with the real world, just yet, right? Man, I'd have a tough time, not knowing the news... I wonder if maybe I'm a news-junkie, now? I DO watch a lot of news, now that I think of it... the US Nightly News, the CBC National News in Canada, and our local news, CTV Vancouver Island News... sooo, hmmm, I guess that is a lot o' news...
(If you're a teacher, it's a great idea to have copies of coloring pages and word games... little things like that, for kids who finish early, or use as rewards - you'd be sooo surprised at how receptive the kids are to this - all the way up through High School students, too - lol!)

And I laughed, on Big Brother After dark, last night, when Julia, of the Julia and Liz Twin-fame, says, "I'm not the sharpest crayon in the tool box" - and repeats that line to Steve, and Steve says, "I think you've proven your point within that sentence." That's funny! They all laughed, all in good fun, everyone seems much happier, now, and even Becky has realized she has to drop the whole 'Becky Angry' thing - that rarely works for anyone, in the #BBhouse, or in the real world - lol!
I wonder if they do get to read any books they want in the Big Brother Jury house? I can't imagine that Jackie has ever opened a boo - maybe - who knows... maybe I've read her all wrong... bah'dum-bum... Shelli might be more of a reader... that's interesting, right? To decide on whether someone's 'a reader', or not, just by looking at them... hmmm, judgmental much? (Me, I mean - lol!) That's terrible - what am I doing? They could easily be readers... okay, well,on that note, let me go see if I can find the link to some of my favourite books... I loove Wally Lamb and Graeme Simsion... and Louise Hay... and about a million more phenomenal authors... let me go link those up, for you to check them out - and if you've never 'ordered' books from your local library's website, try that - it's a great way to read a lot of books, for free! It's a much better set up than it ever was, before - worth a try! And you know I love the library! They have the BEST Liberry Pie, there... yum!
Okay, now I'm off, unless I think of something else I wanted to say! lol! Ailsa : )
Here you go - lots of great choices, for lots of great reads!! Yippee! You'll be lost in a great book, in no time! : ) You're welcome! lol!
And if you have some great books you think I would love, please, oh, please, tell me all about them! I love a good read!

The Rosie Effect, by Graeme Simsion - the Sequel to The Rosie Effect... you're gonna fall in love with these wonderful books - and Don! And Rosie : )
Oh, you know what? Looks like the prices are better at Barnes and Noble... Make sure you take advantage of the Discount Codes, and the Buy 2, Get 1 Free deals.. I love a great book, and I love a great deal - can there be some chocolates, too?? hahaha!
Buy 2, Get a 3rd Free Select Paperbacks! Shop BN.com

Happy Reading!! Ailsa xox
(You know, I was just reading some BB comments, and I know you shouldn't read the comments, or you'll go mad with the level of hatred and stupidity that can sometimes be out there, in computerland, but I am shocked at how many mean posts there are about Steve. Steve is a lovely human being, so kind, he's getting lots of love and support in the Big Brother house, which I love to see - lots of hugs, 'n stuff...anyway, my hope is that lots of people will read The Rosie Project and The Rosie Effect, by Graeme Simsion - the books are hilarious and smart, so funny, but when you read about Don, the main character, you will think of Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory, and, now, Steve, and will get them, even more... soo, I hope that happens : )
World Market has my fave sweeties! lol! And I love their bangles, and all their glassware, and bowls, and carpets... anyway, clearly I loove me some World Market - lol!
10% off! CODE: SAVEBIG10. 7/31 - 9/30
Oh, and here's a little recipe I was thinking about while I was watching #BigBrotherAfterDark last night - lol! Now I'm trying to figure out how I could make this so it would be like Churros, for my son, who really, really misses all the delicious Churros we used to get in California - no good Mexican restaurants, up here in the North - booo! Come on up, El Pollo Loco or Chipotle, or both!! We would looove some delicious Mexican Food up here in Canada! : ) (Pweeease!!)
#BBHaveNots - So, it looks like the BB Have Nots have a lot more options than they used to have, right? And you know how the HaveNots have Hawaiian Buns, this week? I wonder if they could slice them, thick slices, fry them in a pan of a little oil, then toss in cinnamon sugar?
Man, that sounds deeelish, right? Now me wants to try that!
(Cinnamon Sugar, in case you haven't made it, yet, is just a nice mix of , say, a couple of tablespoons of cinnamon, and maybe about a half cup of sugar - you can add more cinnamon, to taste... is a good sprinkle for all sorts of wee things! lol!)
Okay, here's some other stuff me haz been a'thinkin' about, this week - lol! Ailsa : )
And here's where you can get some REAL Hawaiian Buns! lol! By the time you're done laying out on the beach in Hawaii, you'll have some Hawaiian Buns of yer own - bah'hahahaha!

Save up to 40% on your Hawaii Getaway with Hawaiian Airlines! Build your perfect trip now and relax
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Wow, so Andrea Boehlke from Survivor is Meg's Best Friend? Wow! I'm so impressed! lol! Soooo, is that how you get on a Reality TV Show? Who did Kim Kardashian know? Nooo, me joke! hahaah! I'm just amusing mah'self, at this time o' night - lol! (I'm watching the Big Brother After Dark feed... lol!)
Big Brother After Dark, where all the secrets come out - bah'hahaha!

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