Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Survivor Betrayal: When Do You Stop Trusting Your Alliances?

Man, that's a hard one, isn't it? When do you stop trusting your alliances? Makes you think about your own life, too, about those people you had in your life you thought you could trust 'til the end, and WHAMMO, one day they betray you on a level you never thought you'd see.... so tonight I feel sorry for Benry. I liked the guy. He seemed genuine. And I hate Sash.... he's soooo jam-packed full of himself ... "I'm in control of the game", "I'm King of the Castle" (okay, I might be taking liberties with some of the 'quotes'... lol!)

Oh, hey! Remember King of the Castle? If you grew up in the snow, where there was enough snow for the snow plows to come through and leave giant mounds of snow, easily 8 to 10 feet high of tightly packed snow, and all the kids would climb to the top and shout, "I'm King of the Castle!!", 'til some other kid knocked them down.... well, I guess poor Benry got knocked down, tonight. When will Survivors learn to never, ever, say at Tribal Council, "Yeah, I feel completely safe, tonight". No!! Don't say it! It's a trap!! It's like going down into the basement, alone, on a dark rainy night, when you hear a strange sound, and there happens to be a movie crew filming the whole event 'for future use'... haha! Gaaah! That's just stupi! (stew-peeee!!) You know what? You know how James Cameron is Canadian?? Well, he probably had memories of being at the top of the Snow Hill, screaming, "I'm King of the Castle!", when he was having Leonardo DeCaprio shout, "I'm King of the World!!" on the Titanic! Would be an hilarious throw-back to his childhood! I never thought of that... leave it to Survivor to trudge up some old memories, eh?? (That's my Canadian accent shining through!) (If you're up for a good laugh, follow the link to the snow plows  page... is hiiilarious... it's on my other site, ... something I posted, last winter, just read it, myself, and laughed meself silly! snow plows )

So I don't get it... why haven't they voted Jane out, yet? Or ludicrously wealthy Danny? Although, truth be told, I really like Danny, but he doesn't need any more money, and I always like to see the money go to someone who really needs it, like, Fabio, my fave!! haha! He's sooo cute, and seems so sincere. It's smart to be friendly, and not annoying. Those are excellent traits in a human being... I wish more people had those two lovely traits... wouldn't the world be a nicer place with a lot more Fabios? (But who will run the world? Hmmm... we'll need a King...)

Okay, back to Sash. That jerk. Man, what a traitor. But he might be not too bad to go to the Final Two with, since he'll have pised off enough people by the end of the game that he might be seen by the jury as conniving and not to be trusted. Really, conning Marty out of his Immunity Idol, then not giving it back to Marty, as previously promised... ugh. He betrayed Brenda (who looked great, tonight, by the way), he referred to himself as a 'swing-vote' after declaring himself a firm vote... who can trust a guy like that? No one. He's just too full of himself -- I hate that.... very annoying!

So what are the Life Lessons you took from tonight's episode of Survivor?? Not to drink so much beer during one show??? hahahaha!(Otay, dat my own little joke!! haha! You know that makes me laugh, all alone at my computer!!) Whatever. I learn my Life Lessons the hard way, over and over, generally with the same person... why, it's like I never learn. Whatever. I think I'm gonna go see if there's any beer left.. nooo, I kidding. I would never run out of beer. (yuff, yuff!) It's not like I'm not a planner.. for the important things! hahaha! (Are there 2 'n's in planner? Who knows? We'll never know, now, since I am faaar too lazy to use spell check. Gaaah. It's a button I don't have time to press... haha!)

Well, I have a lot more to say, but I tryin' to stay out of trouble for the next week and a half (surely I can stay out of twouble for that long... ), but I'll tell you as soon as I think I'm in da clear, and can speak freely (the day my websites finally make enough money that they will support me and my occasional crazy rantings!! hahaha! I think I made about 3 cents, today, so no worries, just yet! lol! But I do cross my fingers a lot, so we'll just see whose God is watching (mine, I hope!! lol!)... dinny worry, God has a great sense of humour!!

Which reminds me of a book I happened to come across, last week, when I was desperately looking for some jewelry that has gone missing since I had my house on the market... ugh. Annoying. A Jade Necklace, an Amethyst Necklace, and a beautiful pair of Aquamarine Earrings.. clearly, I love a little bling! But I have searched the house trying to find the box they were in... I hope to God they weren't stolen... that would be awful... I've been praying to St. Anthony to help me find them (usually works every time -- you gotta try it, see if it works for you... my theory is that you say the prayer, then let your mind lead you to the lost item... so far, I gotta nuthin', but I did find my copy of this very nice little book, God Winks, so of course I see that as a God Wink, in and of itself! Really, I'll cling to any hope I can find in my day!! haha! I keep thinking that there must be a bigger reason I couldn't sell my house, wasn't able to leave California and return to Canada, this past summer.. I had wanted to go home sooo badly, get away from someone who had hurt me very badly, put lots of space between me and him. That's how I solve relationship problems... I just move a few thousand miles away! So far, not that great! Ah, well. Maybe this is my opportunity to solve a problem without moving a million miles away! We'll see... see why I cling to Hope?? haha!

Okay, well, now I wish I had had a few more of those beer, tonight!! haha! I know what you're thinking -- it's not too late! That's what I love about you -- you are full of fantastic (and practical) ideas!! Maybe I'll just have a wee drop of Baileys, watch something light and cheery, like In Treatment (hahaha! But it is one of my favourite shows, even if it is a bit dark, sometimes... I loove the therapist, Paul... maybe I should move to Ireland, or go to a Scottish or Irish Pub...! haha!), find a nice man with a great accent! Dang!! There's that thing with moving thousands of miles, again... man, I just can't get away from that idea -- that's what it is to be an immigrant... the idea of 'change your country, change your life' is endlessly appealing to me.. maybe I need a country on the beach... right on da beach, like on Survivor, but with a much nicer hut... I'll build it myself! haha! All right, I'll see you soon, baby! I hope you have lots and lots of great things to hope for, too! Hugs, but nothing weird... ! lol! Ailsa xox!

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