Saturday, July 25, 2015

Lena Dunham's new book, Not That Kind of Girl - brilliantly written, so smart - couldn't put it down : )

Lena Dunham's new book, Not That Kind of Girl - brilliantly written, so smart - I couldn't put it down : )

  Okay, this link will take you right to Lena Dunham's book, Not That Kind of Girl.... what a great read!

Okay, now that you've ordered your own copy of Lena Dunham's brilliantly written book, Not That Kind of Girl, I can tell you how much I loved it.  Looved it, fo' sho'. (Like my name, Forshaw, Fo' sho'... whatevs, makes me laugh! lol!)

Anyway, I did have some trepidation reading the book, since all that crap from some crazy Right Wing 'lady', if you could possibly move that word over that far... but, anyway, you know that whole controversy, which is entirely unfounded, is just total media crap, nothing to worry about, at all... just Lena Dunham openly telling the real stories of her life, an incredible look at what Lena was like as a child, and how incredibly intricate someone's childhood can be, whether or not there's a parent or an adult to notice it...

 Oooh, and I should say, too, this book is not for the squeamish, the faint of heart, the people who wish it were that pretend time in 1952, that was really only good for super-white WASPy men... so, a fictitional 1952 (annoyingly, 'fictitional' is not in my Oxford-go-to-dictionary, that I keep on my desk, for every-day use, as-it-were... lol!  So, a 'fictitious' 1952, if that makes anyone feels better, but me... one way or another, THAT 1952 never did exist, and doesn't, today, and, so, I wish people would stop making reference to 'the good old days' - those days were horrible for the vast majority of the people, and there you have it... my real views! lol!)... this is straight-up, it's real, and it's brilliant.  

I was very taken by how attentive Lena's parents were to her needs as a child - wow.  This is the difference in children raised after the 70's, maybe?? haha!  When they use the phrase, "Free Range Children" (Free Range, not just for Chickens, any more.. buh'dum-bum...), that makes me laugh, because, really, it's probably parents who are trying to do the right thing, give their children more freedom, but the reality is, lots of kids didn't make it through our 'total freedom' - I remember a bizarre time when we all played on the railroad tracks, over the creek, and you were always getting your foot caught between the ties.. is that what they're called?  Dammit, now I have to go look that up - lol!  Anyway, that was no joke, hearing the train, knowing you had to get your foot free, run off the tracks to safety.  And I do remember some sort of vague story about someone not making it, a boy... is a very old story, and of course, no one ever spoke the truth to us, especially to the children - hard to tell if they told the truth to themselves or each other, either, frankly - was a very different time, and I Thank God we're not parenting like that, any more.

That said, Lena Dunham clearly has wonderful parents, who fostered her intellectual growth, along with everything else, and look what we have now - a truly brilliant voice of her generation, but one that everyone can learn from, and enjoy.

Barnes & Noble This link goes straight to Lena Dunham's, Not that Kind of Girl.

And then this link gives you a great deal - poifect!
Friends & Family Sale! Take 25% Off A Single Item with Code BNFAMILY at checkout. Shop Barnes & Noble Today!

Look at all the great friends Lena Dunham has - Taylor Swift - wow, that's fantastic! Good for them : )

Girls lookin' out for other Girls, fo' sho'! lol!

Oh, and if you looove Lena Dunham, you'll know she loves New York City, and so, you might, too - lol!

The formal picture of Lena Dunham with her 'girls' from her hit HBO show, Girls....

And then my favourite picture, of all the girls really laughing - why can't we have more pictures like THAT?  Look how happy they all are - now that's what I want to see - lol!

  Just in case you used to loove Dr. Seuss, and want to add this to your collection - lol!

Happy Reading!  Nothing better than a book you can't put down, try to find spaces in your day - or night - when you can get back to reading it, then tell everyone about it!  Thanks, Lena!  You're Brilliant!

Oh, and I love, love, loved page 49... let me know what you think of it, too : )

Happy Reading!!  Ailsa : )

  Get you some HBO - lol! Girls, on HBO - lol!

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